OK, i just got action replay max and installed it on my computer and shit. but i can't figure out how the **** to download kickass mods. will someone please tell me.
hey peoples can some one tell me a site to get mods for all the halo 2 maps cuase i really want to mod my exbox sure halo 2 is great but i want something newer (well new to me)
If you download DotHalo, or have it...then work around with it to get some cool mods. It might take a while to get used to but it works pretty good. I have got some (made some) cool mods using DotHalo. Such as the sniper zooms in 3x, every weapon has rapid fire, and plasma pistol shoots our spartans and elites. That was really hard to do though. Seen some through ppf's but i think its better working through a software and making your own mods. Also try finding a program that allows you to skin your maps and weapons. Thats the best i think. Some of the thing i have is a camo snipe, Neon lighted Battle rifle, and my Turf map is Dark with neon lights everwhere. Its pretty cool. Anyway, yea i think its cool if ppl r getting that guy to send yall mods but just experiment and see what you can do that noone else can.
can you get me a mod where the plasma swords are katanas, and the primary attack is a lunge. also one where you can keep jumping in the air. if you can get the turrets to shoopt sniper bullets
im having a problem i got the New DashBoard With Some Animated Characters at the top and when i turn on halo2 nothing speacial happens
yo SIBOT666 i was wondering if you could help me mod my xbox because if i do it by myself well i will probabley like break my xbox but i wont mods for halo 2 so plzz help me!!!!! my aim sn is this AIM- megagrimduck
or if any one els can help me mod my xbox just email me at xlilthug6677x@yahoo.com or xlilthug777x@hotmail.com or AIM- megagrimduck
hey guys i have rly cool mods for weapons and stuff but can any tell me were to get spawn mods and skull mods for those of u who dont no what skull mods are it lik when u have theww assualt bomb stuff or the oddball skull and u sit by the spawn were the other team is wile holding the ball it then u hold down the right triggerr and it killes them before they can ever hit the ground?
i do that becuase some1 might help in beter in one than the other and i proved it cuz im in lik 20 rooms and so far only 2 people in differant rooms have helped me so im goona keep doinf it until in figure out how to mod and i have so if i need help i post my comment and if others need help and i can help them i will im sry if u have a problem with i try to stop posting the same stuff in diff rooms ok
TUFF i have kick ass modz and thats what i wanted beacuase of these rooms and i learned something different in each room and i wouldnt have these mods if it wasnt 4 being in lik 10 different room understand now if u dont then eat me i tried to be ice then u make a fool out of ur self by trying to make a fool out of me
WTF........Dude I am dead serious that last post I could not understand.....Hence why i said I was not kidding.And I don't care that you found all of your Info....I only said Cheaters are not welcome and that you don't have to post the same thing in different threads...It's against the rules.I never said you can't look it different threads or post in them for help.But you post the exact same thing in each thread. And would you please explain to me how I made a fool out of myself..When in fact you did by typing like you are chatting on AIM I'm just trying to help you out so you don't get "yelled" at by the moderators P.S They are formally called threads not "rooms",Just some info.
chill out man im messing around just having fun i see were ur coming from now i understand and i dont cheat i only play custom games and offline rite now i dont even no how to access live with the modded xbox so i cant cheat lik that if u mean standyby i dont have the stuff i have the router at my moms but i see her once a month if im lucky i cant at my dads im on a wireless and i used to bridge host before i got my comp takin away but not to cheat only so others cant cheat on me im strait legit i didnt mean to break the rules im new ass u can see im a newbie and im also in many other forums so i forget the rules alot sry and ill try not to post the same thing over and over in different threads
can someone please make me some really kl halo 2 mods for the new maps please im me once you have them and ill give you the email to send them to.
i just softmodded my xbox and i was wondering if anyone could post a link to a site with some mods on it that i can download. i've been searching the web and i cant find any.
http://www.assassin4hire.com/upload/details.php?file=44 these mods are ok their spawn mods for all nine new maps fully auto br's that shoot sniper bullets and stuff like that just go to the link and the web site this goes to is the shit it also takes u to another site with good ppf's u figure it out good luck and have fun