But remember to apologise to ye' weenis Domreis. lmao -You did the right thing mate, takes a real man to do that-
Bros before hoes. Never diss onyour friend man. You know this relationship won't last, it's a rebound. I wouldn't lose a friend over her. My 2 cents.
she dumped your friend for you it seems, she'll do it to you too down the road, prepare for the heartbreak and the loss of a friend. In the end everyone will lose except the girl as she has moved on to a new sucker.
I haven't read other peoples replies but i think what your doing is awful. To even consider going out with her is already bad from my point of view and I'm sure you'd never be a friend of mine. The worst of this is that apparently he hasn't gotten over it yet but your still trying to get with her.This shows that she means more to you then your friend. I think you should let the girl and apologize to your friend.