Still doesn't explain why mine makes noises like a sheep when in use or why I got 48 bottles of lube sent C.O.D.
Loco industries are very big in Spain, and nobody over there seems to have any problem with the dolls. They're flying out of the shops, they can't keep them in stock! So he must just have palmed the duds off on you guys!
As I replied earlier.. the fleabay online purchase "buyer beware" warranty covers all and any damage sustained to the goods after leaving our premises. While we take the utmost care in packaging our goods for shipping we can in no way be held liable for damages incurred during shipping. This is why in the extremely small print we suggest respectfully that purchasers of our goods take out the $125 "all damages" cover. This matter is now in the hands of Mr Greensman our legal representative on such matters. respectfully Ms V Customer Services
GM, legal concil for Loco Industries, As stated by Mr 7thsinger, the said blow up doll smelled of bad old spice. As also stated, Mr Loco personally rigorusly tests each and every product sold. While this is all well and good,his shoddy testing leaves the product in a used and non functioan condition. Said doll now becomes a non marketable item and is unfit for desired use. In essence, we were sold used items billed a NIB (new in box). This is a clear case of gross misrepresentation and mail order fraud. Each count of mail order fraud comes with a fine of $25,000 USD and a minimum of 1 year federal penitentary time. Do you as a rep for Loco Industries wish to make good, or need we get the US gov't involved. Most likely there are afew FDA rules broken as well by Loco Industries (they will probably want to get involved as well). I await your timely response. If no resopnse is given within 24 hours, it will be deemed that you wish us to persue mail order fraud charges. Loco at his best
Sir, you would have to prove that and I assure you it would be hard to do. As I stated previously, each item works for me. As far as being NIB the items are steam cleaned before shipping and I don't wear Old may have a rogue mailperson delivering your parcels. I suggest starting at the local level.
Sorry Mr/Ms Locoeng Items were purchased NIB on fleabay from Loco Industries (not a middle person). My credit card has a billing from Loco Industries. Said DEFECTIVE item was sold and sent to us from Loco Ind. As per Mr/Ms Locoeng they do not use old spice, and hence blame the middle person for it, welllll since the item came from Loco Ind, they if fact are the middle person --- and to blame. So pleeeeze, no more double talk (be a man, if that is all possible, and do the right thing) Loco at his best
OH Yeah , Well how do I know it is not scented with "Old Spice" ???? That's cheatin Locoeng, messing with someone else's message and placing your own lousy pics ! Loco at his best
Another example of Loco Industries try to bilk the innocent public and not just on fleabay Loca at his best
News Flash. (here it would be a flash) It is quoted that Loco Industries uses "Virgin Wool" for their "Love Glove" But according to an unnamed source,a $ony FlameBoy.... errr....Fanboy, infact the wool used is not "Virgin", , but of the "Used" quality Loco at his best
All wool is "used".. what the hell do sheep use it for? One thing puzzles me about sheep... Why don't they shrink when it rains?
B'cuz Locoeng stretches the sheep when he tests each and every one of his "Love Gloves" he has for sale. Sometimes he streches them so much, we find holes in them. That is why we are asking for our free latex patches. Loco at his best