I bought my dvd-rom drive from best buy and it has the INH1 firmware. I went to the lite-on website and tried to upgrade to the latest firmware. The flashing program does not find my drive because of the firmware that is on it right now. Does anyone have a flashing program and a *.bin file so i could flash my drive to the newest formware.
There are alot of different firmware versions available for the Liteon LTD-122 at: http://www.firmware.fr.st/ There's also an RPC-1 utility for the drive. To see the current region lock status of your drive use the CDVDinfo: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/specific.cfm?id=343
Ahhaah, great, patched my Toshiba SD-M1212, but didn't help my dma-problems in windows. No probs in linux, though. While at it, let's patch the LG 8080B CDR-drive too. Some day, one of these flash updates will mess up my machine big time <grin>
goto http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/downloads/index.html and from here you will find all your dvd solutions .. reply to shiftyblue@btinternet.com for more help if needed
I know this thread's a little old, but I have the same 'specific' problem that Static had(s). There isn't a flash util for the INH1 firmware, or is there? Lite-on-IT doesn't list one, nor does the firmware page. HELP! I'm not so worried about region status, as with playability of consumer DVD's. PowerDVD 3.0 gives me a suirrely error message, as does the cdinfo utility.