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My CD/DVD Drive wont read any CD

Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by unorugger, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    I have had my computer for over a year now, and one day about a month ago it simply would not read anything I put in the CD/DVD drive. When inserting a Disc, the Orange light comes on, and my cursor changes from an arrow to an arrow and a CD, so it would seem like it is reading it. After about 20 seconds, it gives up, and if I try to access the D: drive through My Computer or if I try to open an app that requires the inserted CD, it tells me to retry (or in case of the game, to insert the appropraite CD). The cords are obviously hooked up if the cursor changes upon putting in a new cd - it just wont read it. I am trying like hell to avoid reformatting. Any thoughts?
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1. OS? ASPI version?
    2. Make and model of the cd drive?
    3. Do you have the same problem regardless of the cd? (i.e., try cds that you KNOW you used to be able to open)
  3. Knighty

    Knighty Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    Hey ive got the exact same problem on my computer, this DVD-Rom drive used to be in my old computer and once it didnt read the CD like said above but it worked again later (but it was like 3 years ago and i cant remember what i did), but it has stopped working again just today in my new pc which btw it has worked in my new computer before
    and for the questions

    1. OS = Windows Xp but also happened on windows ME
    2. Make = Matshita DVD-ROM SR-8584A
    3. Disc work = Yes the disc used to work i used it yesterday in this DVD ROM drive

    can anyone help :D

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2004
  4. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    Sorry for the delay in response. I am running XP with almost the exact same type - Matshita DVD-ROM SR-8583. CDs that have worked for years - games, music CDs, etc - all react the same way. The cursor flashes the little CD picture like its reading it for about 20-30 seconds, and after that, any action that requests the CD ends up asking me to insert the required disk. The Drive is old - I've had it since it was in an old Gateway with a Pentium II 450. These days I am running an AMD Athlon 1.8. Is it possible that it just crapped out over time? I guess a new Drive isn't too terribly expensive, but it is a pain. Any thoughts?
  5. Knighty

    Knighty Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    unorugger i had this problem before there is a way to solve it but i cant remember becuase it happened to me 3 years ago, but if you want to buy a new one www.ebuyer.com is good, check it out.
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  7. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    I have downloaded this software for ASPI, per the last post, and it installed successfully, but I still have the same problem. I know power is connected and all because of the reactions I get, its just that last step of actually successfully reading the CD - the most important, of course. Thanks for the suggestions - any other thoughts?
  8. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    I have downloaded this software for ASPI, per the last post, and it installed successfully, but I still have the same problem. I know power is connected and all because of the reactions I get, its just that last step of actually successfully reading the CD - the most important, of course. Thanks for the suggestions - any other thoughts?
  9. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    I have downloaded this software for ASPI, per the last post, and it installed successfully, but I still have the same problem. I know power is connected and all because of the reactions I get, its just that last step of actually successfully reading the CD - the most important, of course. Thanks for the suggestions - any other thoughts?
  10. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    Sorry about the Triple-Vision - my browser was having trouble, and I didn't think refresh would post it twice (beginner's mistake, I guess). Thanks.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Above is the link for this post.
    quarrantine. After a lot of problems with v1.3.1 and with v1.4.1 with my Sony DRU 500a, I did a little investigating and trial and error uninstall and reinstall. I uninstalled almost every burning program I had, and I have most of what you all are familiar with, checked DMA settings etc. Nothing seemed to work. Well guess what? A few days earlier I had been attempting to verify DMA settings on my HDs and optical drives. Did a little search through MS knowledge base and on Intels site, as my DMA settings for my IDE controllers were grayed out, and I wanted to know why my optical drives were reporting PIO mode when I have an 845E chipset and 80 conducter cables, and the drive specs says UDMA 2 mode supported. After many hours I found that in order to access DMA settings under Win XP Pro, I needed to uninstall Intel's Application Accelerator. Which is interesting because most board manufacturers using Intel chipsets reccomend installing it, (I use Gigabyte and ASUS primarily in my boxes). All went well, and I was able to set for UDMA mode 2 in XP. No noticeable performance loss, (after setting to "Use DMA Mode If Available" and rebooting...HDS are Fast ATA 133 so are set to UDMA 5). Out of curiosity, I decided to leave Intel App Accelerator uninstalled, and went back to playing with DVDXCOPY 1.41, (1.3.1 never worked with Gear or Nero for me). Just to be safe I did a REGEDIT and removed all Nero, Ahead, 321, and DVDXCOPY references, careful if you don't feel comfortable doing this, REGEDIT reads find commands literally and will find the letters N-E-R-O in other keys as well! Rebooted, ran Norton Utilities to remove any errors from messing with the registry,rebooted and installed v1.41. Held my breath and voila! Installed perfectly. Did a burn of Sapce Jam (kids) and bingo..success. I was experiencing all of the problems listed here with Gear drivers, installs and even, gasp, a spontaeneous reboot after ripping and when DVDXCOPY went into burn mode. I still have problems when using Nero drivers in that my APEX machines won't play and error out, (although I can read them on my DVD drives). I did some experimenting and created a few image files (.img, and ISO) and mounted to a virtual DVD drive. DVDXCOPY opend right up and did it's thing no sweat with the Gear drivers. DVD Decrypter burned them fine and both played as well. Nero burned them, but again neither would play. Deffinitely seems to be Nero. I am using the latest version ans updates (legally). I reinstalled all of my other DV "tools", (those of you doing DV for some time are familiar with them). No conflicts and DVDXCOPY works perfectly (except for episodic DVDs, ie Band Of Brothers..doesn't recognize both angles apparently and assumes the largest is the main movie). Give it a try with uninstalling Intel Application Accelerator, if it works...great, if not go to the Intel site and download it again. Use Add/Remove programs/software in control panel to remove it. Peace out!




    Another perspective:
    "I am a system builder and got my first P4 system to build, a request from a client. It also was to have a TDK IDE CDRW. It was the 850 Intel Board, with Rambus and such.
    "I installed, and put the IAA thing in as it had been released that week, among some small fanfare. Then I tried to use the burner, with not much success. After a few calls to TDK support (who were for the most part useless) I finally found someone who reminded me that in the 'advanced' tab of the IDE controllers in Device Manager (in 2000 and now XP) all CD devices are by default set to 'PIO only'. Setting it to 'DMA (if available)' makes a happy burner, still the case with the IDEs (especially the burn-proofs). Except I had to explain to him that there wasn't an 'advanced' tab. That is why I had forgotten; it wasn't there.
    "To cut a long story short I uninstalled the IAA, the 'advanced' tab returned, and we all lived happily ever after. I have never used IAA since. Apparently it is just tweaked IDE drivers, though I only heard that at the time, and haven't been listening since! No one mentions it at all any more so I guess it never really caught on. Good thing really, as CD burner support is very important. Most CD devices are DMA now and as 2000 and XP still put them as PIO on install, they need switching over after install, so the fact that the ability to do so is removed stinks of stupidity, arrogance or stunning lack of care on Intel's part." -- Andy E.
    I should comment that most if not all of the XP systems I've dealt with that had CD burners or DVD drives installed used Ultra DMA or DMA mode by default, not PIO.
    At this point, I think it's safest to say that whatever benefits the Intel Application Accelerator confers on a system are outweighed by the hassle involved, and its presence in a system should be one of the first things to consider if said system is acting strangely. This goes double for XP systems, which have their own prefetching and optimization routines (something I'll be talking about in a future newsletter).

  12. unorugger

    unorugger Guest

    Most of this was way over my head, but I got the hint that I should try and uninstall IAA - this did not exist on my Add/Remove Programs list - I haven't done much updating in the past years, so that doesn't surprise me. What else should I be trying?

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