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Modding Noob - Hard Mod vs Soft mod

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Evander1, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    Though I'm no pro at modchips for the xbox, I have 2 xbox's that are softmodded and I don't see spending $50+ for a modchip to do what I can do with my softmodded xbox, if there is something that makes using a modchip so good, I'd love someone to tell me why. The only thing I can think of is just being able to turn it on and off easier. Everything you have is pretty much what I used, except I used the MechAssault exploit.
  2. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    and on top of that, if you upgrade your hard drive, and keep your original modded and untouched thereafter, if something goes wrong all you have to do is redo your upgrade on your larger hard drive, it's not hard and you can do it in about 20 min or so, just make sure you backup your C and E drive and a copy of your eeprom.bin
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    for you is easy because you already know what to do. For him may be hard.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I just give him info. So he can pick what is best for him.
  5. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I must wait for the xbox to arrive by mail first. Thanks for the info. I'll post my decision and results.
  6. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    You make a good point Return, but i have to ask you, do you know why people use modchips for any other reason? I haven't figured that one out cause I was gonna buy one, but don't see any reason, at least for myself
  7. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I am going to attempt the softmod first, just to see if I can do it. If I have problem's, I'll buy a chip.

    Thanks for the info all!!

    VCFIRE, do you mind if I contact you if I run into problems? I think I have all of my ducks in a row and understand what to do.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2006
  8. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    No problem, I'd be happy to help.
  9. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Awesome! As soon as my ebay'ed items arrive I am going to get started.
  10. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    Good luck, remember to back everything up!!
  11. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    are there any good tut's on backing up the stock HDD?
  12. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    once you install the softmod, just use a FTP program, I use FlashFXP, and just copy the directories right over to your PC, if you're not sure on how to use it, i'll look for a tutorial for it. Search the forums here or on Xbox-scene.com, they pretty much have a tutorial on everything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2006
  13. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I can handle that. Once I see everthing in action, I am sure things will fall into place.

    Once I have EvoX installed, is it difficult to load up emu's and roms? Or will the hard part be done?

    I am still considering the whole chip idea, it kinda depends on how hard it is to upgrade the stock hard drive using a softmod. Once again, I'll just have to wait and see.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2006
  14. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    well, the hard part is getting them, not really putting them on, I had a friend that got me a copy on DVD of about 10 emulators and over 10,000 roms, but if I install it to my xbox, it's not as easy to use, the menu setup on the DVD is a lot better. I'm actually wondering where I can get a PSX and PS2 emulator with roms for my xbox.
  15. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    I can help you do the upgrade for your HD, it did take me ruining one HD before trying it a totally different way with the second one and it worked perfect, if you know how to work a PC and a little familiar with some PC lingo, once you do it it'll blow your mind on how easy it is. After I figured it out I wanted to shoot myself for not trying it 2 years ago when I got my 1st xbox modded by a friend who wasn't cool on showing people on how to do it, just charged money for it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2006
  16. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    According to what I have found, there are no working PS2 Emulators. I have a VIP membership to www.xbox-hq.com and they have some emu's and rom's.

    I was also able to get SID 4.5 and Autoinstaller 3. Between the tut's here and software there I should be set. I am very anxious to start tinkering around.

    I used to have a computer repair shop a few years back, so I am pretty familiar with the hardware. I also have a decent understanding of the software, so once I start playing with it, I should be fine.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2006
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Since you want to know the advantages of modchip, here is the list:

    - Run all unsigned apps
    - play backup games
    - Easy to fix any kind of xbox problems
    - Ok with XBL (turn off the chip)
    - Easy to upgrade hdd


    - FTP without dashboard needed
    - Fix any xbox to manufacturing condition

    EX: I have a solderless X3ce on my xbox. My friend try to softmod his xbox and he messed up. Now his xbox has error (no dashboard). I know you have seen this happens alot. How do I fix it? Ok

    1/ take off the solderless X3ce chip in my xbox.
    2/ install it into my friend xbox.
    3/ boot the xbox with SID or AID inside the dvd drive OR ftp. NOTE: X3, Xenium and SmartXX you can ftp without dashboard.
    4/ copy the ms dash to C drive (ofcouse overdrive whatever in the hdd)
    5/ turn off the modchip.
    6/ boot xbox. Ms dash load up again
    7/ take off the modchip and put it back to my xbox.
    8/ Give the xbox back to my friend. So he can do softmod again.

    With this method, you can fix any xbox.

    Let me know what you think.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2006
  18. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    That is a great feature, especially if I have a bunch of friends who are softmodding.

    Can you not play back-ups with softmodding? Also, what kind of unsigned apps are there?
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    softmod can play backups and run unsign apps.
  20. VCFire

    VCFire Guest

    sounds good, would have been cool to do that before, but since both of mine are softmodded, and i know how to fix them, i'm good. Since I have one of the old softmods on one and the newer Krayzie's Ndure softmod on the other, I can play backups, and I've heard you can use XBL with Krayzie's, but I don't play XBL except with my Xbox 360 and don't want to get banned from trying. Never tried unsigned code, cause I don't really care to do that. I do have the Ultimate Xbox Boot Disk, Slayers AID and SID, and the Evox install discs. I've read that some of them aren't that good, but I know they are work when I boot them. Maybe I'll just get a chip one day anyways. I was thinking of the Xenium solderless chip, I've read around that it's pretty much the best one. Thanks

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