Needing help with TMPGenc and Virtualdub

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Dr.Who, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Ok I recompiled it with the audio compiled with the video and I got the same results. Wont play movie. Just a play light pops up and goes away in the title screen.

    If I double click the title, the DVD LAB TEST screen comes up and I hear 5 seconds of the 20th century fox song, and thats it. No video.

    No what do I do? lol
  2. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Heres another thing I noticed....

    I went back to the Menu 1 screen and where it shows the connections tab in the middle, off to the right of it are tabs MOVIE 1, MENU 1, and SCENES 1 FOR MOVIE 1.

    I clicked on SCENES 1 FOR MOVIE 1 and noticed only 2 chapters were listed.

    Now when I was making my chapters, I chose auto chaptered and set it to 120 so as to not get too many chapters created.

    I noticed the 2nd chatper (only 2 chapters listed) showed it to be only 31 mins long

    This is roughly about the time the movie stopped when I burned it using TMPGenc.

  3. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Don't mess with chapters or anything yet.
    We need to get the menu structure proper.
    You have a menu, which should be inside ROOT VTS.
    This has a link that goes to movie 1.
    You should also have a link from Firstplay to ROOT.
    Look on the connections tab, and confirm this.
    If you do, don't worry about colours and stuff, just so long as the link goes to the movie, and when testing with NeroShowtime, it shows the menu, the link, and when clicked on, it plays 5 seconds of audio with the funny screen showing the movie title.
    This is what it's supposed to do!
    Once you have confirmed that the menu comes up, the link works, and the funny movie screen with audio plays, then you can compile the actual movie.
    Click File, save as, give it a name, and save the project. We'll get back to it in a minute.
    Test it again in Showtime. MAKE SURE it plays ALL THE WAY THROUGH!
    If it does not, then there's a problem with the encoded mpeg, which probably stems from a problem with the original avi.
    If it DOES play all the way through, then you can run it through DVD Shrink if you want, or we can go back and add chapters and stuff.
    Open DVDLab again, and click File, open, and find the project you saved. This will load everything back in as you had it.
    Now, click the Wizard wand, and select Auto chapters.
    120 is WAY too many. That's more than one every minute. Add maybe one very 10 minutes, so for a 90 minute movie, add 9 chapters in the whole movie.
    Now click on Menu, add scene selection menus, thumbnail scene selection. Select a template.
    Click OK, then click YES.
    The menus now appear in the Project window.
    Double click Menu 1, make a link from your main menu 1, to scenes selection menu 1.
    The connections tab should now look VERY similar to this:
    Compile using test images again, and test in Showtime. Test ALL links, from ALL menus.
    If it all works, compile and test again, making sure the movie still plays ALL THE WAY THROUGH.
    If it does, Shrink if needed, burn, DONE!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2005
  4. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Mmmm k.....(sighs)

    Ill give this a shot tonight..................again. lol

    The way you mentioned it, it seems you want me to not worry about the chapters until the very end. Mmmmm k

    We'll see what happens. Its weird, because before hand when I clicked on auto chapters, and set it to 120, it only made 1 extra chapter which was only 30 mins long. ARRGH.

    God, I hope it doesnt play only 30 mins of the movie again when I complete all this. I suppose if it does do it, then I might as well trash the movie and work on another movie.

    Im just curious that if it does turn out to play only 30 mins from the movie, and I create another project off ANOTHER movie and it does it again, then Im doing somethin wrong........somewhere that I cant seem to figure out.
  5. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    My guess is there's something in the avi, that causes tmpgenc to screw up.
    It may, or may not be fixable.
  6. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    well, well well......this is new....

    Well, Jim it appears the 30 min bug hasnt gone away, BUT rather has changed....

    After compiling the FIRST time, you mentioned that its normal that it plays the video and audio only 5 secs? RRRRRRRR.......didnt do that.

    THIS TIME, it played the whole movie.....but with the 30 min style lol

    Remember when I told you that originally it only played the movie up to 30 mins and cut off? Well now the audio cuts off at the very exact point that the video originally cut off, only the video continues to play this time and plays silent the rest of the way till the end.

    Somethin happened. The video plays fine now, the audio cuts off after 30 mins.

    I also noticed that this time, it took longer to compile the movie/audio. I had to wait I think 20 mins for it to compile the first time.

    I also noticed somethin in DVDlab. Under the ASSETS window, the time next to the video file is 4:54:00, but the time next to the ac3 audio file says 00:25:51.

    Could this be why the audio only played for about 30 mins? 25 mins perhaps? If so, why?

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2005
  7. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    That's definitely why the audio cut out.
    Dig up the original .wav or .avi and open it in virtualdub. Click File, file information See how long it says the audio is.
    If it's not the same length as the video, then there's a problem with the audio track, right in the avi, and it's almost impossible to salvage it.
    You could try opening the avi in Goldwave, and see if you can extract it (click file, save, choose Signed PCM 16 bit .wav).
    That might get you the right length.
    If it does, just transcode THAT .wav in ffmpeggui, and author using that one, instead of the other you extracted with vdub.
  8. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Ok, sounds good. Will do.

    I think of it this way. We're almost complete with this monster of a project, but I figure if it does not work and the audio is going to be stubborn, then I figured the least I could do is convert the avi to MPEG and just play it as an mpeg file, because I THINK my portable dvd player reads mpeg files. Not sure, but at least the movie backup didnt go to waste.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2005
  9. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Made a screen shot of the avi in virtual dub under file information. The audio is definetely different in length than the video.

    Going to email you the screen shot at the email addy you provided. Thanks

    So I may have to just settle on this movie copy to be just MPEG and play it on the dvd player as just MPEG, huh?

    Its weird. If I play the avi itself in WMP, or Nero Showtime, it plays the entire movie fine.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2005
  10. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    (I think Jim is hibernating) lol
  11. piyota

    piyota Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I have a small question like this:
    I used TMPGEnc to convert from avi to mpeg like the instruction, I use the wav file as audio input so the output file have sound. Then I use the TMPGEnc DVD author ver 1.6 to authorize it, this is the problem, when I add file in th 2nd step: source file, the audio source of the movie is itself, do we need to change that input into the wav file like be4. And in the enviromental setting, it says that the TMPGEnc sound plugin AC3 is not installed, does this thing afected the outcome VOB file? If we don't have this pluggin, will the outcome file has no sound? I have installed the sound AC3 pluggin, but it's required the serial #. I'm really frustrated, can somebody help me with this prob? Thanks alot
    here is another prob: when I creat new menu in TMPEGnc DVD author, it always have the image of the movie beside the text (a rectangle of the movie, then the untitle text), how to delete that image?
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  12. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Did you extract the audio from the original file? As Jim stated near the beginning, you have to extract the audio from the original wav file.

    It will extract but not as a AC3 file. You can use TMPGUI I think its called to convert the wav audio file into AC3.

    Once you convert the avi to mpeg, THEN use TMPGenc to convert the mpeg to M2V, otherwise if you try to conver the mpeg and AC3 audio file together, it may not work right in DVD Author, which is why Jim stated its recommended to convert the mpeg video file to M2V, then take the M2v video file and the Audio AC3 file and conver them in DVD Author.

  13. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Hey Reboot, wake up!!! Stop playing them PS2 and Xbox games, you got work to do. LOL
  14. piyota

    piyota Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I don't understand the process described. This is the way I did: I use Virtualdub to extract the audio file and save as wav, then in TMPGEnc Plus, I convert it into mpge2, use the input audio is the file wav, the output mpge2 has sound, I just wonder when I add file in step 2 in TMPGEnc DVD author, the input audio is mpge2 ( same as the video file), should I change it into the past wav file I used? also the DVD author says that I don't have the TMPGEnc sound plugin AC3, will it affect the sound of the output VOB file?
  15. Alhuin

    Alhuin Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    What should I do if it says that my 30-day free trial is up for TMPGEnc when its really not. I should have at least 18-20 days left for it, but it says its expired.
  16. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    26 a new one? *shrugs* Im not sure if theres a customer service # for this software. I would amagine the best way to figure that out would be to go to the official site that would carry this software for the trial and see if theres a contact link somewhere to contact an office about the software.

    Only thing I can think of
  17. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    You gotta send me this stuff in .jpg format.
    If the audio shows up shorter than the video, by how much?
    Is the audio MP3?
    One last try on this...starting to really piss me off file.
    Try extracting audio again in virtualdub, this time hit NO, when prompted with the "rewrite header" error.
    See if that can be transcoded and authored.
  18. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    vbr mp3.
    vdub will write it to cbr header no matter what. you need to use virtualdubmod and choose no.
    nandub handles vbr mp3 perfectly.
    its kinda dead, so just use it for demux/mux

    oh wait, it can mux but not demux, only decode to wav. i think.

    did you play with the date and times properties. if you forward in time it will shorten your life.
    go back to the future :)

    there're free mpeg2 encoders and even better than tmpg, one of them is QuEnc, look at the software section.

  19. Dr.Who

    Dr.Who Regular member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Ok, check your email again, Big Jim. Sent it as jpeg this time, but yah its definetely smaller than the size of the video.

    Ive always been pressing NO though at the header error, though.

    Just plain weird. If I play the avi in wmp or any player, the movie plays fine.
  20. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    It's only 7 seconds shorter, this is normal.
    Try hitting YES at the error in vdub, rewrite the header for the correct length, then extract it.
    (I could have sworn I told you to hit YES somewhere in this thread).

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