I thought Natural Born Killers was a good movie. It is a satire on the media and the way the promote killers and death in the media. The music was good in the movie too.
hey yall no fighting here thats why we each have an opinnion on a movie oceans 12 i thought the robery was cool but not thought thru and not explained correctly but other then that---ok saw was an awesome movie---with a lot of hints about revealing what happened what did you all think
I thought Natural Born Killers was great, Oliver Stone is a great director. Plus Quentin Tarantino had a part in that one and he's awesome too. You guys see Any Given Sunday? Best football movie I've ever seen.
Any Given Sunday was good but i liked Fridy Night Lights better mikey_ray if you liked "Saw" watch the movie "Seven" same writer and the ending will blow your mind
seven--dont open the box---dont open the box nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah i saw it ---but i figured out that ending half way thru just like fight club---so it didnt get me --saw caught me cause i didnt even now what the movie was about---and sorta fell for it and people in the audionce for the i see dead people movie hated me --cause i gave it away half way thru it was too easy to tell when the kid was in the hospital bed saying he sees dead people-and he said it gets cold when there around--i saw him chivering in the hospital bed and then thought earlier the mom and nobody ever responded to him--and it hit me at that point----so i find out some things quickly
I didn't like any of M Night Shamalan's movies, they all sucked. You can put them on my worst movies list.
Best The hunt for Red Oktober Worst there are to many to just single out one. Coolest (showing my age) Heavy Metal Saw it when it first came out
the sign for the movie shoulda read it sucks with a stupid ending or are we lying thats the real signs its like poker learn to read the signs lol
for some reason the only two movies i walked out of the theater where singles and some frankenstein 3d movie it was so gory i was young and left singles i just wasent alternative at the time---should watch again but ff4 was so bad and dumb--its really high on my list now imgaine that (movie)-----but everywhere duuuh
Shinraboy....r u by any chance a GIRL???? WTF.. All the dudes i know loved the transporter...not the same with chicks however..What do u not like about the Transporter? The excellent storyline? The action? Jeezus. Cant wait for Transporter 2 to come out.
the transporter was pretty cool, but nothing special in my book. Open Water was also horrible, but then again I never really was into shark movies.
I agree, the transporter was ok. nothing special. The storyline was blah and the love story was dumb, but the action sequences were cool though.
I thought the transporter was a top film. Jason Statham kicks ass. anyone seen him in lock, stock & two smoking barrels or snatch? i'm well into Guy Ritchie movies. I'd say he's the nearest thing us in the UK have got to Tarantino.. Statham would make a class Bond if he could lose the heavy cockney accent..