nba live dirty disc error

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by beatz2005, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    People have said to burn it to disc till a patch comes out.

    And miltont said:
    Which sounds like he was trying to burn it to disc via ISO but was thinkking you had to have a patch to do it. but you dont need a patch if your making a copy to burn on a disc.

    We all know the patch we need is for the HARDDRIVE so stop your bitching about other poeple giving there own opinion.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2005
  2. Spiritism

    Spiritism Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    yay i edited it
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2005
  3. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I wont reply to that hopfully a Moderator will take care of it.
  4. Spiritism

    Spiritism Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    but for real dude go away we dont want to hear about DVD

    if you have no comments on the harddrive then go away
  5. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Excuse me newbie I have had stuff to say about a patch for the hard drive. And stuff to say about burrning it to disc till a patch comes out.

    If you didnt notice iv been here a hell of alot longer then you and dont need a newbie giving me crap like you are.

    It seems like your the only 1 bitching about what i have to say so dont speak for others in saying WE DONT WANT YOU HERE.

    Also good move on editing the post you typed above to bad a moderator didnt see it before you edited it.

    I hope you get your butt banned from the site with an attitude like that.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  6. Spiritism

    Spiritism Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    shut up dood i couldnt careless how long you been here for the simple fact that it doesnt really matter in this situation
    just be quiet and comment on the topic which is about nba live not playing on the hard drive not nba live not playing on a damn dvd
  7. Cayotic

    Cayotic Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    Well, I'm glad I found out 5 times on one thread that I can back up this game to a DVD. I think everyone with a special (as opposed to modded, I'm using my ebay friendly anti piracy lingo) xbox knows that you can play burnt disks. This mean that as long as there is sufficient storage on the media, and the media is compatible with the DVD drive, then you can play whatever you damn well want off of a DVD. It’s the exact same thing as the data on the Xbox media so why wouldn’t it work? I guess it could be worse and EA could have created a dummy file that would have put us over the typical 4.7 storage limitation as well as creating a file that exceeds FATX filename limitation.

    So from here on out the debate isn’t about isn’t about DVD media. We need to determine if it’s truly a FATX filename limitation or not. As charbs said, there isn’t a filename longer than about 10 characters or so. But has anyone checked the actual media? From what I can tell I have the exact same file structure on the media as I do on the HDD of my PC and Xbox. Which would lead me to believe a default.xbe patch is in order. I attempted to use QUIX101 and it claims to have patched it successfully but I can testify to otherwise.

    The fact that Charbs deleted all files except the default.xbe doesn’t prove the FATX filename limitation theory either. Because see, if it didn’t copy successfully in the first place and you go and delete the remaining files then of course the default.xbe is going to kick a DDE. It isn’t going to find the file its looking for now like it couldn’t find the file it was looking for before.

    I copied the contents of the DVD to the PC to verify that the size, and folder structure was the same as that which was backedup using PX hddloader. And it was, next I again used QUIX to patch the default.xbe from the game disk instead of the default that was patched already by px hddloader. And again, no luck. I only like live for the dunk contest, otherwise I would work harder at finding a cure. As it stands, 2k6 is better overall anyways. And have you seen the xbox360 screenshots and video for NBA 2k6. The players couldn’t appear any more real.

  8. mjeff36

    mjeff36 Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Well i don't understand why the xbox version is causing so much problems, i have both versions and i put the ps2 version on hdd and works perfect, no problems whatsoever, i figure if ea put in a protection for the xbox they would have done the same thing for the ps2 version. i agree it's probably something to do with the default file, i loaded last year's nba live for xbox to the hdd, no problems either. Man this is getting frustrating, i like the graphics for xbox that's why i hope somebody will crack this, where's that guy who cracked the hulk destruction game? i wonder if he can help us out.
  9. Cayotic

    Cayotic Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    Here's a fix for all games not effected by long filenames. Create an iso and use attach.xbe renamed to default.xbe to launch the iso of the game.

    This method is confirmed by me!
  10. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    The above fix that Cayotic has given is a fix for "softmodded xboxs with nkpatcher 10(krazyies installer)"

    It does not work for all softmods. I have my Xbox softmodded with Auto installer Deluxe and it does not work. So if you have a softmodded xbox with nkpatcher 10(krazyies installer) It should work.
  11. stealo

    stealo Guest

    Dont know if this helps anyone it was about GTA San Andreas.
    This happened to me with LIVE 06 when FTP'd to my box, two default.xbe files, haven't tried it yet, sick of trying to get the game to work off HDD.

    "haha, i can't believe how easy a fix this was... i was coming at it from an angle where i assumed that it would be a real pain in the ass to fix, but when i copied it to my HD i noticed something when i FTP'd into my box... two files in the game directory made me wonder..


    i deleted the first default.xbe file because obviously since the game kept locking up and wouldnt load (instead returning me to my opening EvoX screen), i then renamed the second file from default.xbe_original to default.xbe and as simple as that, the game works flawlessly... hopefully by some wierd occurance this might help somebody else out..."
  12. evocre8r

    evocre8r Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Anyone try this yet? I wonder if it works?

  13. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I was gonna try it but my version of LIVE doesn't have two .xbe file...just the default.xbe.

    I did try your method but it didn't work. I changed the file name in x-box tool, changed the...well, everything you said and when I transfered the .iso, and the .xbe to the NBA Live folder it said: ATTACHER VIRTUAL DISC in the game listing. I know why you said it would say that...even read it on xbox-scene where I think it originated from but I did change the file.

    What do you think I'm missing here??
  14. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You need to edit the Game title of attach.xbe to nbalive06 c-xbox tool which this renames the title internely as nbalive06.

    Now after you did that then right click on the attach.xbe and choose rename and then change it from attach.xbe to default.xbe

    then put in the ISO and the default renamed xbe in a folder and FTP to your Xbox.

    Again this will only work for [bold]"softmodded xboxs with nkpatcher 10(krazyies installer)"[/bold]

    this wont work for all softmodded Xbox's. What it is doing is tricking the Xbox into thinking that the NBALive game is playing on a DVD-ROM it is sorta installing a virtual drive. But not all softmods can support this method.

  15. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Thanks man, shows how much I paid attention. Feel like an @$$ now. I was trying to do it on my box that is modded with X3 CE. But at least I did it right, lol. Thanks again.

    Well if anybody gets a fix for a chipped xbox...please POST.
  16. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    Not too sure,but from what I heard,that softmod fix might not work with older if it doesn't work for some people,you have been warned.
  17. Cayotic

    Cayotic Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    If you don't want to play the game on a DVDr, as most dont, because we just want carry our box around with all the games, then those that are softmodded, I suggest you upgrade/change your software to UXE. For those chipping just to use live, break down and buy a second xbox. There so inexpensive and the price will drop more when the 360 comes out.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2005
  18. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    took your advice and uninstaled my old Softmod and replaced it with nkpatcher 10(krazyies installer and NBA Live took right off on the hard drive. It was about time I did this anyway.
  19. scotts424

    scotts424 Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Since it looks like there is no patch coming out for this game I am starting to look into the other solution being offered. I currently have xecuter2 with avalaunch dashboard installed. First of all is this considered a softmod and second of all do I meet the requirements to use the iso method? If I decide to convert to the nkpatcher 10, would it require erasing all of the contents of my hd? Lastly, how would I go about installing nkpatcher 10 if I decided to go that way?

  20. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I dont know about softmodding an Xbox with a softmod if you have a hardmod installed.

    But I had an older softmod installed already with a 300gig hard drive and tons of stuff on it and was worried about lossing everything. But I found a link that said you wouldnt loss anything. I wanted to install the nkpatcher 10(krazyies installersoftmod) so I could play NBA Live 06 and other games that seem to be having trouble ripping to hard drive.

    So I reverted my Xbox back to the MS Dashboard and then deleted my old softmod game save Exploit with the MS Dashboard. Then brought in the new game exploit into the game saves and ran the new softmod and worked perfect. Didnt loss anything. I had to change some stuff around like Emulators and Skins but wasnt that hard.

    Below is a link to the nkpatcher 10(krazyies installer) I installed and it has a guide that helps you do it. He also has the game exploit saves linked to the site.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2005

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