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need help with xenium sp.ice

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by SPREYN, May 11, 2005.


    SPREYN Guest

    i just got a xenium sp.ice mod chip for my v1.6 xbox i have a few questions. 1. how do i put the latest version of the os on the chip.2. what bios do i use. 3. what dash do i use.i don,t know a whole lot so any info would help i really need to be walked through the whole thing if any one could help please feel free.also how do i back up my old bios befor i add a new one
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2005
  2. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    If u just got u're xenium, u're OS should be fine but if u want to update it, here is apost from another thread here.
    To update the Xenium OS you need to download XeniumOS 2.3 and find the recovery.bin file and Ftp that to Xbox's E drive. After you do that, you must have the E folder open to where you can see the recovery.bin file(leave FlashFXP open) then hit the power button on the Xbox and restart it back to Xenium OS. Now, at the XeniumOS menu select recovery and wait till the OS updates....when the update is complete the Xbox will shutdown on it's own and you should see XeniumOS 2.3.0 when you restart.

    Bios to flash Xenium:(you can use your preffered bios)what i'm using is:

    Evox M8_16LBA for Xbox 1.6 version and higher.
    Evox M8 for Xbox lower than 1.6

    My step by step guide:
    08.) There has been hundreds of posts on hundreds of forums of how people just cant get the Xenium to read the cdrw so they can flash the bios. If done properly it can be the easiest part of the whole modchip install. Find a type of media that your xbox will read, just burn some music on one @ a slow speed and if the xbox will read it to copy the music then you are good to go. Open up Nero and choose "CD-ROM (ISO)" then click on "new".

    09.) Now I would find your bios which you are going to flash your chip with and rename it on your hard drive to "bios.bin" without the "" make sure its not named bios.bin.bin if it doesnt show the file type if while looking at the file all you see is "evoxM7" (for example) then right click and rename to BIOS leave the ".bin" off because windows knows its a ".bin " file. WHEW!! ok now that your bios that u are using is renamed to BIOS and not evoxM7 or something else we want to drag it over to the our ISO, .

    10.) Ready to burn your bios CDRW? ok first lets make settings changes then we will be all set. Click the burn icon (little match stick icon) in nero like you are going to burn the cd the burn compliation dialog pops up here we will make a few changes that will ensure the xbox reads the cdrw. First on the "ISO" tab there is a drop down box beside "Format" change this to "Mode1". Secondly on that same tab uncheck "Joliet". Now on the "Burn" tab change "Write Method" to "Disc-At-Once/96" and change the write speed to 4X. It is good practice to burn your cds slow this allows the cdrom to read the cds better.

    By now, you should have: a modified XBOX with a working Xenium ICE modchip, installed the retail BIOS and an additional BIOS, set up the Xenium FTP server, set up the XBOX/PC network connection, installed FlashFXP (or some other FTP client) on your PC, successfully connected to your XBOX, backed up your EEprom to the Xenium, and backed up your hard drive.

    Right now, you need to get a copy of Evolution-X Dashboard-Build 3935, if you don’t already have it. Again, do not confuse this with Evolution-X BIOS. Team Evolution-X makes both software products, but they are different from each other. You want the dashboard files. Extract the dashboard archive to a folder on your PC. We have to do a couple of things to it before we can send it over to the XBOX.

    Ok. In the folder where you extracted the archive, locate the file evox.ini. On some Windows PCs you will only see “evox” by the notepad-with-gear icon and “Configuration settings” written below it. The file has a file size of about 4KB.

    Open this file in a text editor. On Windows PCs, just double-click the icon and the file should be opened in the default text editor (usually Notepad). You can also open the file in a word processing program, but you must be very careful that when you save the file, that you save it in plain text format and that the file name and extension don’t get changed.

    Move down through the file until you come to the line [Network]. Below this line are the network settings Evolution-X will use with its built-in network services. You should have the following lines:

    SetupNetwork = Yes
    StaticIP = Yes
    Ip = <your XBOX IP address>
    Subnetmask =
    Defaultgateway = <your PC IP address>
    DNS1 =
    DNS2 =
    SetupDelay = 0
    SkipIfNoLink = No

    Edit these settings to reflect the same data that you put into the Xenium OS Network Settings menu.

    Save the changes you have made and exit the text editor.
    Now we can transfer the dashboard files to the XBOX. Make sure the XBOX is turned on and sitting at the Xenium OS menu. It doesn’t matter which screen the Xenium OS is displaying, just as long as it is on an XOS screen. This is so that we can be sure the Xenium OS FTP service is running.

    Start FlashFXP on your PC. Click the lightning bolt icon over the right pane, select XBOX from the list. This will automatically connect with the XBOX. If you can not connect, and you are using DHCP, then you may have to change the IP address in Site Manager since the DHCP server may have assigned a new one to the XBOX.

    Once FlashFXP has connected to the XBOX and you see the XBOX folders in the right pane, double-click the XBOX’s C folder to open it. This is where we will be putting the Evolution-X dashboard files.

    Now, in the left pane, navigate to the folder on the PC containing the Evolution-X files. You want to transfer two files to the XBOX. Evox.ini and evoxdash.xbe. Once these files have transferred (it goes pretty quickly) that’s all there is to it! If you also have the Skins folder on your PC, you can drag that over as well, but it is not necessary for dashboard operation.

    At this point, you can go over to the Xenium OS, go to the Launch Menu, and select any BIOS other than the original (retail kernel). Confirm that you want to launch it, and if everything went right, you should see the Evolution-X dashboard appear on your TV screen.
    to your PC.

    Last edited: May 11, 2005

    SPREYN Guest

    that is the most info ihave got from any one on this forum thanks it is a big help.

    SPREYN Guest

    when you say to ftp the os how do i transfer. with a disk the usb port or throuhg some other way.that is the only thing i am not clear on thanks
  5. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Xbox has a built-in NIC.If u will connect u're XB direct to u're PC,use a CAT5 crossover cable.If u will connect u're XB through a router, use aregular CAT5 cable then.


    SPREYN Guest

    Cool thanks agin you have been a lot of help
  7. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    the new x2 bios is also compatible with 1.6 xbox's if you wish to use it.

    x2_5028 if you do go with the new x2 bios make sure you use the 1.6 version

    SPREYN Guest

    the bios that i found for evox is M8_LBA_IGR_Q-06.bin or M8_LBA_IGR_C-06.bin which one should i use.when you say recovery.bin when i open the folder it should look like this.
    recovery.bin <<<<<<<<
    is dvd2xbox ok to use to download games to my hdd and how do i install it.One more question how many skins can i put on my xbox.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2005
  9. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I haven't updated my bios in a while so I am not too sure about those 2 unless they r updates of the one im using which is Evox M8_16LBA(lba) so it will recognized a drive bigger than 130 gig.Correct. those recovery bin files are on your e drive just incase you messed up installing a new bios.Find the"apps" folder on your Xbox(usually the F: drive) and ftp your dvd2xbox folder into the apps folder.On your new dash, you will see the Applications menu and you will find dvd2xbox there which u can use to install the games from your disc to your hard drive.

    Last edited: May 12, 2005
  10. SPREYN

    SPREYN Guest

    my hdd is only a 120gig so can i use the evox m8_16 and not the one with LAB.ALSO what is (flash fxp).
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2005
  11. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Yes u can use that bios.Flashfxp is a program that u need to use to ftp from your PC to your XBor XB to PC.U can use any FTP program of your choice.

  12. SPREYN

    SPREYN Guest

    once i make the bios disk the xbox can read it where in the xenium os do i go to flash the chip
  13. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Make sure u back up your original eeprom/bios first.
    Adding a New Launch Item:
    A new Xenium or one that has recently had an OS update
    performed will need to have the virtual bios banks configured.

    By selecting the “Add A New Item” option from the Launch Menu
    you are presented with a dialog box to select the location of where
    you wish to boot the bios from. The available options include
    “TSOP” for the Retail Kernel, “Flash” to boot a bios from the
    Xenium’s Flash memory and “Hard Disk” for BFM based bioses (not
    yet implemented).

    By selecting TSOP a virtual bank will be setup to use the original
    kernel of your console, the name of this bank can be changed by
    using the Xenium-OS onscreen keyboard.
    When the Flash option is selected you can select the file to use from
    any of your console’s HDD partitions, a USB Pendrive (Drive H:) or
    via a Samba share (refer to the Using Samba section of this
    manual). The Xenium flash space is compatible with 256k, 512k
    and 1Mb bioses in the following combinations:
    • 1 x 1Mb
    • 2 x 512k
    • 2 x 256k & 1 x 512k
    • 4 x 256k
    You can navigate the Xenium-OS file browser by using the
    controllers D-pad and the A button to select a drive, folder or file . The console’s hard disk partitions (C:, E:, F:, X:, Y: and Z:) along with a USB Pendrive (H:)
    and also a PC connected using the Xenium-OS Samba client.
    Once a file has been selected the Xenium-OS will attempt to
    autodetect the name of the bios, you can then modify the bios
    name or enter a new name if the autodetection failed by using the
    onscreen keyboard.
  14. SPREYN

    SPREYN Guest

    i can get the little evox simble to come up in the left hand corner of the screen but it only boots to the microsoft dash. i cant get it to boot the evox dash.
  15. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Make sure u have these 2 files on the XB C: drive...

    Evox.ini and evoxdash.xbe

    At this point, you can go over to the Xenium OS, go to the Launch Menu, and select any BIOS other than the original (retail kernel).

  16. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you have to install a new dashboard...the evox logo during boot up just tells you that you have booted to the m8 bios, and since you do not have a new dashboard it defaults to the ms dashboard.
  17. SPREYN

    SPREYN Guest

    i have got every thing working but i csn only play games from a disk if i have my factory hdd when i use my 120 hdd i can not play a game it gets past the loading stage and freezes i have all the same stuff on both drives the larger one wont work please help.
  18. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Look for the Cache folder in the XB and delete all the files in it.

  19. SPREYN

    SPREYN Guest

    thanks my cames work fine now on my new hdd but i still can't get dvd2xbox to work i have tried it on every folder in my hdd and i can not get it to come up in the apps on my evox dash .
  20. Datalife

    Datalife Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Is it IN the "apps" folder?


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