My Softmodded xbox questions , please answer

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by DrXthirst, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. cearel

    cearel Guest

    you can get a chip and fix it no prob, i have a chip and can prob fix it but i cant garentie anything but if you want to pay for the shipping ill be glad to fix it
  2. HurtDonit

    HurtDonit Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    no dont its not broket unless you wen into the physical xbox!
  3. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Hey , I dunno what happened , but i woke up this morning and my mods started working. but , most of the newer mods I had applied when my xbox messed up , were gone. It was like my xbox had reset itself , like it had went into a backup file and used it by itself , but , anywayz , Im glad my mods are working. But , I still have one question ... how come I can only mod the old maps ... not the new ones?
  4. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    You need to make a modded disc and you cant play on LIVE! with it. Just look on torrent sites, they have full discs of like 50 modded (skinned) maps w/ weapon effects and shit.
  5. cearel

    cearel Guest

    how can you resign the old maps?? i can only do the new ones mabe we can help eachother
  6. zachb90e

    zachb90e Guest

    You can not resign the old maps they are already resigned. All you really need to do is redownload all of your original maps from xboxlive and then make a copy of the original map that you want to mod to your pc. Then mod the map and send it back over to your xbox to the same place where the original was at and there you go that is what I did. If you have any further questions just ask me on here.
  7. cearel

    cearel Guest

    how come i cant edit weapons on lockout??
  8. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    I dunno. Everyone on xbox live says that you can only mod the new maps , but I can only mod the old ones. I dunno what happened , but maybe we can help each other out.
  9. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i finally got it, then new maps are in a different folder it goes like this i think tdata-$c-then the folder ending with 64-then there will be 3 more folders the maps are in those
  10. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Yea , but for some reason , when I put the new maps into either folder (or both),the xbox either wont load them or they're not modded.
  11. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    I have figured out how to do soooooo many things now. I have an elite flying , infinite ammo , rapid fire , for every weapon and I can change the sky and I made the elite look like a grunt. And Its all [bold]SO[/bold] easy. If you need any tutorials on how to do it , I have AIM - DrXThirst , and my email is i' edited by ddp.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2006
  12. cearel

    cearel Guest

    you might want to take ur email off they are cracking down
  13. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    How do I take my email off , its not even on there.
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    DrXthirst, read the forum rules above about posting & emails
  15. cearel

    cearel Guest

    lol nice ddp
  16. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Thirst wrote
    you can only mod the new maps online because they run off your hard drive anyway in one of the Data folders on your E drive., to play onlive you have to have your mod off so you will need the disk to play hence not being able to play modded maps on live.

    Incase you are doing this to go on live then i would not bother. I had modded maps and they were all signed properly with CMR and I still got banned in the first day!!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  17. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Okay , well , once you get banned , can you still play custom games? and if you can , can you tell me how ot get online , because thats all I wanna do is play custom , not cheat in matchmaking or anything. And by the way , is my sig ok?
  18. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    I know this is probably a really stupid question , but what font is HALO 2 written in on the main menu. Because I see alot of people writing in it and I thought it would be cool to make a tutorial using that font. Thanks , DrXthirst
  19. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    I just played with a modder yesterday online. We played a custom game , so why can he get online and I cant? Does it have something to do with he was hard modding and I am softmodding?
  20. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Id like some info please...

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