making backup of safedisk 2.7 with Alcohol 120

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by adolfojm, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. adolfojm

    adolfojm Guest

    To the experts: I have tried to make a backup of a game disk called Age of Mythology so my son and I can play on separate computers... I've identified the copy protection (Safedisk 2.7) and have tried making a backup copy using Alcohol 120 (after reading the guides) but as the process starts I get a lot of burner is an Atapi CD-RW 32/12/40x...can anyone help...please if you could spell things out...I'm very"A" first then "A1" ...then "A2".....thanks in advance
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    If you need to burn a SafeDisc2/3 protected game the major consideration is the drive doing the copy; certain drives have certain characteristics that give them an easier time to perform SafeDisc2 copies than others. Such drives are described as being 2-sheep burners. Drives not quite up to the task (however capable of), are described as 1-sheep burners and heaven forbid, 0-sheep burners. So the first thing you need to do is to find out what make/model your burner is and if it is a 2-sheep burner or not. To determine your make and model of your optical drives; if you happen to have Nero Infotools installed, start it up and under the Drive tab, it will list all the relevant specifications and capabilities of your burner. The actual name of your burner is listed in the drop-down box at the top (those numbers before the name of your burner are important too!). You can get InfoTools from Once you have determined tha name of the burner, head on over to to see if that burner is listed there or not. If it is listed there, it is a 2-sheep burner; if it is not listed there it is not neccesarily a 2-sheep burner but highly unlikely. Now if you have a 2-sheep burner head on over to to find out how to copy a SafeDisc2 protected game. If you are running a 1-sheeper than visit for the appropriate guide.
  3. adolfojm

    adolfojm Guest

    Thank you for the quick response...I read this same
    response to another message....the only info that it gives re: my drive is the number " 1:0" then it says
    D:\ATAPI....not sure how I could determine if it is a
    0,1, or 2 sheep....thanks for the response....
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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