LOL...I speak nothing but the truth. Keep in mind though, I can only repeat the truth...I cannot tell it.
Hey LOCO I've been in the Nero forum EVERY day, where have you been lately. You forgot the contribution to the mods.
Down here in the dungeon.... @gwen I think his suspension is up on the sixth, I'll tell him you said "hey".
I dont understand why everyone is worried about status. Most people are behind a monitor and get a small happy jolt when something they said helps anyone else out. You dont hear me yelling at everyone even tho I'm not a safety valve junkie!!! I think things like this are why the bitch thread is so long.
I like a happy jolt from time to time as much as anyone, but these type of threads will always pop up every now and again.
i came here for the knowledge not a promotion. this place keeps me up to date on just about everything. my friends are starting to think im a computer geek. i havent told them about my secrete the only reason i post at all is to try and give back a little (i was feeling guilty).
@LOCO< I would NEVER get a thread "Off" track, heres another one I find amusing!! @gamename, Good to see you back !!