I am using Nero 7 Ultra Edition... everytime I try to burn a file, whether if I am burning and .iso or image file, or trying to make a data cd, once the burning of my DVD is complete, I get an error saying "Failed Disk at Once" or something along the lines of that. What does this mean? I've tried using dvdSanta for my image files and those DVDs worked fine, but when I use Sonic or Nero, I always get an error at the end. I am using Blank Sony DVD+R, my DVD burner is DVD+ and - so if anyone can provide some help on this I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks.
Some versions of Nero7 are "buggy" which version do you have. BTW Ultra isnt the answer I want, it's something like, go to StartSmart, info tools. You're probably using
I am in the middle of updating to right now. I'll tell you the results, but I sure hope this works, I don't feel like wasting another blank DVD... I've already gone through 6 today...
Nero API version: and These latest versions of Nero are full of bugs, I recommend you uninstall, run this clean tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html and then install a more stable version from here http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845
If you continue to use version it wont be long before you are back posting with some type of error.
I am using the version you posted right now... but are you sure it doesn't have to do with the DVD format or something else? Cuz I tried it with Sonic too and it didn't work, and I really don't want to waste another DVD...
If you have Roxio installed it WILL clash with Nero, doesnt matter which version you have. To remove Roxio run this zapper http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninstallers/Roxio-Zap.shtml heres a thread you should check out on Roxio http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/354692
make sure your firmware on your drive is up to date also and your burning on a clean machine with NO other programs running