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my turn again :)

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by darthnip, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I always liked putting the Wilma and Betty ones in my mouth and letting them get warm and wet together. A childhood fantasy come true.
  2. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    And I thought my childhood was twisted ;)
  3. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    hahahaha, i'll have to try that.
  4. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I think Neph wins for the twisted childhood. But you can`t blame him, he grew up in the states. Gun in one hand and a beer in the other. :)
  5. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    You say that like it's a bad thing ;)
  6. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yeah no kidding, my kids are growing up like that right now. Gunmounts on the tricycles, and a little pocket for thier packs of smokes in thier T-shirts. They cant smoke more than 1/2 a pack a day though, thier only 4.
  7. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Good! It would be a shame if my kids didn't have other gun toting, cigarette smoking heathens to hang out with when they grow up ;-)
  8. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Hey Hey now, wrong thread for states bashing. Where are you from Prisoner?
  9. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I believe Prisoner is in Canada. I can understand how he feels, what with Canada just being kind of like a suburb of the US and all 8D
  10. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Hee-Hee, Where are you from vurbal?
  11. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    The not-so-great state of Iowa - Des Moines to be precise.
  12. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Suburb of USA!!!

    Now I don`t think we need to go that far.

    Ya we should avoid the country bashing here.

    Darth, you kid only smokes half pack, you have to work on that I would like to see 2 cigars a day. Much better. :)
  13. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    I do have to say I wish I had some Canadian weather down here in Houston. It's about 95 degrees with 50% humidity.
  14. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    i'm in good old Indiana, home of nothing, and i have a modem made of corn. Here we grow corn and pot, and we do both very well.

    please lets not turn this into a Canada vs. USA thread.

    As far as my kids smoking a 1/2 a pack, camel non-filters is all i'll let them have, they have to be 8 for cigars.
  15. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Nothing personal - just giving you a hard time Prisoner ;-) And being in Iowa I'm familiar with the corn modems you speak of (no comment on the other crop).
  16. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Modems of corn huh? Yeah I guess that's okay since how we still ride our horses to work down here in houston. Yeeeeee-haawwwww!
  17. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I never take anything seriously, Vurbal.

    And if you all wonder why I ride hard on the states, its because true be told I am half American. The American half is in Minesota. Were Dairy farmers, then just started selling the gravel the land was on. It was worth more. So I have spend a lot of time in the states. And may even move down there to live one day.
    I lived in Wooster (boston area) and I really like the East coast. But the gun thing is very notiable. Neighbours in the states would shoot into the sky when they were drunk for fun.

    So When I make fun of the USA, I am actually making fun of my self.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]I am not a number
    I am a Free Man[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2004
  18. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    So you've seen the corn modems then?
  19. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    God damn how did I miss this thread :)

    Thnx Dad :) Sorry I cant remember my brothers name and all, but I'm sure he'll grow up fine :p

    As for the drug part of this.... My doctor wanted to put me on some weird fucked up named drugs but I just said no straight out, I mean it took me long enough to get my girlfriend off em. The worst thing ever happened to me when I was shit-faced wassss.... I think I'd have to pick this time I was falling asleep and all of a sudden heard this little whisper in my head saying "he said it". So i opened my eyes and no-one was there. I then heard some strange drumming noise, like bongo's banging in a really annoying beat and then heard "she said it", So i opened my eyes again and man the fucken headache that hit me when I did was unreal, i threw myself across the room and turned the light off. I then heard laughing in my head and kept hearing "he said it.....she said it". After a while it got REALLY fast, over and over again, and my heart was beating about 2x speed. I could hear my heart beat and the bongo like noise at the same time, while my head was pounding and the sweat was just running off me. This went on for ages and ages and all of a sudden just stopped, i was after biting the pillow so much there was fluff in my teeth and my teeth were bleeding, how the fusk did i bite a pillow so hard that my teeth began to bleed? lol i was extremely dizzy and just fell off asleep... or unconscious i dont actually know to be honest. If you are wondering what I took, i was out and i hadnt taken much at all, in fact i cant really remember any drugs except except maybe some weed. However, when i got home I was tired but couldnt sleep, so I went and did something very stupid, I sucked up LOADS of just pure natural gas, lmao. Yes i tried to gas myself to sleep! lol and it was working until all that shit started in my head. I went on to sleep for over 20 hours, and spend the next week throwing up! I dont suck up gas anymore :)

    As for you guys going on about corn modems and stuff, nothing is worse than ireland. Especially those little green, horny lepreachans. They come along while you're walking througha field and bite into your ankle, swearing every word under the sun in both irish and english. They try to sell you stupid things like jewelry they stole from others and keep putting them damn curses on you. They also like to hump your leg while they drink their miniture bottles of whiskey. Then when your girlfriend is with you they try to trade her for this little tiny lepreachan woman. Oh and the fairies are worse!! They fly around smiling all the time with their little wands looking all sexy........... ahem..... never mind... but anyways they keep putting spells on you all the time, that can be really annoying. I like hanging out here in my tree, i keep my computer on the biggest branch, my internet is actually powered by morse code, top technology of the day i tell ya! I can download at a massive 300 byes per second, lets see if ya's fancy americans can beat that. Our military got a bit of an ungrade, a few wheel barrows, a set of shovels and now exapneded to 64 men. Nearly broke the entire economy apart giving them that fancy equipment. I saw them practising the other day, my oh my what a mighty sight it was so it was... running around the field hitting lepreachans with the shovels, oh they gave many a lump that day. I have fallen in love with this upper class woman called kitty. Kitty is great, but her father is a dublin ponse. So posh.... they even have a home made out of stone, STONE??? CAN U BELIEVE IT?? He doesnt approve of me at all but I'll prove myself worthy one day. The town i Live in is great, 1 shop, 1 swimming pool up there at the river, 1 hedge school, very well thought of and 1138 pubs, 14 more opening this week. Just the average little town ya know? Anyway I better go now cause the lightning it hitting my house and it might catch fire.
  20. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Dela, are you sure you stoped huffing gas. I am not sure after reading that last paragraph.

    Here in Canada all you have to worry about is the pesky Polar bears. there good to ride to school, but when they get out of control you just have to put them down. Just give them a 2L of coke and there out. Sad to see but they look so cute holding it.

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