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Menus won't work, created with nero vision 4

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by 1573, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. Sliztzan

    Sliztzan Guest

    I just received a reply from tech support today which quote I've pasted below:

    "Dear valued customer,

    thank you for your email and your interest in our software.

    We have recognized the problem concerning the inability to play DVDs created with Nero Vision.
    This issue has only been reported when using animated buttons.
    Curently we are working on a solution and it will be implemented it in one of the upcoming updates. Until the problem has been resolved, please do not use animated buttons for the menus.
    Thank you for your understanding and your patience.

    Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us again."

    Best Regards,

    Andreas Mayer
    Nero Technical Support
  2. neronut

    neronut Regular member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    Interesting, but when is there next release so we can use our animated buttons again, I wonder...?
  3. Hallaw

    Hallaw Guest

    I have the same problem. menus wont work..... Can anyone have discovered any way to solve this problem??

  4. Sliztzan

    Sliztzan Guest

    I already posted a message. Read previous post by me.
  5. Hallaw

    Hallaw Guest

    help please.....

    The latest version of nero (6) works fine the nero vision 3???
  6. cultor

    cultor Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    I use the latets version of nerovision, created a menu, without animating buttons

    if I instert the disc in my comp, the menu apperas, and works

    but not in my stand alone? what could be causing this?
    bad options? or could it be that the dvd player doen't support this?
  7. Caz_375

    Caz_375 Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    @fasfrank....thanks for the info in your first post regarding AVI - DVD burning. Have been meaning to try this for some time and your guidance gave me the confidence to try it......successfully. Thanks again for your input.
  8. siwel

    siwel Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    There is a new release of NERO7 available on their website. Animated DVD menus now work for me...

    Download is 100 meg though.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  9. nyceshirt

    nyceshirt Guest

    i am also having problems with not being able to select a video after creating the menu with animation in vision. i removed nero and used the nero clean utility. i reinstalled back to and i still have the same menu problem in vision....any suggestions?
  10. Hallaw

    Hallaw Guest


    i have intalled the latest version of nero, and haves installed a template package of nero vision. when i opens the nero vision 4 doesn´t appears the option creat a dvd video, only aperas creat a cd!!!Why ????

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