Looking to build a new computer heres some parts. Help a noob out :)

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by andmill11, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I could only find the one molex power connector and that was for the fans only. Do i need to buy another one or was i just not looking hard enough?


    One more thing i set aside screws that went to mount the MOBO but i lost that bag apparently so i had to make do with a myriad of other ones but i could only find about 4 suitable ones out of the six. So i went ahead and did all of the corners. Is it okay that im missing two screws mounting it or should i go back and try to get two more to work?

    *double edit*

    I almost completely forgot! I need to get my wireless adapter still..




    I like the first one because the reviews say that it hasnt dropped any packets but the second one is considerably cheaper. Im not doing a whole lot of online gaming (Command and conquer 3 is about it) but i do like the fact that it doesnt disconnect alot.

    That and i do alot of downloading.. of stuff
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2007
  2. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Ugh i need help again..

    Pictures are uploading now


    Ok this is for the cathodes again..of course

    I cant figure out where these plug into.. I need like a picture or something of what it looks like because i cant seem to figure it out. (the cable im assuming it plugs into)

    I have NO clue where these bad-boys are supposed to plug into:

    I believe one says HD audio and the rest dont say anything. (their not the USB or LED plugs im pretty sure)

    And here is an overview so far..


    What bothers me is that the GPU uses what looks to be a Molex power connector if im not mistaken.. I dont know but what the hell do i plug into it? That and if you look REALLY closely to the right of the GPU is the sound card. There is (right above the fan regulator switch) a black area and a white area to plug something into them. What plugs into there?

    It better not be the HD audio cable otherwise im going to be pissed..
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2007
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Your Power supply should have at least half a dozen. Note: You may need to actually attach them to the Power supply end as well first.
    You can get by with fewer motherboard screws, but you should really have as many as possible.
    Newegg no longer stock the Edimax one, so use the MSI card. All you need to do to avoid lost packets is get a better antenna.

    For the cold cathodes, that there's a molex connector, it plugs into the power supply! (the Power supply has loads of them that have holes, so plug those into the one that has pins. This will be the one at the top of that picture)
    The other connectors are Frontpanel connections. These are for things like the Power switch, Reset switch, Power and Hard drive LEDs, and front USB/Firewire ports.
    Your motherboard manual will tell you where they plug into. I see some of them are already attached in your last photo.
    Your GPU is an 8600GTS so it shouldn't need a power connector of any sort. It certainly wouldn't be a molex, it would be a 6-pin PCI express power connector.
    Unfortunately I can't make out what you mean in your last sentence from the picture, but typically you do not need to plug anything into a sound card INSIDE the PC. All you do is pop it into the PCI slot, and then plug your speakers/headphones etc. in outside the case.
  4. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I think i got it all! Almost..

    I still CANNOT figure out where the heck this thing plugs into.. Its one of the same plugs from before (i figured out where the HD audio one went it was just confusing because it was connected to an ac'97 plug or something like that) It has the EXACT same pin connection though and its running from the top bay area of the case. Ill upload a picture in a second but its really the only thing left i think..


    The number on it is "1394" what the heck is it ?!


    i typed 1394 into google and guess what popped up? Apples firewire! Now might i ask if there is a firewire port on the MOBO? I didnt think that there was..
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2007
  5. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Ok screw it time to test it out.. I have to turn off this computer though because i STILL only have one monitor :(


    Well it turned on at least.. The PSU fan spun, I got a green light on the MOBO, My cathode worked flawlessly (i still need to see where i can fit the second one) and i realized that the inverter lit up blue (awkward when the lights green but w.e) but then thats about it. Granted i didnt plug in the monitor this was just outletted to the wall but oh well its progress. Are the fans in the case supposed to turn on as well? Thats whats really bothering me right now so im not sure. Are the fans supposed to be connected to each other and then plugged into the MOBO? Are are they supposed to be plugged into one another and then connected to the MOBO as well as another cable plugging them into the PSU? I tried doing that and all it did was flash the cathode then it wouldnt turn on so i assumed im NOT supposed to plug the fans into the PSU.

    Is this another one of those i have to get it up and running with everything before the fans turn on? Or did i do something terribly wrong?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2007
  6. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Ok i cant figure out where i went wrong. I went into the BIOS and it says N/A for the case fans. I cant really leave the computer running without any fans on so while i was installing the OS i had to leave a table fan on next to it.

    Any ideas why the case fans wont turn on? Im sure i plugged them into the wrong spot or something stupid like that
  7. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Plug the fan directly into the molex connectors coming out of the power supply, try not to plug too many into the same connector.

    Let us know

  8. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Well this is what i did. I have the 200mm fan and then the back fan and the front fan all connected together and then i found a "Fan only" connector inside the psu cord bag so i plugged that into the end of them. That cord split it into 2 separate cords that only have 2 pins inside of a 4 pin molex encasing (if that makes sense?). I didnt know if i was supposed to take both of those end cords and plug them into the MOBO (there were 2 places right next to each other to plug them into) so i plugged them in their and it turned on but the fans didnt. So then i unplugged them from the MOBO but then the computer wouldnt turn on anymore. So idunno. I looked at the MOBO layout in the manual and i think it says the 2 spots are for a FLOPPY if that makes sense.. When i get back from work (in about 9 hours, im overworked) i will try NOT using the "fan only" cord and just plugging them directly into the PSU and see if that works. I just didnt see why it wouldn't turn on when i unplugged them from the MOBO. Weird.

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2007
  9. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Yeah that should work, the fan connectors on the MOBO are just for cpu fans. Try not to use the computer until you get those fan running properly.
    Your CPU will shut it self off if it gets to hot, They are thermo protected. But it's still not a good idea to let em overheat too many times.
    Good Luck
  10. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I left the side panel off and i had 2 fans running on it while the OS was installing.

    Are you sure that the molex connectors on the MOBO are for the CPU fan? Because my CPU fan plugs into this small little white part.

    Lol im sure im just being retarded but why wouldnt the computer turn on unless i had the fans plugged into the MOBO? But then why wouldnt it power them on?
  11. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I hate to say it guys but i think that im finally done.. Im typing on the new computer right now and its amazing.. Ill definitely post up pics soon (The innards are QUITE disturbing)(I went just a tad bit crazy with the twisty-tie things, except they just hang but i dont care their not touching fans)

    If i run into any problems ill be sure to post them. Thank you all so much again!

    Oh and morgouex the fans work perfect now. I was an idiot and didnt plug the other end of the fans into the PSU at all.. Thanks for all the advice (You too sammmorris!)
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2007
  12. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Congrats Dude, We knew you could do it.
    Now d/l yourself a demo copy of FEAR and see how see really runs.
    We'll be waiting for the pics.

  13. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Haha which FEAR demo?


    FEAR Combat?

    Extraction Point?
  14. morguex

    morguex Guest

  15. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    That was with the sound cathode turned on (green).
  16. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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  17. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Looks good, You gotta tidy up the wires, but other than that it's very nice. The cathodes look pretty cool.
    Very good job dude.
  18. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I think i finally got all the drivers installed now..

    I got Media Center which is pretty sweet might i add
  19. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Ok now this is raining on my happy parade..

    Wtf is this, and how do i get rid of it? (it only shows up when im looking at the desktop)

  20. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    It ran the demo flawlessly at maximum settings :)

    Sadly i couldnt figure out how to COMPLETELY use the 360 controller with the game but thats alright. I keyboard and moused it.

    And oh snap did that little creepy girl scare me when i passed her the first time. Then the second time. And then the third..

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