GrandpaBW At that time Stroh's was also the highest in alcohol content of any American beer, 3.79% by weight. I have no idea now if this still holds true.
well if your lookin to get absolutly legless, then you cant go past 'grappa'(made from the resin left over in the bottom of a wine barrel). 2 shots and your pretty much done for the night, and best of all, it tastes like methylated spirits... the lebonese variety is surposed to be the most potent.
@ philipman, Pacifico is one of the better Mexican beers and is especially good on a hot Phoenix summer day with a slice of lime dropped in the bottle. Tecate is also a pleasant one and Corona is bubbly dog piss. @ zippyd, I'll make you a deal, when you visit Phoenix the Shiner Bock will be iced down and waiting
I'm with philipman's sig, miller high life.30 packs for $12,pretty cheap.I'm on my 2nd one now at about 8:30 am est. Since me and my dad quit going up to canada-rice lake and lake buckhorn-I miss picking up a case of duty-free MOLSON XXX. That stuff had some kick,something around 7-7.5%, but that was some great canadian beer. I'm not sure what the difference between the alcohol % exchange rate between canada and USA aye!,lol Labatt's blue was also an excellent beer up there,not so great down here though.I also love SAM ADAMS boston lager,very good. ddp: send me down some molson xxx man!!You guys up north have some great best beer.
I like Miller, but not High Life (or low life as we call it). High Life tastes like champagne mixed with beer, not the champagne of beers.
if you want to SH*T all morning drink Bud Light. if you want a cool refreshing beer drink Miller Light!! (also has the best commercial, two Hotties fighting)
hey philip if you dont like light beer what about MGD that is my second chose has good taste i think they accually changed the taste (made it better) also, high life is not that bad either
light beer does suck, mgd is very good but it tends to fill me up fast. I don't know what it is about 5 of them and I don't want anymore because I'm to full.
I drink lite beer because I like to drink a lot of beer and <goes to get a Miller Lite, stubs toe on way back to computer room> regular beer makes me gain weight pretty fast, which I'm trying to avoid.