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MS Dashboard Help...!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by gooch15, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    :S:S:S:S???? i recommend unleash x. evox is gay.... basicly you can acess ms dash on 4.5 or 4.0 modded mode so taht you can go to memory section edit time etc etc....

    but i didnt quite fellow on what you ment?

    just reistall everyting from scratch...

    coldboot your game and cick " uninstall all softmods" and then once you have the ms dash .. welll start from step 1 again.. and this time choose unleash x.

    reember for live you use the open tray and for settings memory and other stuff then well you can use the modded mode since you wont go to live.

    on 4.5 you can trouble shoot. and you can acess xbox live so that it wont freeze on your / or give you black screen.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2006
  2. gooch15

    gooch15 Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    U said to access the live part without it freezing is to go throught the modded dash and access it but wen i press on microsoft dashboard on the evox dash it does the loading screen then goes back to evox dash.....can i just pop in splinter cell and install unleash x or will that mess it up?

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