Need advice on tweaking DVD-RB for large movies...

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by hermes_vb, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    With the combo from DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP; 2 Passes, 3 Passes or 4 Passes, you can't really tell any differences at all. Seriously, I've tried 3 Passes twice and 4 Passes once (with default settings: VBR Bias = 25, Qual Prec = 16) and I can't tell the differences from 2 Passes. Seriously, I think that 3, 4 or more Passes is just a waste of times only.
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    were you having trouble w/ these 3 movies you were testing? quite often I've been perfectly happy w/ opv setting's

    hermes_vb w/ these measurement's you leave me even more puzzled that's not a particularly large file and the cbr'ish nature would leave me t othink there could be plenty of squeezing room, I'll be on the look out for the release what concert was it?
    I still think there was something more @ play here but I'm paranoid and most don't want to know what my shrink has to say =)
  3. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    AC/DC Stiff Upper Lip Live. It's a good one. DTS sound Rocks!!! I analyzed it using various programs like IfoEdit, etc and the main movie has 4 identical PCG's. Maybe that's what messing things up.

    Another thing that may or may not be relevant is the following...I rip with Decrypter (and AnyDVD on the background). When I inseted the disc, Decrypter's log showed an error concerning file structure, maybe the 4 PCG's maybe something Decrypter can't handle. Should I try another ripper? If so, which one?

    PS I have started another thread about DL media

    @[bold]L8ter[/bold] the link you gave me looks interesting...
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2006
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Im intrested in changing the ouput file like you suggested.

    What ini file do I place the (TargetSectors=2284095) in? The Rebuilder ini file?

    If it is there then all I have to do is place it under the [Options] list like below?

    etc. etc.

    Thanks for any help you will give.
  5. L8ter

    L8ter Guest


    personally I wouldn't exceed the 2265000 mark but in reality I just use this if I'm experiencing over sizing on certain films

    but yes you are correct just insert what ever size you have become comfortable w/ and add the prefix " TargetSectors= " I believe its case sensitive, for single encoders you will use the CCE or HC prefixes such as they are w/ no spaces.

    I hope all is going well for you, like I said I most normally use default escept when problems should arise.
  6. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    You've misquote me with "hermes_vb". I don't have any issues with DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP at all. I'm perfectly fine.

    I was replying to hermes_vb and I'm saying that, with DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP, you can't tell any differences even if it's 2 Passes, 3 Passes or 4 Passes. I said 3 or 4 Passes is just a waste of times only.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2006
  7. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    I appologise if I've caused any confusion, I'm having trouble understanding you (I'm from tx and you haven't said ya'll once =) )

    are you saying that there is no difference between 2,3,or 4 pass or just 3 or 4 pass?

    either way maybe it's better 4 you to say [bold]"I[/bold]can't see any difference" because when you say "[bold]you[/bold] can't see..."
    I will tell you sir in most every scenario I can!

    once again I'm sorry for having misquote u. =) cheers mate!
  8. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    @ hermies vb
    have you tried removing the extra angles w/ dvddecrypter during rip

    check it out tools>>settings>>file mode tab then click on multi angle processing this feature will strip all but the selected # of angles from the film I've read where some additional processing (pgcedit) was needed for the files to be processed by rebuilder but in my minimal experience w/ angle stripping(~6 titles) it wasn't needed!

    this is a very likely culprit!
    good luck!
  9. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    It's all good and no problem here mate. You're doing a great job trying to help hermes_vb. Keep up the good work. Cheers!
  10. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Thanks L8ter I put in the line and it worked. Just recently started using DVD Rebuilder + CCE and it is actully getting easier to use and love the outcome of the backup movies. I can see a big diffrence on my 67IN HDTV between the other programs I used before and this combo DVD Rebuilder + CCE. Whished I would have went to it sooner.
  11. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    once you get the hang of it it is fairly easy to use but I love all the bells & whistles I've devoted a great bit of my free time to learning the extra's and by no means consider my self a pro there is alway's some feature that I discover coupled w/ JDobbs, nearly crazed, need to update and add features the man is of quite a high caliber.
    next thing you know he'll have the thing doing my taxes =)

    so help us keep up w/ him it seems to be a never ending chase experiment & enjoy!
  12. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    [bold]next thing you know he'll have the thing doing my taxes[/bold]

    Will the next version let us select between CCE and Turbo Tax for high quality Tax Declarations? LOL
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    If RB/CCE is working the way it is supposed to, there is no need for inserting Targetsectors settings in the ini file. Don't believe me, ask jdobbs.

    One pass (opv) for me has always been a washout. The bitrates were off and the size wasn't optimized. When running at 3 passes, my backups usually come in at 4.32-4.33GB.

    According to jdobbs, 2 passes with RB with CCE are sufficient for a good encode when things are working the way they're supposed to. On some rare occasions, I've noticed that 3 passes will give slight improvements on the bitrates in some scenes. Note I said rare. I have a slightly faster machine than some, so I can spare a half hour or so for the extra pass. I do batch jobs while sleeping or away from the PC for extended periods. So, my Advanced Settings are 25-16-3, most of the time. I've never seen a difference at 4 passes and don't intend to waste my time trying again. I view on a 60 inch TV, so I can see the difference.

    The $58 Basic Retail version is the best option for most users. The factory CCE SP trial has a logo on the video output and the "extended" trials are of varying quality. If using one of those "extended" trials, check the quality against the CCE released trial.

    As for problems with later versions of CCE, no such thing that I've encountered. I like not having to use EclCCE. The user does need to set RB to Run Encoder(s) Minimized. There's been little difference between 2.5... to 2.7... versions of SP for use with RB. At one point the Advanced settings were a little off due to version differences, but jdobbs took care of that. So, use the version of choice, the installer will set it up correctly and there should be little to no difference. Just remember the Run Encoder(s) Minimized for the later versions.

    One thing to remember when doing encodes of concert videos, the soundtracks can sometimes be extensive, especially when more than one. With both Dolby and DTS, quite a bit of space can be taken. Depending on the need, I'd suggest choosing one or the other. Since I'm not a true audiophile, I leave off the DTS automatically. Besides, I've not upgraded the audio equipment to play DTS and don't intend to spend the extra any time soon. Nice to have the options though. If one of my friends asks me to back something up with DTS for them, I'm prepared. ;)
  14. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    I think it's just a plugin for the time being. better stick to three pass for that one though I hear the irs is ferocious w/ shotty output!

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