LiteOn or LG?- (cant decide)external drive

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by bahgee, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    No they dont, but there is no need to update it, as it doesn't do anything special, like AnyDVD.
  2. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    You mean use Anydvd, not rip? As far as i know anydvd just lets the software see the cd un-copyrighted. In my experience. Just want to make sure we are on the same page.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2007
  3. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Well, you use AnyDVD to rip the dvds to your hardrive before your process those files with DVDShrink to remove the menus etc. :)

    It also removes copy protection, but that is just a little feature. :D
  4. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    I didnt realize it had any other features. I thought it just ran in the background. Im at the office right now so i cant look at the program. I have not bought the software yet. I d/loaded the trial. I think i have 14 days left. For 20 bucks its worth buying obviously. I dont think i can get updates until i purchase it either too, so...
  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Yes, it is WELL worth buying! :)
  6. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    How many hours ahead are you? Im on CST. its currently 2:28 pm here. You mentioned you lived in the UK. Went over there when i was 18. Stayed in London a few days. I wish i could go back to explore outside London. Went to Amsterdam, Munich, Frankfurt, got pick-pocketed and in a fight in Brussels @ train station. That was a bad night. Went to Paris.Hated paris.I was too young to apreciate it. I was about partying and having fun. I was with a buddy the summer we graduated high school. One day i'll go back.

    It seem people are very pro verbatim ty yuden, what the ? Is a verbatim just a verbatim as long as its the +? if im in a jam what else do you recommend. People are really particular. Im reading about ripit4me, defab somthing, Nero Recode 2. Holy crap...Is all this necessary or are they doing things i have simply not thought of yet?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2007
  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    No, there are LOTs of options to go for. However, stop reading about it, and listen to me. I know that sounds stupid, but everyone has their own method, and @ the moment, I'd like to stick to mine. Lol.

    Verbatim is one of the best out there. It is Verbatim if it says Verbatim on the packet, regardless of format. And unless you want to order your disks online, forget Tayo Yuden. :)

    Here's a quick run down...
    Nero Recode - That's for converting avi files (they're a video file format)
    RiptIt4Me - That's Like AnyDVD, but free. Instead of paying for AnyDVD, you could just get that. I don't use it, but lots of ppl do and there are plenty of good guides for it too.
    Defabdecrypter - That's like RipIt4Me and AnyDvd, but is not free, like AnyDVD. I don't know that software at all.


    Off topic; I am from Reading, in the UK. It's about an hour from inner city London by train, but it's far enough away, too. :)
    I've been to Paris, and I liked some parts, mainly the nice bits, like the river Seine (cant spell it). There are some dodgy bits though ;)
    Never been to Brussels, but I intend to in adult life, as do I Amsterdam, Munich and Frankfurt. However, I'm 15, so will wait a while before going on my travels. :)
  8. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Thats funny man. I trust you man. - Completely. Funny how people get carried away with this stuff. Thanks for laying out the applications. I can understand what im reading now. I was amazed at how quickly new encryption software gets hacked by slysoft and others. Unreal. Had i known this was possible yrs ago, i would have an entire room devoted to movies and concerts. Not to mention i would probably have a mini movie theatre. One day dude. One day.
  9. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Heh, it is amazing really. But hey, it's their job! ;-)

    Anyhow, post any further questions here and I can get back to you tomorrow, seeing as it's about 9pm here, so I'm going to be off about now - can't live infront of the pc, can I; shoudl really socialise with the parents etc. LOL :p

    Yay for the weekend!

    Btw, just cos I'm 15 and know this, doesn't mean I live @ the PC :p
    Hehehe :D
  10. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Rt on. I'll talk to you later. Have a good evening.
  11. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Thanks; you have a good lunchtime! :)

    Heh - I always find it strange that I can actually 'talk', if you will, to people around the globe, but hey, it's the internet!

  12. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    I met ppl in real life and visited them in Canada and had a blast whom i met on the net. Yeh its a smaller world than it used to be.
  13. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Through this forum I now know people in Finland, USA and Holland. I have spoken to some on Skype, which is cool. I havent met them, seeing as I cant get there, Lol :)
  14. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Soon enough you'll be traveing around. Your lucky. Different countries are a travel by train. Not so much so in the US.
  15. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Yeah, spose you're right. I can get to Europe (well France) in about 30 minutes by eurostar. I will be sure to vist the states sometime, seems pretty cool. :)
  16. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Depends on which state. Ive been to most of them.
  17. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Heres an issue that arose today that i put in another forum about anyd dvd

    I purchased AnyDVD today recently after downloading the
    trial version. I didnt take me long to know i needed to get it. The version is still the trial version. I got the key, double clicked, and re-started AnyDVD like it said. My version is still product is registered to me now etc.Should'nt the version be something higher. I literally bought it an hour ago. I was wondering what was up. Should the version number change or will it just automatically update itself? Am i doing something wrong. This is a bit disconcerting. Help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2007
  18. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Ok, here is what I reccomend. Save your AnyDVD serial number and keep the instal package. Now, uninstall AnyDVD and run a "registry cleaner". You can get one off google, I reccomend "CCleaner". Now, run that and then reboot your PC.
    Now, run AnyDVD setup installer thing and use your serial number. Now, run AnyDVD and it shoudl auto check for a newer version.
  19. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    What I said:
    So your saying uninstall AnyDVD in the control panel, do a search on AnyDVD files and delete and then? re-download AnyDVD from the site? and run the key I got when i purchased it? Im a bit confused here.
    Oh and yes i got the trial download first like you. Afterwards i clicked the link to purchase the a license. I really appreciate any help you and others can offer. Is it necessary that i run reg key or can i just start in the control panel? Im a bit frazzled. thanks onya
    [ + quote]
    Feel free to email me

    This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2007 @ 10:13
    _ 6. January 2007 @ 10:15 _ Link to this message Report an offensive post Send private message to this user

    @bahgee, Yep to the first bit and don't forget to do a windows search for AnyDVD files, delete those also etc etc then RE-BOOT(most important)

    Quote:Is it necessary that i run reg key or can i just start in the control panel? Im a bit frazzled.

    What guy helping me said:

    Not sure exactly what you mean here? Do you mean go into control panel-install/uninstall programs-delete files, then RE-DOWNLOAD AnyDVD (that's if you havn't made a b/up of the .EXE)then use the registration key to activate. You do have a desktop icon for AnyDVD don't you? It's almost a quarter past two AM here, so if I get fuzzy, pls forgive. Oh by the way, getting FRAZZLED is half the "FUN" of computering..LOL...
    I'll be here for a while yet so keep me posted, ok?



    [ + quote]
    Intel P4 3.2GHz. ECS Elitegroup M/B 865PE-A. 2GB Team ram pc3200. 200MB Seagate Barracuda HDD. ATI Radeon X800 pro 256MB DDR3. Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-108. 500W L&P PSU.

    This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2007 @ 10:24
    _ __

    Junior Member
    _ 6. January 2007 @ 10:30 _ Link to this message Edit message

    I do have an icon for AnyDVD on the desktop as well as the key w/ a little red fox on it.
    I am looking at the search results now. Is the executable setupanydvd6100?. Are any of the other files important that are listed under program files? So you are saying to: 1.backup the above file(setupanydvd6100) 2. Goto control panel and uninstall AnyDVD 3. Delete all AnyDVD files but keep a back up of the exe., and 4. Re-boot.

    Step 5 should be ? Run the setupanydvd6100 and install ?
    and Step 6 : Run the key?

    If i re-run the setupanydvd6100, will that not just re-install the old version again?
  20. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    im gonna eat breakfast. Can i try it first w/ out running a registry cleaner? Why would running the same executable after i delete it fix the trick? Im just confused and tired. I dont want to lose the money i just spent on it. Thanks brb. I need some coffee.

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