Looking to build a new computer heres some parts. Help a noob out :)

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by andmill11, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Yeah building your first pc is an adventure.
    But you seem to be getting the hang of it now.
    You'll be alright.
  2. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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  3. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Looks good to me.
    I think you'll be quiet happy with all of it.

  4. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    If i can figure out how to put it all together first that is ;)
  5. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Would i notice a difference between that sound card and this one with the speakers i picked out?


    This one has that x-fi whatever..

    Man do i ask a lot of questions.. And what kind of resolution would i get out of that monitor with the VGA 360 cable thing?

    Haha one more.. Do i have enough PCI slots for all this stuff? It seems like i only have 2 slots and like a million things that need to plug into them..

    Well not a million but the GPU right? And then the wireless card? then the sound card..
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  6. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    PSU successfully mounted in about 3 minutes :) I just screwed them all in and they all fell into place of course.. It just didnt look right the first time i did it.
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Wow, full of questions!
    The drive is pretty good, I haven't use Liteons much myself, but they're OK. You could probably save $15 by going with a Sony-NEC 18x drive though.
    The monitor is good, just obviously be advised you can only use 720p mode with your 360, not 1080i (or 1080p if you have an elite)
    Graphics card is good (I recommended that to someone recently, was it you?)
    The sound card is fine, I used one for over a year, no real problems with it.
    I personally use the Z-5500 speakers which are fabulous, but if those are anything like any of Logitech's other speakers, they'll still be good, especially at that power rating.
    I personally think getting an X-fi card is unnecessary, I currently use a USB SoundBlaster 5.1 with my speakers and the sound quality is great. Sound quality is rarely down to the sound card, usually it's either the speakers or the config.

    As for the PCI slots, you're not plugging in that much...
  8. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    720p is leagues better than what i have now. No complaints there. You recommended the card to me before and that was the one i went with ;)

    I guess ill just stick to the on-board soundcard then right? those Z-5500 speakers are a BEAST! I dont know about those.. 250$? They look worth it.. But wow.. Ill stick to my stock speakers for now and maybe when i have paid everything off. Im definitely saving up for some of those.
  9. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Well I usally find that onboard sound is not the greatest, I run a Audigy zs2 and Z-5300 logitech speakers and it really rocks the house.
    Love to crank it up while playing F.E.A.R., scares the crap outta the dog. LOL

    Pick up the card and get the speakers a little later, I doubt you'll regret it.
  10. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Oh wow the Z-5300 is only 100$ ? Thats pretty cheap.

    Whats the difference?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  11. morguex

    morguex Guest

  12. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Hmmmmm, Looking at visa card right now.
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    They're absolutely astonishing, better suited to a vast mansion than my small student house, suffice to say you wouldn't dare use more than volume 7/40 late at night or you'd get some nasty complaints!
    Onboard sound is variable, some motherboards it's good, some it's bad, the safest bet is to get a cheap PCI card like the Audigy SE or a cheap USB card like the SB External 5.1 (I've used and been happy with both) and that way you not only guarantee decent sound quality, but you also get all of creative's graphic equaliser, digital bass boost and other cool features, plus of course Mediasource player, but I prefer itunes (and I say that, I don't even own an Ipod).

    Morquex: I know exactly how you feel, I played FEAR quite loud and it ROCKS. When you've got a set of speakers that can produce low bass well (I know mine can, I'm sure yours can too) the noise when you enter slow mo mode is spine-chilling.
  14. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    I think ill just go with the z-5300 then. DTS really isnt all that big of a deal to me and anything that can piss neighbors off is a plus in my book. (not quite old enough to move out yet) Someone down the hall even better ;)

    I was thinking of going with Windows Media Center edition for my OS. I know at my friends house he can watch t.v on it and i wouldnt mind doing that. (and then streaming it to my 360 with my parents too cheap to get cable t.v bunny ear's in my room). How exactly would i go about doing that? Not the streaming but getting t.v on it. Or does it do it automatically *Highly doubting that* ive never bothered asking him cause im sure he doesnt know. Basically my question is how do you get t.v on your computer using windows media center.

    Ugh another question.. morguex does the z-5300 do bass well? Knocking pictures off of walls is a plus. Blowing clothes off even better.

    PS. F.E.A.R is awesome. Have either of you played portal yet?
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2007
  15. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Trust me the z-5300 does bass very well, You'll piss off the neighbors without even trying. If you rest your feet on the subwoofer it'll give you a nice foot massage too.(the pounds out bass like you would'nt belive)
    As for the streaming thing, I really don't know, Sammorris probaly does though.
  16. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Ugh i have yet another question :( sorry guys..

    Do the sound activated cathodes have like tolerance adjusters? I dont want them going off with every bit of noise just when it feels bass or something.

    Also what color should i get.. The fans are blue of course *im sticking with stock until i feel they need replacing* and i dont want to go all blue so im in a pickle between green/red. Im leaning more towards green but i dont know what it would look like?
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    andmill: FEAR is indeed awesome. As for the streaming, I don't use Mediacenter myself, so that's one for google, I'm afraid.
    As for the sound activated cathodes, all the ones I've seen DO have sensitivity adjustments.
    As for the colour, I've got all the colours, get green, red ones often look a bit pink, and they're not as good. The Green ones however are superb.
  18. andmill11

    andmill11 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    SENSITIVITY! Thats the word i was looking for.. I went ahead and bought two 15' green ones. Why not right? Both of them + shipping for 19$.

    I didnt mean like HOW do you stream the video or t.v or whatever i meant like how do you get t.v on the PC in the first place. I dont think he has a t.v tuner..
  19. morguex

    morguex Guest

  20. morguex

    morguex Guest

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