make certain that a new psu will fit in your tower as there might be dimension size problem. some of the name brand computers use a shorter size psu(between the back of the case & back of rom drive) so that a regular size psu won't fit there as not enough room.
See link in previous post which states, "just go for the standard ATX 140(D)x150(W)x85(H) in mm dimensions and you're laughing*
You have got totaly the wrong end of the stick ddp, that is a direct quote from a link in my third post on this thread (check it) and was in no way trying to undermine you at all, i was trying to reassure Wishcross thet a standard PSU will fit. Maybe i could have worded it better i dont know, Should uou know better and checked the link i dont know. End of the day we are both just trying to help someone out.
Lol, I'm still debating if I should get it or not, because I don't even know if it will fix the problem. And even if I do get one, I have to be careful in choosing one, because some don't have that 4-Pin Connector. =/