i agree pieman , why spend money rolling codes,disabling firmware and advertise if its all gonna end soon anyway. Good point
Please note I have absolutely no affiliation to Virgin Media whatsoever, other than I have a contact in Virgin Media who knows whats going on. I'm also not telling anyone here what to do, just passing on the information I know. You use it as you like. Also I'm not a newbie. I own a Starview-1, Starview-2 and a Starview-3 and I had planned to buy a starview-4, but am no longer going to bother for obvious reasons. The recent advertising and hotline setup by Virgin Media, in combination with last weeks code changes are designed to de-stabilise the market for illicit set-top-boxes before Christmas. They know a fix would be found quickly but they also know a lot of non-paying customers do not have the knowledge to implement that fix. Also December is a hot month for people buying these boxes and Virgin Media wanted to stop this happening and have customers sign up for premium packages before Christmas. Also N3 implementation is not 'easy' so it's a quick 'read cheap' fix in advance of N3. If you consider this information to be fallible, then thats fine, chuckle and move on. But I'm in the same boat as you and regretably I now know that 2009 will now see my 3 starview boxes as just freeview receivers :-( Thanks
I have seen a little bit about this on other sites i visit ' Nag 3 seems there only way out and without a doubt its a matter of time before the change comes across the system 'obviously the cost is the big issue who picks up the bill of setting it all up from what i gather they will have to update boxes and cards i hade even read somewhere that the boxes in some cases have to be replaced if they was to try and change 'can u imagine all those unhappy people just before christmas trying to get there systems up and running smoothly and they would be paying customers ' cant see it myself as for the new grass a neighbour up page and the little warning its the first time i have ever seen it and they dont pre warn us that there about to update there softwear and scatter the nagra keys 'so why now hit us with warnings if your about to switch it over to nagra 3 'u would just switch it off and be done ' they wouldnt waste there time telling us we are naughty . Personaly im just sitting back watching what happens as i did when the box went down i watched many post here just for codes quite funny to read some peoples posts 'im sure u admins hade a some headache 'anyways back to watching sky 1
iv been thinking bout this a lot an if it was true wouldnt vir have done a tv add about it.it would make me think alot more then there ring us if you can see this message because we dont no where you clowns like im going too phone them an tell them that i can see the message "oh hello this ....... i can see that im not paying for all this grate tv iv been watching an wud just like to tell you where i live hahahahahahahahahahahahaha"wounder it anybody has done bet there is someone out there.
Having read and now replying to the original message, my view is that the poster is a educated person maybe teatering on a very educated person, however I have this sneaky feeling that the original poster is a spokesperson for VM. I have a simple question for our spokesperson, how many illegal set top boxes are being used in VM land? is the mass expence worth it to VM? Nobody can really say, so is it really worth the expence? Nobody can really say ... Will VM spend this money? Spokesperson ... your up !! Bye the way dp37, I am a paying VM customer. pps. merry christmas to you as well.
What the cc's seem to forget as well is that once they bring out nagra3 and IF the boxes all go down, a lot of their customers will change to s*y packages. The reason a lot of people are with the other cc's and paying the basic package is purely because they are hackable and s*y are not. A lot of people changed back from s*y for this reason, and the cc's must be aware that they could be shooting themselves in the foot. Afterall, a basic sub from thousands is better than no sub at all.
well it's starting to happen because my box has gone down lol. i've tried everything i can think off and still having no joy. has been working fine with new update but come this morning went down