nba live dirty disc error

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by beatz2005, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. softmoder

    softmoder Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    The dirty disk error can be caused if you have a file missing, for instance if you copy halo 2 to your Computer(FTP) then transfer it back to the xbox's HDD with say new_mombassa(A).map missing then when you try to load this level from the HDD it will say that your disk is dirty and cannot be read. Check if any files are missing.
    :) Hope it helps!
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    The reason your get a Dirty disc error is cause when you rip the game to your hard drive it will rename long file names which FATX cant support to shorter filenames.

    So when the game wants to go to that file it cant because its searching for the original long file name which was renamed to a shorter one.

    The reason the above patch works with the NKPatcher10 is cause it is loading the game up on a virtual drive. Its tricking the Xbox into thinking the game is playing from a DVD-ROM drive. Which will then run the game off the ISO image with all file names correct and not changed.
  3. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    but theres no long filenames in the nba live folder...none, and they werent renamed to shorter files cuz if you burn the nba live folder to dvdr it plays fine. And the burning software isnt gonna rename those files to the long version when it burns it so it has nothing to do with long filenames and everything to do with the default.xbe that has to be patched cuz it has some sort of new flag. Hex editing will prolly be the only way.
  4. Cayotic

    Cayotic Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    I tested your theory by creating an iso of Enter The Matrix, one of, if not THE first game known for having a file with a 42+ character filename. Unfortunately, the game will not transfer properly to the Xbox. When using FlashFXP the iso will complete but only shows a 4.1 gb file on the xbox instead of the 4.9 gb stored on my xbox.

    So I tried to transfer the iso from the pc to the Xbox using XBMC file manager. This method doesn't even transfer the partial file as witnessed before.

    The only thing I can think of is that even though its in iso format, it contains the original long filename file. Kinda like a zip format. I would bet we would get the same results if we zipped up the long filenamed file and attempted to transfer it.
  5. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    ok well if anyone knows of a program that can rip xbox games to a pc from the original then try it and see if the long filename exists...but i dont think i will...cuz i have an nba live folder on my pc that i burn to dvdr and it works on my xbox, SO..theres no way that my burning software RENAMES that file to the original long filename when its burning..its telin you..the only fix is to HEX Edit the default.xbe...GUARANTEED
  6. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest

    Is anyone going to try to edit this Hex if it is the case? Some people like me are picky and don't want to go through the trouble of re-installing a diffrent softmod for one single game. My issue is that I don't have a DVD Drive/Burner yet so I have to play games off the hard drive. I understand that games are diffrent but if EA Sports was gonna flag a game wouldnt they have done it to thier most popular title? Like Madden, cuz flagging a game that is way below they selling capablities that Madden has is kinda retarded. But, then again it is EA Sports.
  7. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    @Charbs How did you transfer the files to your computer? FTP from the DVD-ROM drive off your Xbox? Most do it that way and if you did it that way it woudlnt change the long filename cause your Computer hard drive can handle it.

    If you rip the game from your Xbox DVD-ROM to your Xbox hard drive and then FTP the game folder over to your computer and make an xISO it wont work.

    Iv seen numrious people have problems getting the DVD backup of the game working getting the dirty disc error. Which the problem was that they where ripping the game to the Xbox hard drive then FTP the folder over and making the xISO. Once they where told to FTP to there Xbox and rip the game directly from the Xbox DVD-ROM to there computer hard drive and make the xISo it would work for them.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  8. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest

    Ok, I'm still a n00b at this type of stuff so If what I say sounds retarded to give me too much of a hard time...But.

    If I'm assuming correctly a default.xbe works the same way as a .ini file right? Why not just find the file causing the problem and edit the .xbe to look for what it's called, not what the long filename is. Or is that what you guys mean by patching?
  9. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I opened up a hex editor and looked at the new .XBE file and the orignal .XBE file that dvd2Xbox created and compared them and it found 1 part of it diffrent. But I have no idea how to go about fixing the diffrence.
  10. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest

    Ok, I Did A Little Reasearch. The possible explanation of the FATX charcter thing would have to be false according to Xbox-Solution for the simple fact is that someone stated they checked ever file and that they were all there.

    "The file has a long filename and cannot be written to the HDD's Fat-X file system which will only accept 42 character long file names."

    If it can't be written then I'm assuming it would have to be the same problem as The Hulk or 007: Everything or Nothing. It must either be some sort of ACL fault or someone is just gonna have to edit the HEX.

    ^Guess that may be thrown out the window.

    If your in a HEX Editor it should let you edit it right? Are you talking about the .xbe straight from the disc or a non Craxtion patched one? The best thing I could say is to figure out how to edit the HEX and copy the HEX from the discs' .xbe (from DVD2Xbox or from FTP) and replace everything from the backed up .xbe
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2005
  11. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    so what youre sayin is...that when i have my xbox ripped folder of nba live on my pc...and i take that and create an iso from it and burn it...the iso/burning software RENAMES the short file back to the long version when it burns it...cuz thats what it sounds like youre sayin..cuz the folder doesnt play..but burning it to a dvd does how could yuo explain the long filename thing if theres no long filenames in the folder but then all of a sudden they appear on the dvdr that i just burned from that folder?
  12. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you rip a DVD to the Xbox drive with dvd2Xbox the file is still written dvd2Xbox writes the file but changes the file name to a shorter file.

    I would assume that some file is being changed or renamed. Cause as I stated before if you rip the game to the Xbox hard drive and then FTP the game folder to your computer and burn the disc it wont work (due to what others have experienced doing it this way). But if you rip the game directly to your computer hard drive (which suports the file names) from the Xbox DVD-ROM drive and burn it that way it works.
  13. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    what im saying is if your ripping the game directly from your D: drive (Xbox DVD-ROM) it isnt changing the file names cause it isnt being put onto your Xbox Hard Drive. It is going directly from your Xbox DVD-ROM drive to your computer hard drive.
  14. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest

    EDIT because I have been shamed lol.

    In that case then why not rip the game to your PC hardrive and then rip the game to your Xbox and look for diffrences
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2005
  15. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    but its a xbox rip that has been transfered to the pc and then the files on the burned dvd are the EXACT SAME FILES as in the nba live it cant be long filename
  16. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest


    What he's saying is the diffrence is is that ripping it straight to your PC will keep the extension, thus having everything the game disc has, but in transferring it to your Xbox HD the name will get renamed. In any case anythings worth a shot.

    Damn Misread the post.

    There's the possibility that the PC renames it to the orginal name as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2005
  17. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    so what program rips xbox games on a pc?...if someone could do that and compare the pc rip to the xbox rip that would help.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  18. chrono09

    chrono09 Guest

    All you should have to do is stick it in you Xbox HD and FTP it to your PC HD
  19. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you have an extra DVD try this. Rip the game to your Xbox hard drive. Then FTP the game folder on your Xbox hard drive onto your computer. then make the xISO and burn. When you put in the Game DVD backup you will get the dirty disc error.

    This would suggest that a filename or a file is changed once you rip it to your Xbox Hard Drive.

    If this is a copy protection that checks the game to see if your trying to play it off hard drive and gives you a dirty disc error if you are, then no matter how you rip it by the DVD-ROM drive to your computer. Or rip it to your Xbox hard drive and then FTP the game folder over to your computer and burn it. No matter what the game would play as long as you are playing it off the disc.

    Which this isnt the case.
    If you rip it to your Xbox hard drive then FTP to your computer and burn the xISO the game disc wont work.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  20. Charbs

    Charbs Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    the folder that i burn is from the xbox hard drive that i transfered to my pc and then burned

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