The people that manufacture dvd copy xpress tell me that their software is not compatible with the matshita drive - yet!!!
dvd x express does work with the mashita drive i know becuase i've burnt 15-20 movies with it ,ok some movies just don't burn ,others copy to hard drive then can be burned to disk with copy 2 dvd but most burn just with dvd x express.ive used 8 different copying progs bunrned 100+movies and you cant beat smartripper/dvd2one/copy2dvd.
ive just bought a new computer with a matshita dvd-ram sw-9581 drive in it and i keep getting the message, MEDIUM ERROR: POWER CALIBRATION AREA ERROR, from pinnacle instant cd/dvd. this only happens when i try to copy dvds though??? Any ideas?, what should i do???
chris188 try using dvd decrypter dvd2one and nero instructions for this are on this sight I dont think pinnacle will back up dvd movies the only one i know that will is dvdxcopy and the method explained in the instructions here
To Chris 188 Medium error , indicates drive not happy with the DVD-R material you have in the drive, it prolly also says somewhere, "medium may be dirty", but we know thats not the case , as you are using a new comp and fresh DVD-R discs,look thru the threads for a DVD-R make thats acceptable to this drive
Ritek DVD-R (w/ dark purple dye on bottom) seems to be reliable on whatever drive...
Hi There, Guess what same problems, same computer, same message. Anyone not noticing a pattern with time computers and this drive yet : o) Just a quick query I bought some Blank DVD -R and DVD-RW for backup and recording purposes They are made by the company "Imitation". Has anyone had compatability problems with these or managed to resolve them by driver updates WinXP machine Cheers
I'm still having no luck with any DVD copying. I have tried TDK and Memorex DVD-RW. Either says no media, has a calibration error or records for 2 minutes and makes a coaster. Has anyone else actually spoken to the bozos at Time and tried to get some help- absolute sh*te at £1/min
I have been told that by using a programme called DVD Shrink (Freeware) it will copy all appropriate files from DVD movies on to the hard disk. By then using Pinnacle Instant Copy it is possible to copy the file on the hard disk to a blank DVD - or - RW.
To Gadgetcan, Been there , seen it , got the video lol .I had mucho trouble, spending money at £1/min , so I took mine to local comp shop , bribed them to put in a pc/tv in card, came to £69 in all , including pc card , they put Nero express on as a bonus.could tell you I found Datawrite Classic yellows DVD-R work well for me .otherwise if the shop cannot fix it , get them to give you a letter to that effect and write to the monkeys at "Time" and enclose a copy , and ask that they take the thing back !.I use TDK DVD-RW ok , they work
Sleuth It works fantastic! You can include all types of soundtrack or omit them, whatever. You also adjust the quality of the picture slightly, a bit like when you save a jpeg. It really is worth having.
Does anyone know if the drive has a firmware upgrade/driver update to recognise the disks I use?? "Imitation" is the make Cheers
hi every1, i read on the forum u shouldnt put ur burner on the same ide bus as ur rom drive, can any1 tell me if i can make my burner a slave to my hard drive as i only have 2 ide bus's, thanks
mikpatkeo...put your rom as a slave to the hard drive and your burner on ide2.This is how i set mine IDE1= hard drive master and dvd rom slave. IDE2 dvd burner master and cd-r/rw burner as sure to use the ata 100 ribbon cables if not already used this works fine on mine and the other 2 computers i have fitted dvd burners too.You have to also remember that the hard drive will run at the slowest setting so if you have a ata66 rom then the hard ddrive will drop back to 66 although that hasnt been the case up to yet on any i have fitted....
arthmowe thanx 4 ur reply, i use a toshiba sd-r1202 which i wd think wasnt ata 66 drive, though my ribbon i wudnt have a clue if it is a 100, i only have two bays so if my hard drive= ide 1 master an my toshiba sd-r1202 dvd rom/ cd writer as slave, then put my matatisha dvd writer= ide 2 as master would be ok, how wd i know about my ribbon, mik
I've found similar probs with my matshita SW 9581 drive. It seems to intermittently recognise the TDK DVD-RW disks I've tried, but when it does says there is only 4.38 gb on them and currently it won't recognise them at all. I'm guessing its driver related... any ideas how to solve this? P.S. yes it is a Time p.c.