i was just wondering. does anyone have problems playing megaman zx advent on their m3 ds real? cuz i have problems on mine. after the girl is about to transform into mega A form the screen just stays white and freezes.
GBalpha NDSMovie Converter V1.00 (downloaded from HandHeldSources) does not work for me, I've tried pretty much every normal video file but all I get is "Either this file is not a valid video file or the converter does not support the file format". Is there a reliable DSM video converter on the web?
First time posting and man do I need help. I've seen it in this topic as well as on other sites. It seems like this is a fine community that may be able to help out. I like others, have an issue where our GBA saves are not being properly loaded. This is how it generally goes: -Start a game fine and play with it functioning properly. -Save because you have other things to do. -Turn on NDS and go through the correct channels to boot up the GBA rom. -Game starts up as if it were the first time you have played and is unable to see your saves. List of things I have noticed and tried: -I have tried both patched and fast boot methods of starting the rom. -I don't use any cheats and RTSaving is disabled. -A *.0 and a *.is0 file is created for the game. -A gba_conf.ini file is created, however it appears to be created only once and for which game you load first after manually deleting it. -I manually deleted the gba_conf.ini file because I noticed that the path inside of the file pointed to a a different game, one I had ran previously. I figured that the "loader" used the incorrect path to locate the saves. This did not fix it. -I removed all other gba roms and deleted the gba.conf.ini file. Forcing the "loader" to only see one ROM and it's supporting files. This did not fix it. -The gba.conf.ini file has a path '/GBA/0171 - Golden Sun (UE).gba' followed by a bunch of NUL characters then 'ÿÿÿÿ' followed by some more null characters. My intuition says that the loader reads this literally and is looking for the saves to exist in a location that isn't there. -I tried to manually fix this by deleting all the "extra" after the path name but after attempting this and then looking at the file again it had reverted to the version with all the null characters. My guess is that there is an issue with the firmware and how it handles GBA game. However if this were the case I figured more people would be complaining. I have v2.9 for the M3DS Real. I purchased the perfect bundle. Your assistance would be much appreciated.
is this wha i need to get? http://www.gameyeeeah.com/m3-ds-real-card-rumble-ram-pack-kingston-4gb-microsd-sdhc-card-p-732.html
Personally, I'd go the following route: Whole package: M3 DS Real and a 16GB card to go with. That's every episode of futurama, all ds homebrew, and a movie or two from your collection. And maybe some space left over. about 110$. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.9023 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211245 (Free shipping) Of course, IF you don't want 4 times as much disk space (Just 4GB of RAM), than you could also get: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211067 a 4gb, class-6 sdhc card for 10 freaking dollars. I bought two of these exact cards a month ago for about 40 dollars apiece. Of course, if you wait a month, maybe you can get the 16gb card for some pocket lint.
what i planned on doing was getting the gba pak as well (I <3 Roms) SO its like 56 dollars at gameyeaaah for m3real rumble and gba pak.. should i get some big ass memory cards from newegg?
I'm also gunna get 2 4gigs..i can spend up to $110 on this whole ds shabang (the m3real + gba pak + rumble pak = like 60 dollars.)
Heh. Good thing I was thinking clearer when I bought mine a month ago then when I posted those links! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...&Subcategory=68&description=&Ntk=&srchInDesc= Here's the price list. a-data 4gb cards are actually 27 dollars... still 13$ less than a month ago.
i wish i knew where to get the 16 and 32Gb micro sd cards at, i know they exsist, i just can't find them. Cuz that's the size i'm gonna be needing when i get my M3 real
Hey, unless you have a slot 2 device, you can't boot GBA ROM's that are higher than 32Mb?? Mine simply freeze after the GBA splash screen.
Actually I meant to say 32MBit, also what do you do with the games that say "your save data is corrupted" ? so far my M3 Real has been nothing but a pain.
I'm having the same issue. Not with all advanced games but a few. I cannot figure out how to get around it, I am guessing it's a firmware issue.
I am also having this problem. The GBA games save and create a save file in the SD card but when I turn the DS off and back on the GBA game doesn't see the save file. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am using the v2.9 system software.
Actually, the largest size available is a 12 GB micro SDHC card (http://www.pocketnow.com/index.php?a=portal_detail&t=news&id=4917), and you probably won't be able to buy that for awhile. Eventually, the micro SDHC card will be available in 32 GB, but that's probably a year away.
I too have been having the GBA Save Issue. However, here is one piece of information that may help: In FF4 Advance, I would save to the normal save slots, but before I shut down I would always save to the quicksave slot as well. Upon reboot, the normal save slots wouuld appear empty, BUT the quicksave would still be loadable. Further, If i saved to any of the normal three slots, the contents would be restored until I shut down the DS again. This could possibly debunk the theory that the firmware is simply pointing the ROM to the wrong (or non-existent) path. AFAIK, none of my other GBA games have the quicksave feature (at least in the way it works in FF4), so I havent been able to test it further. This was done under 2.8. Haven't had a chance to test it under 2.9 yet. Hope this helps.