Hi guys. Sorry it's me again,forgot my writer was reading to verify,could this just be a bad disc i'm using datawrite red 4x and they burn no problem,herbsman said datawrite red are known to be terrible media which i think the problem is,i borrowed some copies from a friend to try them, princo - managed to rip 3 out of 4 to hdd,other 1 was a bit scratched. ritek go4 - copied no problem to hdd,even though the disk was in a terrible state. herbsman,i have ordered ritek go4,and will let you know how i get on, Will wait till i get ritek before trying to verify and let you know how it goes. both my drives are set as dma. Thanx for everything guys. herbsman 1 more question,how do you get the gif anime at the bottom of your posts.
hehehe Your quite welcome , in relation to thnx given Dougal. And as for gif in signature , I've been asked that a lot of times Check your PM box.... herb