Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by jordan25, May 6, 2006.

  1. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Try this converter and see if it works.If it doesn't then just post and I'll see what I can do.
  2. dbaird75

    dbaird75 Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    You are the best, Bulldogz!!!

    That program worked perfectly.

    Thank you very very very very very much! I thought I was going to lose my mind for a while there :)
  3. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    No worries :)
  4. ozzy10101

    ozzy10101 Guest

    hi everyone,
    i just bought an mp4 player and i can put music onto it easily its just the videos that are he problem.
    i can put videos on my mp4i just cant play them.
    any suggestions would be a great help thnks.
  5. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Well it's most likely that your using the wrong format.Consult your manual and see what it says about the videos format.The most common one is amv if you can't find anything in the manaul or it didn't come with one,although you should find something.
  6. chivas92

    chivas92 Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Im about to buy a ME2 2Gb player, and I would like to know if i'll be able to buy any ipod accessories to it. I mean I like jogging and does the ME" size is the same as ipod nanos? TZhanks in advance.......
  7. ozzy10101

    ozzy10101 Guest

    yes thankyou bulldogz it does say to use amv. trouble is i havent got any amv videos any help with how to change them to amv or were to get amv video from?
    thanks again
  8. ozzy10101

    ozzy10101 Guest

    yes thankyou bulldogz it does say to use amv. trouble is i havent got any amv videos any help with how to change them to amv or were to get amv video from?
    thanks again
  9. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    You can download the amv converter from here .All you have to do iss add the file and convert it then send it to your player.
    Any other help is needed then just post.
    Enjoy! :)
  10. thepuns

    thepuns Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    i have a mp4 with videos as mpg4 files but only two help with the others is says NO SUPPORT!
  11. rosie85

    rosie85 Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    I brought one of those MP3 Player. After trying to record something it stop playing my music. It keeps giving this message: initialising, then empty disk. It gives it for both the movies, the music and voice. When i try to record more it says disk full. I try to reformat it. Now it gives me two different drives. One that is still the 4gb and the other one 100 mb. So I was wondering if anyone has encountered that problem before and can help me. Because i only had the thing for a week and would hate for it to go to waste. BTW, the game and radio still work perfectly
  12. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    It's happened to many people.All you have to do is format it correctly.You have a hacked player.Read and follow the instructions from here.
    Hope this helps!
  13. john2k2

    john2k2 Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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  14. john2k2

    john2k2 Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    what you need to do is to get a AMV converter you can get it if u google it and download it then when you have the video drag it to the converter and convert it then when it is done a icon should pop up on the desktop then right click it and look for for send to and choose removible disk and click on it if it is to hard to find the program use this one
  15. leeroyee

    leeroyee Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    New to forum:
    btw Bulldogz ROX! So knowledgeable with the problems we mere mortals are encountering with these "Chipods"!
    I bought a "Nasaki NK-988" while in Hong Kong last week. I seem to be better off than most in this forum, as I've had no problem with downloading mp3 files, and playing them. I had no problem installing AVI Converter 4.00 that was included on a CD. It works perfectly in converting .avi's to .amv format, and plays back the converted file automatically, either from the windows file or the Chipod file. My 2 Gig unit IS an honest 2 Gigs as well!
    My problem is that videos viewed on the Chipod play for only about 2 seconds, then the unit freezes. I know the conversion was good because it plays on my PC perfectly from the Chipod. I have tried every possible combination in the AMV Converter as well.
    Anybody else encountered this one? Suggestions? Workaround? Or do I just have a new mp3 player? TIA, and I'll be glad to share any info I have learned to help others.
  16. kailen

    kailen Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    tho how do you change the chip type in programs mp4 where is the chip reply back
  17. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    thanks for the compliment.Really appreciate it :)
    Now you could try to format your player as I have recommended to most people.The instructions can be found here.
  18. leeroyee

    leeroyee Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Thanks 4 the response, Bulldogz! I went through the process and it was exactly as described - nothing destroyed! However, I still have the identical prob with videos running about 2 sec. and freezing up. Only other solution I have at this point is to stand outside Sears for the Black Friday sale - one of these 2 giggies for $39.99. Least I can return that!!
    Any other solutions/suggestions always appreciated!

    Best regards, Leeroye
  19. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Enjoy your new player!
  20. oliveraso

    oliveraso Guest

    i have a mp4 player and when i play a song after the first 10 secs it changes to next song.

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