Strange for it to just stop working, try copying over a clean ROM with the following settings: Fast Boot, 4xDMA, Trim ROM, No Software Reset. I think having software reset enabled on games that use Nintendo Wifi can cause this to happen.
thats weird. I just tried reformating my card and transfering the exact same rom with the exact same settings and its working. I tried new mario and tetris earlier and tetris worked but new mario didn't. But metroid started screwing up after I tried mario and it didn't work and it autorestored when I turned on my DS. Do you think the problem could have been caused by the mario rom as my game worked after the rom and save were deleted? If I turn off autosave do I have to do anyhting special after I use the ingame save function?
I never turned off autosave, but I do know you need to use software reset and then backup the save manually somehow. There was a problem with an older version of gamemanager that screwed up roms if you did them in bulk on it, but I thought that was fixed.
do you think my M3 could have come with the older version? is there a patch I can download to fix it?
Of course ¬_¬ the first thing you should do when getting any flash cart is download the latest software for it, they are constantly beiing updated. get the latest download form
I installed 3.14 and transfered mario but mario still isn't working. Metroid is working. The problem is probably with the mario rom?
V22 is actually the newest version, be sure to upgrade the M3 firmware with the included firmware update as well though. From what I remember, mario didn't work untill v20 was released. heres a direct link to the download: For help updating your M3 check out my guide:
I shouldn't have bought that cheap lexar card. Its a 1gb but it doesn't let me store more than 120mb. Ill just have them replace it.
Mark: If it truly IS a 1Gb (and not a 1GB) then it should store about 120 megs. Keep in mind 1 megabyte (MB) = 8 megabits (Mb) This is just a rule of tech that needs to be memorized. Unfortunately, some dealers take advantage of the trickiness of this fact and mismarket their products. I can't say that Lexar did this, but it is a possibility.
nah, its definitly supposed to be 1gigabyte it costed $20 on outpost. you get what you pay for
you may want to try formatting it again.. maybe it just wasn't formatted right to begin with? 1GB should hold about 986MB after formatting in FAT16
tried fat16, treid fat32, both of them wouldn't let me store more than 120mb. I sent it back but they sure are taking their sweet time "your replacement product will be shipped within 5-7 business days"
Mr_hanky, so where should I download moonshell for playing MP3s? I donwloaded the firmware update you mentioned and when I went to M3's website, it said access forbidden for the moonshell download link
Sorry for my late replys, been having internet issues. Anyhows, as venom said, you can get the normal moonshell from the site he mentioned. If you get the latest M3 firmware, that will come with it's own version of moonshell, you can get the firmware updates from