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nagravision 3 coming soon!

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by scandalou, Jan 25, 2009.

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  1. BISH

    BISH Regular member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    trials startin on sunday n*l, got it from someone who has been
    workin for them on contract for a while to try and stop the
    boxes workin i know im gonna get stick for this but only tellin
    what i was told like everyone else i hope im wrong
  2. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    Well its gooodbye V***in hello S*y, whats the price of the packages? I would expect s*y would have a marketing campaign to capture the mass migration! or Fr***at sounds a good deal. Derek Achora had a word with Sam and told me the the new nag 3 has been sorted already and just waiting for the first code to come from V***in!
  3. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Everyone is acting like nagra3 is the end of the world! Well it isn't! The people that upgrade the firmware just have to wait and see what version is rolled out (yes there are a number of ways it could be implemented). Once that is done and any of the boxes are working (whether linux based or not) the option of manual input will be available to people with the other boxes, so i wouldn't write them off just yet.

    So the only thing to do is be patient, and wait to see what happens! :)

    But anyone that is telling you this box or that box will definitely work is talking through their hat! Ok, the linux based boxes are more likely to work, but nobody knows for certain until after the rollout! :)
  4. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    Calm down, I found this explanation on a website, many thanks to the author.
    I have seen a bunch of talk about Nagra 3 being implemented and tested in the data stream so I figured I would explain a bit about how encryption works so that folks understand a bit more about why these rumors are false and why they shouldn’t worry about the release of Nagra 3 so much…..

    Just so you know, this is a simplified version… professional encryption is a huge deal with several formulas, algorithms etc….. but just as encryption is huge so is DECRYPTION…… in other words, for every person making encryption there is 5 working to decrypt it…. All of them working for our stb manufacturers….. Here is a basic idea of how encryption works :

    All encryption is based on a mathematical formula…. For example… you start off with a code to crack and the idea is that you want to find out how many apples Johnny has in his bucket….. here is how the systems would work…

    NAGRA 1….. this works on basic addition (not really.. this is the part where I am makin’ it simpler)…. You start off with someone leaking that there was originally 3 apples in Johnny’s bucket…. The only mathematical process Nagra 1 knows is addition….. so… the provider sends down the number 5 in the data stream… through basic addition your formula tells you to add 5 apples to the original 3… you get eight and boom….. you know the answer…. A simple calculation like this would be done millions and millions of times by your receiver in seconds….. this produces your tv pic using binary language…. When the provider uses addition to change the amount of apples originally in the basket you need a new bin file to help your receiver decrypt the signal….

    NAGRA 2…… Now you introduce subtraction into the mix… now the provider can change the number of apples originally in the basket both ways… add more or take some away….. the equation is twice as complicated and your receiver has to work double time…… every once in a while the equation gives you a previous number used because due to subtraction you can go back to a previous number…. This is what happens that causes a previous bin file to work…..

    NAGRA 3… Ok… let’s say this bad boy can do multiplication….. now your equations are 3 times as difficult… it is harder for coders to find the formula…. Your number of original apples can now go from 100000 to 2 in a flash of a second due to multiplication…… your receiver is working triple time…… it takes the coders longer to learn how many apples are in the basket……

    Bottom line… the bad news is that you may not have any apples in your basket for a while since the coders will need time to figure this out……. The good news is that they are geniuses and a whole lot of rich folks will be losing a pile of money until they get some apples back in your basket……
  5. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    It was originally posted by Brooklynboys, on simplefta.com, what an explanation!
  6. BISH

    BISH Regular member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    thanks for explaining it batman,understand it a bit more now..
  7. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Have to say a lot of nonsense you cannot crack what you have not got yet so any one that says that N3 is cracked is as bad as the scaremongers on here saying they are sending virus down the cable

    There has been nothing cracked yet as everything is up in the air at the moment until its implemented and you can not implement something that has not happened

    As for manual inputting the Co*** that will also not be possible i have been informed so when they do and i say when the boxes will be down until a solution is found and this includes all boxes LINUX based as well
  8. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    Fergusrb, I don't think you got the skit, Derek Achora (Medium) and Sam (His spirit mate) had had message from beyond the mag 3 had been cracked! If you look at the post more closely you will understand what I am getting at. Also please read the explanation of nag 3 and the decryption process, all codes are based of formula of binary all you need is the key simple, so it won't take long for somebody who is determined enough and has a background in programming.
  9. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    yep maybe i did misunderstand and if i did many others will have as well

    You are quite correct it is only binery but thats only part of it if that was the case they would have broken the sky one which has not been done and never likely to be done either i would say

    It depends on the way the checksums are done in the coding and if there is a way to do it as you said time will tell and we will just all have to wait and see what comes of it
  10. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    Sky is a rolling code every 10th of a second, the same technology as used in the comms satellites for the american military, as maxwells huge empire and funds helped develop the tech. When you have that kind of clout and in with the big boys its you scratch mine and Ir'll scratch yours. Sky when launched was cracked, so he invested millions into it. I think the cable companies have already said they will transmit to IP based units same as broadband, so my own opinion says they will not use Nag 3.
  11. batman44

    batman44 Guest

    Oops, sorry murdoch's empire, the other guys dead. What the hell its all been going on forever. Cat & Mouse.
  12. gavin8814

    gavin8814 Regular member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    im am also sick and tired of hearing this same crap so time for new news the new cards and nag3 is a load of bull i know some 1 inside and nothing is changing as all focus is gone on phone and broadband where the real money is so stop scare mongering people please.
  13. scandalou

    scandalou Guest

    its funny how so many of you are so easily pissed off!!real entertainment....forget the tv dramas,log on to this site!!
  14. scandalou

    scandalou Guest

    .......by the way....its the end of the world this sunday!!!!
    best start making you way to the moon!!! :)
  15. paulhac

    paulhac Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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  16. crashdd

    crashdd Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Clearly Scouser should have chosen his words more carefully. Peoplemight not behappy with this subject but it is not "unwise" to air it unless you are troubled by the effect it may have on sales

  17. noelyf

    noelyf Regular member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I dont like talking about it either & I`m not a seller!!!
  18. malci

    malci Guest

    And I agree 100%, can't be Ar**d with the subject, and I am not a seller either, don't even know why I am taking the trouble to acknowledge or you either Noely!!!
  19. noelyf

    noelyf Regular member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Howya mate :)
    Starting to get sick of All the experts coming on here slating the regulars. Probably the same person most of the time using a different username. *sad*
  20. malci

    malci Guest

    Alright at the minute, you as well I hope, and yes there is some very sad posters about, and a lot of post padding I notice!!! ahh well I suppose it might be our fault for giving them some form of credence by acknowledging.
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