@brobear Booktyping can be done in Decrypter and Nero, which makes things easier for those who want to utilize this feature, me included. I still have some players that will not accept +R media, which I prefer. Some burners will automatically booktype or have sw that comes with them that will do the job. Others even though they have the capability to booktype can't do it without a third party program. NEC is one, it needs hacked fw but then it also need another program to tell it to booktype, also the Plex740 would not do it on its own and would not utilize PlexTools or QSuite. It would be a nice feature if included in Clone as it is in the two other programs. I also with CopytoDVD had the feature. Eventually, when my NEC dies and I replace it I will no longer need to use -R media which I find to be not as good as the +R.
just info,ye also can set Booktyping in image burn, ImgBurn best freeware CD and DVD burning app ImgBurn Official homepage download SetupImgBurn_1.1.0.0.exe 813KB released Dec 2, 2005 File Associations if you check NRG for example then if you double click an .nrg image file in windows explorer ImgBurn will popup and just need to press big BURN button and away you go. .BIN .bin .cue file usually for VCD or SVCDs .GCM gamecube image file .LST list file used by dvddecrypter to burn 4GB+ files on FAT32 volumes and it had to separate it into 1GB chunks for instance .UDI dazzle dvd complete image files .CDI discjuggler image files .GI prassi or primodvd image file .MDS file created by when burning DL discs .CDR gamejack or mac image file .IMG clonecd image file .NRG nero burning rom image file .DVD I have no freakin clue .ISO ISO 9660 the standard many cd/dvd apps can create an .iso .PDI instant copy cd/dvd image file change book type (set a DVD+R media to DVD-ROM thus making it like DVD-R media type which helps some 5 year old DVD standalone players and some xboxes.) EEPROM I guess remembers your setting so you don't have to change it each time. go here for the total info http://www.mrbass.org/dvdburn/
Booktyping to DVD ROM doesn't make it like DVD -R. In fact DVD -R can't be booktyped to DVD ROM. DVD ROM is the universal player format. So, if a DVD booktyped to DVD ROM works as it should, then all players will play it. Those old drives that would play -R have DVD ROM as a supported format, the recordable formats are the secondary ones. Some old drives won't even play -R, DVD ROM only. Which gets back to why I asked Arniebear about the need for the booktype setting in CloneDVD 2. If the drive is already set to booktype, then a person doesn't need to set it again in CloneDVD 2. As was pointed out, there's a number of apps that can set the booktype (then it's in the drives memory), if the drive is capable of booktyping.
@brobear I found that when I had my Plex 740a, the booktype could be set but only for that app, it would not carry over to Clone or CopytoDVD. Thus I needed another app that would do this, I ended up using DVDInfoPro and the settings did carry over automatically whether the DVDInfoPro was open or not. It was set and forget. At least this was my experience.
[bold]Couldn't maintain booktype setting with a "certain" software.[/bold] [bold]But, could maintain booktype setting with DVDInfoPro.[/bold] Sounds like the problem was with the software and not the hardware. Which brings up another good question, what was the poor software that wouldn't properly set the booktype? Nero, Plextools, and DVDInfoPro, all, do the job for me. I haven't tried ImgBurn. Which brings the thought to mind that booktyping in CloneDVD 2 would just be adding a utility that should come with the drive. I forget which, but one of my drives had a retail version of DVDInfoPro included in the software bundle. All the manufacturers should throw in something along those lines.
@brobear It would be nice if they did through that utility in with the drive. I could set the booktype setting in DVDDecrypter and Nero. However, it would work when in that application. If I closed it down and then used Clone/CopytoDVD it would not maintain the booktype setting. Personally, I think it was stupid of Plextor to put out a drive that carried their name, but would not work with PlexTools, and that it was a BenQ drive that would not work with QSuite because it was an OEM with it's own fw ver. If you bought a BenQ1640, which is the same drive as the Plex740, it works with QSuite fine.
I don't normally recommend it, but if you are sure of the cross reference on the BenQ, why don't you flash it as a BenQ drive? If they have the same chipsets and other hardware, they can use the same firmware. That is a strange situation though, irregardless of the app, when the booktype is set, the EPROM in the drive is supposed to remember it. Booktyping is a function of the drive, not the software; the software just toggles the feature on and off. I agree with you on the AEC and deep analysis. CloneDVD 2 could probably benefit from those additional features.
It does not much matter on the 740 as I returned that one and got my internal Plex 716. It was a nice drive but if I had wanted a BenQ I would have gotten one. It was a Xmas present so it was no problem when I returned it. I just wish drive mfr would tell you up front what drive you are getting, rebadging is like some guessing game.
Had a problem backing up Munich using Recode. Opened movie & said file too big, so I ripped movie to HD w/ AnyDVD Ripper. Then opened Recode to put movie onto disc, it still said file too big. I was trying to burn it onto a DL Disc though ? Well gave up using Recode & used CloneDVD w/ AnyDVD in the background No problem using both. Nero Recode is always my 1st option. CloneDVD is always my 2nd. Of course use AnyDVD w/ both apps.
What was the size of your source? Did you remember to set the target size to DVD9? I noticed it's usually set to DVD5 unless changed.
@dabig25 Why are you using Recode to do a DL disc? It requires nothing more than AnyDVD and Decrypter in ISO read and write mode or duplicate it with Nero Xpress. Either way no recoding is needed.
I have to agree with garmoon, there is no need for Recode if you are doing a DL. Recode is for compressing, just the same a Shrink and Shrink is really not a good program to use on a DL backup anyway. Here is a thread where layer break is discussed using transcoding programs it is interesting, don't know how scientific but it makes sense. http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=172204&highlight=layer+break
I happened to choose recode for Munich because it allowed me to set the beginning and end points. I almost always go by way of SHRINK but, this time by using recode and eliminating all of the beginning crap and all of the ending credits, I removed over 20 minutes of unneccesary audio and video and as a result, my compression was around 70%, I dont remember exactly but, it increased significantly and it only took a few extra minutes to do. Well worth it on movies over 2 hours.
Arniebear I'm no expert, but some of those guys at CDFreaks know less than I do. They don't even have a clue about Video_TS folders and ISO images. ISO is merely a package for handling the files. It's also pretty much the universal burn format. Most apps will burn ISO and some will burn only that format. If you look in an ISO, you find the Video_TS folder with the accompanying IFO, BUP, and VOB files. With software that allows retaining the layer break, such as Shrink, you can process the files for burning to DL and set the burner software, such as Decrypter, not to automatically set the layer break. That way the layer break is retained in the source files. It's best not to be editing or messing around with the files, just bypass the copyright protection, process and burn. It's been working for me.
ericbee We were going by what you said before. If you're recording to DL, there is no need to edit. There's no compression with DL. If you're transcoding to DVD5, then the layer break has nothing to do with the transcode, you're going to single layer. With DL, just set the decryption software to remove the PUO(s). Then you can click by those adverts. With AnyDVD the app can set the navigation to take you to the menu or play the movie from the start.
Arniebear I forgot to mention it, but the other side of the coin is that Shrink can take out the layer break and DVD Decrypter in the ISO W settings can set what it considers the optimal position for the layer break on a DL.
I have had good luck using Decrypter iso read and write, Blindwrite just direct copy and CloneDVD for dual layer backups. I just do the whole disk why bother to edit since it all fits and if I am going to edit, it is usually just movie only and a single layer works for that. I did a dl of KK and a single with RB and both looked great. The search for the perfect backup can be all consuming. I just used to be happy with 321 Xcopy and thought it was the bomb. I have progressed in my tastes in quality, and get it as near to perfect as possible, but it is never going to be the original.
brobear I did have it set to DVD-9 already. So I just said forget it & used Clone DVD instead,of course w/ no problems. I think AnyDVD still has some slight issues, when working w/ Recode in the background.