Yes, I am a Newbie. I have the DVD Cloner 3 program and I can back-up any of my dvd's. My questions are, how come some take over an hour and some take 40 min?, What causes the skips or freezes in the copy?, and why is the sound off from the lips (delay). It does not do these things on evey movie but it still can be a aggrevation. I use an external Maddog DVD burner that I connect thru a USB. I have a Compaq notebook with a AMD Sempron 2800 with 768 ram. Is this a ok notebook for this? Thank You?
For a start get rid of DVD Cloner 3 and use clonedvd or Shrink the later is free. This comes down to the amount of compression each movie needs, for example a movie that needs 40% compression will take longer than a movie that needs 10% compression. Poor blank media will cause that to happen, only use Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim. Also burning to fast will also have this effect. Always keep you dvdwriter's firmware up to date. EDIT: Welcome to AD
What is Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim? I am learning all this stuff. I like the simplicity of the program I have and do not have the knowledge to open this and run that, etc. What is a good speed to set my dvd? Will it help if I only back-up the movie and not menu and previews? Thank You!!
Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim are brands of blank media. You can not get any easier by using clonedvd 2 Have you paid for DVD Cloner 3? Burn half the disc speed of your blank media. Example: if they say 8x burn at 4x, 16x burn at 8x. This way you will get less errors. It all comes down to your own preference, personally I always do movie only.
Yes, I pd 39.99. My dvd was set at the fastest setting and I reset it to 4x. Where can I go to read up on the stuff I need to know such as blank media, etc? I like I say am a complete idiot and need to learn. The program I have was recommended to me by a friend. It has worked great with the little problems above mentioned. I really appreciate your help. Thank You!!
Have a look here for a guide on blank media quality Also I think you should read this
I just want to add this.... all the good media is made in Japan (MIJ). there is only one exception: Verbatim, which is made in Taiwan/Singapore. Here are some top notch media to get: Taiyo Yuden (buy online from stores like,,,etc), Verbatim, Maxell, Sony... read the lables on the media and make sure it says MIJ.
@emsdad You can find Taiyo Yudens +Rs in USA by looking for the Sony 8X made in Japan with a white octagonal spacer on top of spindle. Maxell made in Japan are good media also. You may enjoy the guides and free software at this location:
I just figured out what blank media is. Its starting to make sense now. I told you I was an idiot. I am using 8x TDK and Nextech. What is the difference between + or - dvd?
My hard drive is a 40 gig. Is this a problem? I have 18 gig free. I was thinking about getting a new laptop, what should i get?
it's adequate but for faster results I would go to a higher capasity drive. sometimes you can get a DVD that will take up 7-8Gigs and you need room to breath! Remember the other programs use drive space when you are encoding/transcoding!
@emsdad I would ditch the present blank media and get some of what everyone has been suggesting. The +R variety can be book typed to DVD-ROM in what the original DVD was stamped. Note: Your burner must be able to book type them. If you can they are more compatible on stand-alone players.I book type and use +R X8 Sony brand TYs. -R are cheaper on line and are also more recognizable than +Rs unbook typed. Download DVD Decrypter free from bbmayo's page link in my first post. You can use it to analyze your burner's firmware and book type ability besides it's (an almost) must have DVD program. That ought to be enough to digest for now. Take a TUMS; actually is all so very easy after you do it 10,000 times. LMAO j/k
well my next toy will be an LCD TV and then a laptop but I've been looking at the new DELLs XPS breifcase one.... very expensive, almost as much as my tower XPS! that runs over 4700.00! well that is more than my tower! LOL I got on sale in April, 2005 for 4200.00!~ check my sig. sooooooooo you don't want to know my taste! LOL
Pazzini and Ihoe, Thank You for your input. I will try what you both suggested.......except the 4200.00 Dell.........Dude I'm not getting a dell.........LOL.
My daughter got an HP laptop from Costco, really good support for it too. HP sent someone to pick it up when her graphics card went crazy and it was back within 3 days. Me I bought a crap emachines, which now has a class action suit going on just got the paperwork on repair, the stupid thing overheated from day one........what a crap computer never buy and emachines. Also ditch those NexxTech disks what awful, awful media. Friend gave me a burned movie on two of them nothing but freezing and pixelation on both.