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Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by fergusrb, Jun 4, 2007.

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  1. marlynn

    marlynn Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    morning ryan. how come crow is able to get signal with basic analogue cable, no digital? i wasn't able to get any! thought that wasn't possible?
  2. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    you don't need digital cable to get it to work.but the company must have a digital system in your area.because i have basic cable and my box works perfect.
  3. bosco81

    bosco81 Guest

    Ver is 3.00e_E boot ver 7.0 but when i try to install the provider keeps moving between each provider and wiil not stay still so i can auto scan my provider
  4. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    do a factory reset and make sure you don't have a spare remote lying around with a newspaper on it pushing off the buttons.
  5. marlynn

    marlynn Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    oh right. thought i saw light at the end of the tunnel there...

  6. eamo32

    eamo32 Regular member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    hey ryan, how goes it? I'll be dropping in and out for the rest of the day, as time allows.
    Is there any chance you could take a look at one of those "virtual null modem" progs to see how it works? I'm not sure now whether it actually did work for someone the other day, 'cos I think it's meant for something else altogether.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2007
  7. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    guess you will have to wait until they get digital working in your area.hope its soon.
  8. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    i tried it last night couldn't understand how to get it working sorry.
  9. marlynn

    marlynn Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    we live in hope.... but i won't hold my breath!
  10. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    be back in a while
  11. bosco81

    bosco81 Guest

    Still the same could be a faulty box?
  12. alba1314

    alba1314 Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    Can somebody PLEASE look over my posting on page 141 re: How do I go about using the SVCE_1030.exe Channel Editor program and let me know how to use the program??


  13. crashd

    crashd Regular member

    Jan 26, 2007
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    I'd flash the box before writing it off. I would have thought corrupted firmware would be a more likely problem than hardware failure. In any event it can't hurt as it's not working at all at the moment.
  14. crashd

    crashd Regular member

    Jan 26, 2007
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    Can members please stop telling people to get an RS232 cable that is the wrong serial cable although it does fit it will not work. NULL MODEM (part number from MAPLINS L71BT) is what they need

    This is a good guide

    1 Connect PC and starview with Null Modem cable, switch the starvew to standby with clock on.

    2 Run GTRom loader4, select Channel Data file, and set Com port.

    3 Click UPLOAD then in popup box Browse to where you want to save the channel data bin file and give it a file name it.

    4 Click SAVE and GTRom uploads file.

    5 Wait until the loader reaches 100% and the complete popup box appears and starview resets.

    6 Close GTRom

    7 Run SVCE channel editor EXE
    Download it here:

    8 Click file/open and browse to saved channel data bin file select bin file and click open.

    9 Edit bin file as required and save it then close editor.

    10 Run GTRom loader4, select Channel Data file, and set Com port.

    11 Click BIN file and browse to saved channel data file from the channel editor.

    12 Select DOWNLOAD and Ch data file is downloaded back to starvew. Wait until it reaches 100% and complete popup box appears. Starview resets and all is done.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2007
  15. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    to use channel editor.connect your box like you are going to flash your box,now go to gtrom on channel data file and press the channel dump whatever you once your channel dump is on your computer go to channel on channel editor go to the top left corner it says file press on that then press on open.pick the channel dump sort your channels whatever way you what.once you have your channels sorted go to gtrom loader press on channel data file press bin and pick the channel dump and press download.your channels will be in order on your box now.
  16. bosco81

    bosco81 Guest

    Sorry for sounding silly how do you Flash the box
  17. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

  18. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    to flash a box you need three things
    1.null modem cable (9 pin female to female rs232 cable)
    2.gtrom loader

    2and 3 you can get at the links at the bottom of my post.number 1 you will have to buy in a shop if you don't have one
  19. handford

    handford Guest

    please help. i haven,t flashed my genuine starview box as yet until the forum have tested and ok,d ver 4.0.however i thought i was ready until i noticed the message with regard to the correct cable. i have from maplins a NIKKAI RS232 serial lead order code L68BT 9in female. i have read that the correct part is L71BT. any advice please. also how do you test autoroll is working ?
  20. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    you need a null modem cable (9 pin female to female) if its not female to female it won't work.or a usb to female.and if you want to test the autoroll change some keys on both lines of keys then go to a channel with the $ sigh eg cartoon network.and let it update.
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