Lol, just done another copy of The Italien Job - seemed perfect ! i just cant seem to compile the DVD's very well !
Please see my previous posting regarding not even being able to make it play CD's or DVD's let alone start writing to them - I really would like to get this thing going! Help! Please!! Should I just send it back to Ebuyer? Perhaps another one won't work either?
Same drive with Time Powerstation. Either won't recognise any DVDs, gives power calibration error or writes unreadable discs. Works fine on cds though. Has anyone had any luck returning this to Time the £1 a minute support line puts me off ringing them up
Moonbase , where are you, in the U.K?. , If so your DVD code is 2 , your drive should be set to 2 with 4 or 5 changes left.Let me know if thats so .we can go from there essexman
What software do you guys recommend to compile DVD's ? Dependin gof course upon the format ? Cheers Space
It seems to me that this Time machine and the dvd-ram burner just dont like each other. I have this burner in my own built machine and have had no probs with it I have backed up all my collection about 40 movies up to yet. Using DVD DECRYPTER, DVD-ONE, NERO 6.with these progs you dont need to do anything other than press the right button.I have instructions on my way i do them.Iactually fitted this burner without using any off the software that came with it i let windows do all the work.Its set as a master on IDE 2 and my other burner is a slave to it and my DVD ROM is on IDE 1.
don't know if this is relevent to all the probs with the burner...the clowns at time in their infinate wisdom have decided to set the partition /file system as FAT 32...from what i can gather FAT 32 is the wrong file system for windows xp!! anyone know any more about it?
I just thought I would let you know that after trying 'Datawrite' 'Mirror' and 'TDK' DVD-R discs in this glorious Time machine.thatt only TDK discs could I get to work. I get the message 'calibration error' which I know alot of other people get.By the way I do not use Pinnacle software as supplied with the machine,but I use Nero 6 which I have found to be very easy to use.I am now going to sell all the other DVD-Rs that I have and stick to TDK. are never gonna get the thing to work, might i suggest going on to getting the pioneer A106 for £110..its a dream, you'll probably save that on not wasting discs!!.....oh , and if you got the time machine on pay later terms tell 'em to whistle!!
FAT 32 is wrong for XP it shud be NTFS but u can convert w/o losing anything. Just need to run the command prompt and tell it to convert cant remeber the exact comand line but this was the first thing i did when i got the time.
Bernie, I did just that to my Time computer , the command is at (the command prompt in dos )type :- convert and then the drive number , which in my case is C , it converted the already gigantic 160 gig drive space down quite a lot , the blue bit was a thin blue line after!.. BUT , when I needed to reload the computer from the Mauve reload backup cd version 0.2 , it would not access the drive!!.I had to spend £30 down at my computer shop , for the boffins to repartition the whole drive to get it to accept the time reload disc, so I would say by all means convert it , but make sure thats compatable with the OEM reload disc, in my case it was not! I am back on Fat32
When i first got it - it was NTFS. Somehow it got changed to FAT 32, but im unsur eof changing it back. Dazz, will the disc u gave me be alright for this m8 ? Cheers
spacey...the disc is configured for fat 32, as long as thats what you've got it should be ok....anyone get the feeling that if a time engineer was in outerspace and he opened HIS envelope it would say " feed the monkey "'ve gotta laff aint ya
i have recently bought time computer with sw-9581 and im having problems to! ive tried mirror , bulkpaq , and bigpockets own brand premium disks and still no joy.ive been recommended to buy princo , tdk , panasonic , and ritek 'deep dye' disks. any body found any disks that are compatible yet,as im fedup with wasting money on low budget disks that only get put in the bin!
Datawrite "Classic" red top. They work fine. As do TDK dvd-r. Something like 17 quid for 25 disks.
any one know hao to get rid of the supanet pop up that keeps coming on at start up? i,ve looked in the registry and stuff, buggered if i can find it though...i did click on it once...and it stopped my broadband working...stunning
Dazhill-not exactly the place to ask that but i wud b nice to know anybody able to shed anylight on this?
I have found that TDK discs actually work on this drive. The other query about the 'supanet' pop up is got rid off by the following,it really works!! Click start, select run & MSCONFIG. Click the startup tab & look for entries: Netline User, Netline Registration, Internet Registration, or Status & remove the tick from the box then restart computer. I found that getting rid of 'status' actually worked for me.