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Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by agentbrs, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    oh wow, how original. hey congrats , like you're the first freakin moron to come back. I love your type, i have blast waiting on you to scramble around trying to find another email account. come on pancakes, the record is like 11, lets see if you can beat it. see ya soon sweetie ;)
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    What a bunch of tossers...not you darthnip..those idiots killing a really good thread..this is a bastard of a problem and as we can see can be a real pig to fix sometimes...anyway, to stop any more questions about error codes and get this thread back on topic....

    Helpful stuff..

    ________________XBOX ERROR CODES_______________________

    * 0 - any - No error (duh)
    1 - bootldr - Unknown exactly, something to do with checking the motherboard
    2 - bootldr - Eeprom check failed
    3 - bootldr - ??/not used
    4 - bootldr - Ram check failed
    5 - kernel - HDD not locked (retail bioses require the hd to be locked)
    6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD
    7 - kernel - HDD timeout
    8 - kernel - No HDD found
    9 - kernel - HDD parameters (PIO/DMA/or size {debug}, certain size minimum is required for debug)
    10 - kernel - DVD timeout
    11 - kernel - No DVD Found
    12 - kernel - DVD parameters (PIO/DMA)
    13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed.
    14 - dashboard - Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error)
    15 - - ??/not used
    16 - dashboard - Other files to do with dashboard / dashboard settings (specific dashboard error)
    17 - - ??/not used
    18 - - ??/not used
    19 - - ??/not used
    20 - kernel - The dashboard was attempted to load and failed; It was a cold boot, and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed, but it (for some reason) needed to be noted that the dvd passed the challenge/response authentication
    21 - anywhere - This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag
    In closing:
    21 was the highest number I could find, I don't think any thing is past that. And for the unknown ones, I couldn't find any reference to them at all, I don't believe they are used.

    Hope that helps someone....and remember..Life is too short for hatred (American History X)
    .....chill out doodz..... It's really not that important!!
  3. joeje

    joeje Guest

    I am experienced with XBOX's and deleted the dashboard myself. make sure you can still run games. if you can, your in luck. put in a xbox live enabled game. go to xbox live and select new account. this re-installs the dashboard. once you see the ms-dashboard, your old dashboard is back
  4. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    @ joeje

    Good call no one else on this thread has ever come up with somthing so brilliant wow I am honored to stand in your presence.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  5. csosq

    csosq Guest

    Please send me slayer or AID what happened is my Xbox gives off Error Code thirteen yet can still play games but not connect to LIVE. I tried to update it with a game and by making a new account it won't work. Any ideas?
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Sorry..Can't provide those over the air (too big!)...have a look around a few "likely" places...geuex.be for instance springs to mind, and xbins..Halo2 should do the trick tho..or grip a copy of xboxhdm and fatXplorer and pray your drive is unlocked..

    Check out the info on llama, there are ways to unlock and repair drives now.....
  7. joeje

    joeje Guest

    Thanks king! *sits in throne feeling important* also if anyone else is reading this and is thinking, I wanna play XBOX LIVE but I am no way putting my credit card details in or its to expensive (which it is!!) theres an alternative http://www.xbconnect.com

    You download a program called XBConnect, you plug your XBOX into your PC (NIC Card and Crossover Ethernet Cable Required) It tricks the XBOX into thinking its doing a system link game when you could be playing someone in America! It's brilliant software!! but I bet your thinking, Oh this sounds good but I have either softmodded or modded my XBOX with a chip. Don't worry, XBC is totally mod friendly, THEY WILL NOT BAN YOU FOR MODDING YOUR XBOX!

    Also this service is completly FREE!! they will not charge on your internet bills, they dont ask for credit card details or anything like that

    Any questions feel free to ask me :)
  8. csosq

    csosq Guest

    Will you please provide the whole URL? Sorry. I'm pretty ticked at my xbox. I am a MLG player and just wanted to customize my dashboard. When I found out I couldn't play Live I wanted my dashboard back. Now I have several offers to fix my Xbox.

    Eddie (Lives near me) Is charging $45 for a new hard drive in my system

    Patrick is charging $50 not including s/h but has a better record

    and M$ is charging $79.90 to fix it not including s/h

    So you say Llama will tell me way to unlock my HD?

    EDIT: I got myself a slayers CD. But when I put it in I got error code 14. Help?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2006
  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @ csosq

    You can try starting here....Did you back up your eeprom and C:\ and E:\ drives like you should? (backups are for cowards...live dangerous..)


    And in the Tutorials/news sections..

    Also have a look here..




    And maybe..


    That's where to get binaries and such from..(Italian site = legal!, in Italy)

    While I'm in here...I have been messing with a softmod..deleting the odd dashboard files and the like and I have discovered that if there is an evox.ini file lurking anywhere on C:\it causes all sorts of problems...Don't use slayers to recover from a softmod failure...Use one of the right recovery disks from the "softmod pack" you downloaded (ie for SC-Ndure..use that disk)

    If you need (read..have no choice but)to use slayers..coldboot with the disk in and select restore to factory...Then put the MS dash back on C:\...Then get into the memory check out and restore the exploit saves if needed...and run the exploit again...When you get in check that the C:\ partition only contains what it should...no evox!..That lives in a folder on E:\..dashboard (for SC-Ndure anyways)

    Missing xboxbook.xtf and such are replaced no problem with Halo2...why are people having a problem? Just start the box with the disk in..

    This worked ok for me..but no promises...
    I can recover from any dashboard related errors without too much pain..

    Just one question...How did you try to "change the way it looked"?.Please try to be as precise with what you did, and what version and region of xbox as possible,( if you downloaded files..which ones and where from etc. If you don't want to post this public just pm it) then I can repeat the steps and end at (hopefully) the same place in an attempt to find an exact solution.

    The only other option if all else fails is beg-steal or borrow a chip and a solderless adapter...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2006
  10. csosq

    csosq Guest

    Alright my xbox factory date is 10/15/03. The version is 1.4. I used Unleash X to modify my xbox. It wouldn't let me connect to Xbox Live so I went to M$ Dash Restore through Splinter Cell. I didn't have a slayers disc and then formatted my drive. It came up wtih error 13. I made myself a slayers disk and put it in the drive. It came up with 14.

    Unfortunately I think I only backed up my eeprom. I did not backup my M$ Dashboard because my Smart FTP couldn not connect to my Xbox.

    I do not have the 'soft mod pack' at all.

    I put the Slayers CD in the drive and turned off my xbox than turned it back on. That is how it came up with 14. that is the only way I can even use the xbox is by coldbooting.

    I tried using Halo 2 but my Xbox is current;ly up to date (I played XBL and made sure everything was up to date on my HD.
  11. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Which exploit did you use (mechassault..007..SC?) and does slayers boot or just error 14?..

    Sorry just read closer..What you need to do is run the game that installs the exploit from the save..(or go do the hotswap with xboxHDM)

    I'll get you a link over to that thread..Don't panic..you got your eeprom safe, good..

    this is for making a new drive but the principle is the same..


    hope that is of some use..you will need to source any files you are missing when you get the drive unlocked....

    BTW XboxHDM can be found at


    search the downloads section when you get there (or pm me..I have a copy too)

    I can you a C:\ too if it's really necessary, but I'll have to go offline for a while to do that..

    C:\ softmod contains

    folder: Audio
    folder: Fonts
    folder: xboxdashdata.185ead00
    folder: xodash
    file : XboxBook.xtf
    file : Xbox.xtf
    file : xboxdash.xbe

    (from a softmod 1.1 running SC-Ndure with Evox as the dash)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2006
  12. csosq

    csosq Guest

    I used the Splinet Cell Unleash X Dashboard Exploit. Error 13 comes up without the Slayers CD in the Drive. Error 14 comes up with the slayers CD in the drive.
  13. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That's odd..It should load slayers dash...send me a mail addy and I'll upload you a sc recover disk..
  14. csosq

    csosq Guest

    What do you want me to send you?
  15. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I can send through megaupload (or maybe even attach from my mail) pm me an email address where I can send it..
  16. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    well i think im in deep crap cuz everyboddy is talkin bout back ups and stuff like that well i didnt back up any thing well i dont think i did and i deleted my dash like all the other ppl plaese help!!!!!
  17. csosq

    csosq Guest

    Well I am sure I backed up m eeprom but than I formatted my drive. Will it still be there?

    Shark what do you need help with?
  18. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Hi csosq...you should have those files now. The download button is under the "links" box..where it said wait 45 secs, your eeprom should be in E:\backups\eeprom...same for shark..Doesn't really matter unless you are changing drives or using xboxhdm....wd drives can be opened with ATAPWD app...never tried that..

    small faq included...going off now to do some work..

    Have a try with that and post if you need anymore help

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2006
  19. csosq

    csosq Guest

    You saying to oepn my Xbox and manually do it?
  20. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Ok, Heres what to do with that block of files...

    Unrar it, which will give you a small text file, a folder(SC-NDure-complete) and a prog "dummyfile.exe"

    The recover disk is in the folder.."disque de restauration" (Ok it's french..all the english ones have been messed with!!)

    You need to get a ms-dash from somewhere..try some torrents or weird xbox sites, and put it in the disk folder in backups/ C:...

    run the dummyfile app and in the file size put 200,select a location for the file (next to default.xbe in the sc disk folder is best) It will run for a bit and then go away..hey presto- a 500Mb file of nothing..(you need it so the xbox can read the disk)

    3. Get something like CloneXB, extractXiso from somewhere and start it.. ( I'll try it with just nero-add files and see if that works too..)

    4.make an xiso from the files in the folder "disque de restauration" which should also have your 200mb dummy file in it...(if you are really struggling I'll run through it again here just to make sure it's right..)Should just have to point the xiso maker at the folder..

    5. Burn the iso ( which should be about 570ish mb)with nero or alcohol 120..(make sure that the disks you use can be read by your xbox (should still attempt to play a burned audio cd!)

    Shove it in the xbox and fire up...menu comes up, hit about 4 down..ndure exploit...chose restore/repair..2nd option..

    If it works you can have some fun with xml scripts changing all the menus into english... :)

    Or if you want to use XboxHDM just open up the msdash you got from somewhere and put all the files on C:\

    Don't ask me for a link for a ms-dash..check earlier in the thread...I don't do copyrighted software (and it's too big to send!)

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2006

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