mp4 help--mp4 files not detected

Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by kryptonix, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. giles77

    giles77 Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I'm using another one right now. However I sent the broke one back and they say the sent me a replacement:
    If they really did remain to be seen. If so then I will have two players, very good, I'll give one to my wife.
    Now to avoid the hourglass error I'm very careful and I use "Safely remove Hardware" before unpluging from USB.

    By the way I reccoment this company, they sell rebranded Glacier, they ship fast and they respond + is the cheapest:
    Seller: power_player88( 451Feedback score is 100 to 499) Member is a PowerSeller

    Shipping Method Bulk

    United States
    Created Date 2007-02-27 16:40:28
    Payment Status Paid
    Paid Date 2007-02-27 11:28:17
    Shipment 1 Status: Shipped > Shipped On: 2007-03-01 16:04:31 > Shipped From: Hong Kong
    Shipment 2 Status: Shipped (Re-ship) > Shipped On: 2007-04-02 15:55:16 > Shipped From: Hong Kong
  2. wsilva

    wsilva Guest


    I'm from Brazil, and i got a mp4 glacier 2GB as well, and i got the same trouble too. Curious is that my pc recognizes an usb device (USB 2.0 (HS) ADFU DEVICE), but doesn't recognize the USB MASS STORAGE. That's why i can't recover a new firmaware, because when i select the firmware, i get the follow message: "Read or write device information failed! Please exit the porgram and check if device is conenecting!".
  3. eva44

    eva44 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    I recently got a Glacier as well. I'm a Mac user and my Mac does not seem to like it (Mac OS X 10.3.9). When I plug it into my mothers Mac (slightly more advanced) it seems to work fine, except when I try to play anything from it. It says everything is in the wrong format. I know I need to format it, but I can't find where to do that. Does anyone know and can help me? Help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    PS. Does anyone know if I can get music from my Mac that I bought on iTunes to work? I also bought music videos and really want to play them but can't figure out how. Thank you so much! :)
  4. lelluccio

    lelluccio Guest

    Hi. guys i buyed 1 of them glaciers. they nice little machines but mine is miss behavin i upgraded the firmware from the site now a white screan appears and it stays like that without giving me any options.. please help me my msn contact is
  5. Gandhi91

    Gandhi91 Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    What is Firmware:

    Firmware is the software that is embedded into the hardware of device, this software controls the hardware and the user interface. Firmware's are on almost all electronic products that use microchips, from DVD players to MP4 Players.

    A devices Firmware can sometimes be upgraded or updated and even modified, with MP4 Players, this is possible and is quite easy to do, however many times it is unnecessary and most likely will cause your player to 'die'.

    If you are planning on 'upgrading' or 'updating' your firmware with another version that you have found, please read this entire section. Altering your firmware will invalidate any warranty that you may have on your player.

    What will updating/upgrading your firmware do (and not):

    Unlike Firmware updates with other devices, which allow devices to perform better, unlock features or even add new features, MP4 player firmware updates DO NOT add anything or improve anything on the device. This is why updating the firmware is pretty much pointless!

    Firmware updates will not allow for new files types to play, it will not alter any existing feature or improve them. At most newer versions of firmware bring better looking or different looking menu layouts and may improve the load time from going from one feature to another. The biggest benefit that people with older MP4 players (those who bough player before May 2006) may want to look for newer firmware's for their players, as the newer firmware's allow better navigation of files stored on the players and better play list control.

    If you wish to make your menus look better to that of newer MP4 Players, then you do not need to change the firmware, you can alter the firmware file to have the new menus in a different manner, which will reduce the likely hood of you damaging your player. To find out how to later the graphics and menu read the 'Modifying your MP4' section.

    We at MP4 Nation recommend that you DO NOT try to update your firmware, more than likely you will cause your player to 'die' and it will not be able to work. If you have tried to change your firmware and your player had 'died' then please visit our 'dead' player restoration section(not available Yet).
  6. seeking

    seeking Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    giles77 did you get a replacement player??
    I sent mine back over 3 weeks ago, no player, I e-mailed them and they say they have not received it. and will send a replacement after they examine it. I bet they hane got it and now just hope everyone goes away or buys more broken ones so they can make more money selling great looking junk.
  7. gizmo311

    gizmo311 Guest

    how do you out pictures on an mp4
  8. seeking

    seeking Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    open your picture folder.
    open your MP4 in a new window.
    right click your picture "copy"
    go to your MP4 window right click "paste"

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