Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by tonedee, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. arun05

    arun05 Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I had the same problem. First try goto setup and change the setting to online mode because most probably you have changed the settings accidently to some other mode.. Then you can browse the files on your mp3/4 player. If you format sometimes you will end up with more problem.
  2. ithorse

    ithorse Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    hi, animalz, i am new here, i just bought a 8GB mini mp4 player, have the same problem as you describe, but when i use your method try to do it, when i open mp3 player disk tool, it show me an warning message: " Not detected removable disk! please check the connecting, or reboot the system"; when i click ok button, it show me the mp3 disk tool window, but when i go to the Partition and Encrypt tab, show me the same message again, and the :"Setting encrypted disk capacity" slide can't move; so what i can do? could i directly format the disk from the explorer window?
  3. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Hi, I have changed my username to bulldogz.
    Well if it doesn't detect your player then you could try and disconnect then reconnect the player.
    I suppose you could format it from the windows section but I'm not wholly sure that it will fix your mp3 as it might remove some important firmware which is why I recommended the other guide.
    Hope this Helps!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2007
  4. kevin589

    kevin589 Guest

    ok i tried to download 4.05 3.68 4.16 even the one on my cd they all convert great and fast butthen i go to my computer then click on the icon that shows me my mp4 and the click removable storage then copy and paste and even clcik and drag to the thing and it says ok completethe look on my mp4 and its not therewhat am i doing wrong i have like 30 songs songs work fine just dont no how to sync it on my mp4 i mean whats wrong
  5. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Your probably using the wrong format.Try a few others and get some more info from here.
  6. javiquez

    javiquez Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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  7. jdelcorro

    jdelcorro Member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    Is this problem isolated to the "no brand" mp4 players? I was wondering because I want to buy a Meizu mini and I don't want to have to go through this grief. As a matter of fact, is there a good list of players that is available? Thanks.
  8. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Basically yeah this problem is isolated with chipods.
  9. wrman45

    wrman45 Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    I hbought ana 60G MP4/Video knock off. I loaded a movie but now when I select movie from the menue the screen says "Please wait" then the hour glass pops up. Then the player will power off and on and return to the menue. HELP!!
  10. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    Try formatting your player.Instructions can be found here.
  11. missbritt

    missbritt Guest

    okay i recently bought a what i thought was an ipod and was disapponited to find it was a knock ( one of life's lessons i guess)
    anyways i think your formatting steps would help me because mine fits many ( maybe all ) of the requirements. the only thing is when i run the disk utilities tool i get an error message saying " No detected removable disk! Please check the disk connecting or reboot system!" it does the same thing when i go into the partition and encrypt window. ive tried checking the connection and rebooting but nothing works is there anything you can do to help me! it would be much appreciated THANKS
  12. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Take care the Chipods are nothing but trouble. At least they have a user site now. My 8GB died after the first week and is still as dead as a door nail! Anything you can do to stabilize the crap will extend the usable life which in my case was a week.
  13. bulldogz

    bulldogz Guest

    It could be a formware problem.Go to this website and see if you can do anything.
  14. varnull

    varnull Guest

    These far east mp4 players all seem to use the same amv standard..

    this is what I do.

    How to convert video into AMV format
    Using patched FFmpeg

    In common case command line will look like

    ffmpeg -i <input> -f amv -s <width>x<height> -r 16 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -qmin 3 -qmax 3 <output>

    FFmpeg accepts any picture resolutions, but hardware players supports only:

    * 128x90
    * 128x128
    * 160x120

    Input file can be any video format supported by FFmpeg.

    Note: if output file has 'amv' extention, -f amv option can be omitted.

    Option -r 16 sets framerate to 16 frames/sec (other values seems to be not supported by hardware players).

    Options -ac 1 and -ar 22050 sets 22050 Hz mono sound. (other formats are not supported on any I have seen)

    Options -qmin 3 and -qmax 3 forces quantizer to be equal to 3. This will give you good quality with acceptable file size.

    Example 1. Converting AVI file into AMV with 160x120 picture size:

    ffmpeg -i file.avi -s 160x120 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -qmin 3 -qmax 3 file.amv


    here is the link to the patched ffmpeg.

    original avi, target file location and ffmpeg all need to be in the same directory..If you don't know how to run the app from the command line hard luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2008

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