Ya I know, downloaded the day it was out, just forgot to update the guide. (Been busy playing with my new G6 Real)
First Post...Woot..and all that jazz. I've read that you can get a GameBoy Colour emulator working on the M3 DS..but i don't know how :S As noobish as it sounds i tried just dragging and dropping on the SD card, i can find the file but it will not load/open. Does anyone know how to get a GBC emulator working on the M3? and if so where do i put the roms for it? thanks in advance
I don't normally use emulators on my DS but I just tried Lameboy and it worked (tested with Pokemon Gold) Simply drag Lameboy onto your microsd and copy the ROMs where you want, I put pokemon in a folder called 'GBC' You don't need to do anything to Lameboy, but make sure you have a recent firmware on your M3 so it will auto-DLDI patch the file.
just about to add to my previous message and say i managed to find a emulator..and it was lameboy but thanks and what a great help you have been to many people well done!
Oh, just a another quick question. Did you get sound while using the Lameboy? i seem to have no sound. it doesnt bother me but i would like to know if you had it Thanks in advance
Well that just sunk my battle ship, i don't know what i did different then. i just dragged it into my SD card :S oh wells, thanks again
Pardon the tardiness but I was on vacation and unable to keep up with releases for the past two weeks. Here you go! M3 DS Simply System v1.07 English (modified Moonshell 1.71 included) is now available at http://kiwiclx.com/nds/ Change Log for 1.07 - Solved soft reset issue with some games, e.g. 1158 Zelda - 1209 white screen issue fixed - Added an on/off switch option for real-time cheats - Updated Moonshell to v1.71 (modified for working soft reset) - Full download play support; use the M3DS Simply ROM Trimmer V2.0 (not included)
i just was wondering is all the site realiable? and is the MS DS simply play everygame there is now in DS?
I've only listed sites in my guide that I have used more than once and had no problems with, there is one site (consolesource) on the list which I havn't used but it was being recommended alot in this forum so i added it.
Games vary in size from 8MB to 128MB, most are 32MB with the next most common being 64MB, games can be trimmed to reduce the file sizes by removing the padding of the roms.
Hi there! I'm new to the forums and recently purchased a DS Lite with a M3 DS Simply cartridge. Just a quick question, I've extracted the software into the MicroSD card, do I paste the games into the M3 folder? Or do I just paste it directly into the card? Thanks!! Great guide! Very easy to follow
Games can be put wherever you like, the M3 has a file browser so you just navigate to where the games are. I keep mine in a folder labled 'NDS'
I'm new to the M3 DS Simply card adapter but I've read the guide and the software readme.txt files that came with it. I have the games on the micro sd card along with the firmware and a few MP3's just to try it out. My question is about the image files. Is there any way to resize the image files to fit on the ds screen? The pictures I put on there looked crisp and opened just fine but they were incredibly big, too big to tell what some of them were.