Hang in there Nep. Another obvious 'some mothers do have them' candidate on the forum - 'they do not know what they do not know'. Your advice and assistance has been greatly appreciated by the greater majority of members and 'newbies'
Ignore it Neph, When I step in Ka-Ka, I just wipe it off my shoe. I don't get mad at it, or even try to intelligently converse with it, after all it's just s--t. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
I am wondering how some of the printers work for labeling discs. The reason I would like to use something more than the sharpie I am using now is because of my 4 year old. I am backing up his DVDs so he can watch his movies either upstairs or downstairs. With pictures on the discs he can choose what he wants. With words, he needs to ask me. Any advise on printers?
baabaa I appreciate your comments and agree with them, at least most of them. The rest of the "so called" Nephilim backers need to realize how hypocritical their very own statements are and move on. When do i get to be the bad guy here when I'm called ka-ka? That is so much better then referring to somebody who is incapable of placing a label on a cd properly a retard? You guys can keep your forum and enjoy the taste of Nephilim's ass hmmmmm, nice try guys, but you're guilty as charged.
Numero uno- I don't kiss anybody's ass! But I've been known to kick a few. My statement is that of an impartial observer, Nephilium has offered a lot of valuable information and guidance to people who need assistance, including moi. For every one success story dealing with labels on discs, I've heard ten disasters. Pretty crappy odds I'd say. Your comments are nothing but criticism and innuendo. If by making the obvious choice here, makes me a backer, so be it. On the other hand, if the shoe fits.....
'some mothers do have them' LMAO!!! BTW Nephilim is an AD addict and skenzer you are a newbie, stick around a while and then you can tyr to joust with the big boys untill then ---- Play nice.
skenzer, I think you were wrong by this: I haven't been part of this forum for that long, but I'll tell you this much.. There is alot of knowledge and opinion here. And as far as Nephilim... I've noticed he is one of the more knowledgeable people here. Now my 2 lil cents... I used to use labels also. I've never had a problem, but now use the good ole sharpie. For 2 reasons ... cheaper than labels, and saves on printer ink
Skenzer.... I can see where you are coming from, and just reading this thread it does seem bias towards Nephilim......(and can see how this will come across to you) The way I see it, everyone has contributed here (inc me) - like stoking the fire and feeding the flame..... It is always a problem on the forums (not just here)because everyone is an individual and expresses themselves with different words, however the words used may not always be interepreted how they were intended and that is where situations loose the plot and snowball........ Best thing is to just turn away and not rise to it, lots of users come on and go for the throat......sometimes it makes threads a REALLY comical read, but more often than not escalate out of control......... It would be a shame that this instance has put you off from afterdawn, but it is a great forum and the wealth of knowledge kickin around the place is unreal....we will always have a difference of opinion and just remember it is only an opinion and not fact.....unless there is blatant abuse obviously..... So it's upto you really.........cathc you later
Thanks BaaBaa now I feel all warm and fuzzy True if something bothers you don't let anyone know and they can't poke you with it and keep you going and try to take it in good humor.
Nephilim answered the question as well as anyone could. I have all my dvd's labled and my Sony player plays them without a burp. but when I answer this question over and over again, its the same answer given every time. DO NOT USE STICK ON LABLES if you are having playback problems. My daughters Toshiba player can not play my labled dvd's.The few backups I made for her that didn't play with lables played fine after I removed the sticker. What else can you say. Jerry
Geez, I forgot about this thread! Call me what you want skenzer, but to make an absolute statement that labels are good is reckless. The fact that labels cause people problems can't be denied. In your first post to this thread, if you had stated that you used labels and they worked fine for you I'd have said nothing about it. As for causing fights with everybody, I believe the only fight I caused was with you and you alone. Nobody else in this this thread seems to have a problem. All the best, The Bastard Known As Nephilim _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium[/small]
Now thats how to end a thread - bastardise it.........Lovely...............(baabaa, lets out a small baaaaa)
Labels can throw off the disks balance, which in turn can cause damage to the disk. This is (or used to be) some what common in PlayStation games. --edit-- I have used sharpy markers on my backups, they have never shown any ill effect on the DVDs. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Slither and hide like a snake in the grass; Because America's coming to kick your ass![/small]
How about doing it like my cousin does it? He doesn’t label anything at all, in ANY way.<LAUGH> He says it is sort of like Christmas that way, you never know what your going to get, until you open it!! (Or turn it on..)<LAUGH> Have fun, and battle on.<LAUGH> Shooter===>>
Wow, little did I know that I could cause such a fuss... Anyway, PLEASE read my post again. For some reason many of you missed my point...granted I may have written it poorly. As I originally stated: "I've used labels on my dvd's for a LONG time with perfect results. Even DVD's that I play over and over again have not failed me. Check out Neato.com and ask them what research has gone into their labels and how they may effect DVD and CD media...interesting what they have to say" As I said in my original post..I'VE used labels and I'VE had no problems. I also stated that some of the people having label issues are because they CAN'T or DON'T apply the correctly. At no time did I make a statement that EVERYBODY does it wrong..and that labels will work for EVERYBODY......did I? Anyway, peace to you all...but please, read my original post again and don't take the word of others that followed it up with their own conecpts of what I wrote. Skenz
has anyone used those hub labels ? are they ANY saffer than using a regular label ... will the hub label make the cd/dvd off balance? Im either thinking about going with the hub kit for like 10 bucks or a casio cw-50 thermal printer.
jmc318 I,ve heard good reports on the Epson R200 fairly easy to set up,thinking of getting one myself ,here in the UK the price is about $120 but even with chipped non Epson ink cartridges it could be dear to run,so its cheap pens v smart discs at a cost if you have kids that can,t read to well go for the printer anything for a quite life! ispy
my 2 cents: I use the Sharpie Markers, by Sanford. These are used by some manufacturers of Cd's and DVD's to mark the disks, I've personally been using them for 8 years and have never noticed any problem with them. For myself they are a reliable and cheap aid to identifying the backups. With regard to the Labels; I've personally never used them due to several factors. the hassle of printing them and the cost of printing them, I refill my cartridges at less than 1/10th the retail price of the originals. Also DVD and CD substrates are dished as a deliberate result of manufacturing (i.e. they are concave or convex - depending on how you look at them), I've always held the belief that when the disks get warm in the drive they will flex and that a label would cause the lifting of the laquer and reflective material. m
For the kids who cant read the dvd because of using a marker pen to identify it. Why not just use a cover with a nice picture on it. {Kids shoudn't be touching the disc's anyway}
I personally don't use labels or pens. I just throw them all in a box and just pick one at random when I want to watch a movie. LOL