AnyDVD combined with latest version of DVD Decrypter works perfect for me for SAW and Res Evil 2. Havn't tried the rest but should work fine.
Latest anydvd is, you used That doesn't show up as a software rev in anydvd list? AnyDVD History, 2005 02 02, 2005 01 23, 2005 01 09 Once I got anydvd deactivated, shrink in now I'll do it this way and then burn the file to dvd.
Mine is a Beta version I think, it isn't the latest, but was when this thread started or when I copied SAW.
i tryed dvd shrink and anydvd which didnt work.. i tryed anydvd and vobblanker which i saved in a file, then used shrink to compress.. it takes about 5min more but i get to copy the fils first time... easy boing boing baggies baggies
I have backed up Saw, and it seems to have been successful, but it won't play on my Yamada Dvd player, whilst it will on my computer. Other backed up Dvd's play fine, but this one just says 'no disc' when you try to play it. I use dvd decrypter, and shrink. Any ideas?
I tried Shrink without AnyDVD (not active) and shrink worked...then burned IFO file to dvd with clonedvd2. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
Anydvd doesn't work for all dvds...even with the latest version. Anydvd said it could not read "encrypted" SAW just use $free$ Shrink and whatever IFO burner you may have, for those who want zero costs. It was the first time I used Shrink...and it has the added benefit of including all the menues, chapters, extra's on the DVD. It's the best DVD copy I have ever made. I just want you all to be educated, as you will see posts here from those who profit from selling anydvd.
I wish I could profit $$ instead of just success in backups. Just remember, you get what you pay for.
There is some kind of encryption in "Motorcycle Diaries" that DVDshrink cannot handle. I got round it by using the latest DVD Decrypt to rip to HDD, re-authored the decrypted files with Shrink then burned with CloneDVD2. Also, since slowing down the write speed on CloneDVD I have had no un-playable disks. It takes a little longer of course, but it is well worth it IMHO.