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Multimeter help!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by chupa31, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. chupa31

    chupa31 Member

    May 30, 2007
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    I tried to follow the tutorial to adjust the pot on your gamecube laser, however I am stuck in the multimeter section. So my problem is how to read the multimeter. It says that 170-210 ohms is good for your pot. So what I want to know is what is my reading? I have pointed to it using the image of the analogue model I have. Thanks.

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    500 ohms.. if that is the factory setting and you are reading the right pins then setting to 170 blindly will just shut down that laser. There are 2 ways to arrange the bias setting on a laser.. series and shunt.. if it is series then reducing the value increases the volts to the emitter diode, if it is parallel (shunt) the opposite applies.. in any case, you don't want to adjust more than 10% from the factory setting in either direction... unless it is already completely fried and then you have nothing to lose anyway....

    The number of perfectly good ps2 lasers I have seen ruined by the pot tweakers is incredible... especially when the real problem was low quality disks ;)

    Seriously.. anybody who doesn't know how to use a multimeter shouldn't be messing with lasers. You set the bias of a laser using an oscilloscope on the test point and set the eyeheight of the envelope to around 1v p-p (or as big as you can get it without clipping)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2008
  3. chupa31

    chupa31 Member

    May 30, 2007
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    Are you sure you know what your talking about when it comes to the gamecube? Everything you say sounds very technical (Ill admit over my head, although I think you intended it that way), but it does not seem to pertain to the gamecube. Have you seen the tutorial for changing the pot on modthatcube? http://modthatcube.wiinewz.com/main.htm
    It does not mention any of what your talking about? It is not that I did not know how to use the multimeter, I just did not know .5 meant 500 ohms (silly me, how could I be so stupid).

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