I was at my nephew's B-Day party and I was holding the pinata, and guess what....I fell behind the wall.
Ok creaky, i don't see the resemblance, and nah, ye can leave it, i can take a well placed joke @ Lethal : if ye keep it up, i'll waste some of my ever brewing hatred on you
only if you're sure, i know some ppl quite rightly get offended by stuff like that. i suspected you'd appreciate it
mug shot of creaky,now at least he can see.well. a mug shot of me,look how good looking i am compared to creaky,but i can not see as well as creaky..*(so their....
thanks creaky my seeing eye dog sure need a glass for his eye, that one hour place is a great place to take him...... with one eye it should take a half hour,*(so their.... creaky in case ye miss,old mods bath room,