yea my mom gave me her discs because she was gunna take them back because they didnt burn you no why LOL becasue there dvd+r but the disc that i have in is just a regular cd
the same thing happened but it now says update program was terminated by occuring errorand i pressed ok and nothin happened again
BTW there was a extra wire that was connected to the hard drive that i pluged into the dvd drive because it was there when i took it out
Ok well as for the dvd disks LOL But as for firmware not working i dunno now. I am stumped and don't know enough about it i spose. I have Pm'ed someone about it who should be able to help you out on this matter ok.
oki doki thnx for your help i might have to bring it to a computer store and ask them if they can fix it
Well before you run off and pay money for it lol wait and see if creaky can help you out - he's v good at this sorta stuff
all right thnx man i wasnt planing on bringing it to the store untill next friday when i get some money so if someone can help me first ill be more then happy/thankfull
Yeah i've pm'ed him and might get the chance to talk to him on IRC about it for ya ok. Well sorry i couldn't help further but i will keep tabs on this one and be back if i can help anymore