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Neph's POLITE Gun Debate

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Nephilim, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    turely the system needs polish not more crap tossed onto it to make it less effective, make the laws we have work better and have the agencies that work together to review and approve a persons right to carry (mental health,FBI,state records,ect,ect) refine the system so one can get his gun after a couple days and a small fee for a permit
  2. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Mental health records are generally barred from being used in background checks. Ironically, the NRA has been fighting for mental records being incorporated in the National Instant Check, but groups like the American Psychological Association and some privacy-rights groups have opposed such measures. One of the arguments used by those groups is that, in the face of such restrictions, that people might not seek mental help, rather than be "blacklisted". One argument the NRA uses is that if at least an involuntary commitment to a mental health facility was checked on the background check, it is no different than an involuntary sentence to prison, and it doesn't punish people who voluntarily seek help. It's kind of a tough situation because both sides have some good points.

    Apparently, the guy in the VT shootings WAS committed for some type of psychiatric evaluation, so such a restriction might have prevented him from buying a gun legally.

    Of course, nothing could have prevented him from driving on over to the bad side of town and buying a gun on the black market.
  3. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Hello all,
    Terrible thing, this recent tragedy in Virginia.
    The loser dickhead Cho (or whatever his name) was certified a nut-job by a judge in 2005, yet he could still stroll into a gun shop and purchase a handgun quickly and easily, no problem...? That's just not right.
    If Americans intend to keep their hard-earned right to bear arms, the current system of checks & balances at very least needs to be re-examined.
    Someone said that mental illness is not considered a factor because psychotic types would then shy away from treatment rather than risk losing their beloved weapons...! LoL, that's rich - thanks I needed a laugh.
    But the humour faded quickly and a very complex dilemma remains...
    dilemma (n) Situation requiring a choice between two evils.
    Choose carefully! This guy and others like him (as yet unrevealed) are a bona fide threat to American rights. The situation is somewhat grim.
    Hey wouldn't ya like to just have a Time Machine, and go down there and beat the guy to death with your bare hands? I sure would (and typically I am non-violent).
  4. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I'm guilty. I'm an auto fan. I don't have a big magnum auto to match the versatility of your .357, but I have a few autos to make up for it. Here's a few guns from my collection. These aren't the actual guns, mine look as good or better though and my Billenium still has the tags on it. No one will accidentally misfire one either. No problems with the children accidentally shooting something they shouldn't. Did I mention one or two of these are valuable. I keep them locked in a large gun safe along with my shotguns and rifles.

    Beretta Billenium - 2000 produced, and only 1000 limited editions arrived in the U.S. One of the best and most accurate 9MM Berettas manufactured + it really is a work of art. I have other guns to shoot, this one is to look at. LOL


    Here's my CCW. HK USP .40S&W


    Here's the 9mm I shoot. Smith & Wesson mod. 659 - high capacity 9mm


    Here's one of my plinking pistols. Smith and Wesson 41 22LR You don't see very many of these.


    My paper ripping toy is a Custom Ruger 22 by Volquartsen. The name says it all. This is one of the most accurate pistols I've ever fired. With the big target grips and long bull barrel, it's too big for a holster, so I carry it in a padded hard case.


    By the way Nephilim, don't get me wrong. I like revolvers. I let an acquaintance talk me out of a nice S&W 357. I'm thinking about having a dealer order a Model 627 custom from the S&W Performance Center to replace it.
  5. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Been wanting one of those. I can't believe S&W would stop making such a fine target pistol. I saw one at a gun show for about $750 recently and I kind of wish I had grabbed it, though I'm saving up for a Rock River AR.
  6. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I don't believe Smith quit making it, unless it's something recent. It's still listed on the S&W website. $750 was a good price if the 41 was in decent condition. Sit down and click S&W Model 41 for a heavy dose of sticker shock. One of my college classmates owned a gunshop and picked one up for me. He also handled the deal on the Billie for me. I wish he still had the shop open so I could get the Model 627 at a discount.
  7. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Well, NBC is taking their chance to promote the anti-gun movement using the VA Tech incident. They're really being melodramatic. One commentator goes over the outfit Cho is wearing, ammo vest, black shirt. He was saying Cho was wearing a black headband significant to committing suicide. It looked like a black baseball cap to me. I've got a black cap I can put on backwards to look like that at any time, and you see people with caps on like that day in and day out. But the commentator got a lot of mileage out of the suicide band (cap). Black is a common color chosen by police swat teams and even rent-a-cop security. Speaking of duds, If Cho was being color coordinated, he forgot the vest. He chose a pleasin khaki over the evil black. How bout them pants? Like I said, melodramatic media.

    NBC did finally call the murder what he was. A cold blooded, criminally psychopathic, narcissistic mass murderer. He'd planned for over a month to commit the slaughter, proven by how he waited out the gun sales and prep of his manifesto. NBC openly blamed automatic pistols for being the cause of the high death toll. If unable to get firearms, what would have prevented the manufacture of a bomb.

    What's frightening is that the school and law enforcement knew Cho was a ticking bomb waiting to explode. As shown, there were all kinds of red flags. Cho should have been in jail or an institution of some sort. He'd been stalking students and displaying all kinds of belligerent behavior. He had no regard for human life other than his own and in the end little for that. The sad thing is that this sick animal was allowed to prowl a college campus unimpeded with the administration and law enforcement aware of the escalating danger. Now that this has come to light, heads should roll over such negligence.

    But instead of a story about a narcissistic mass murderer and a school administration that endangered the lives of everyone on campus by their inaction and inept action, we have a story about a gunman. I'll bet the VA Tech Administration and police would dearly love to see the spin be put on gun control as the fault so they will get less scrutiny. Will some people ever wake up?
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2007
  8. Masterfit

    Masterfit Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    I have a very nice Benjamin Franklin BB/Pellet rifle for sale. It is an antique pump rifle
  9. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    so like what that makes a old 90$ BB rifle 200? :X

    I have seen some insane price ranges from 50 to 350 so I is confused X_X

    also has the pump BB pistol progressed any over the years? :X
  10. Masterfit

    Masterfit Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    I also as well am confused...havn't been able to find price anywhere, 350 sounds good to me,also

    I have an old Crossman American Classic pump BB/Pellet pistol that I have rebuilt. It is almost as powerful as a .22 short......once again 350 sounds good to me
  11. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    (talks about rip offs)
    http://www.bbairguns.com/cgi-bin/nhe.pl?action=catclosed&category=BB Guns&pb=150
    (auction site)
    seems a bit much when most daisy rifles at 50-99 OC rifles function as well or better
  12. Masterfit

    Masterfit Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    Oh well, ZIppyDSM. Seems that you know more than you let on, more than I knew anywho, thanks for the help. Maybe now I can find out what my Benjamin is worth, in nearly new condition!
    By the way, I was not trying to rip you off I was trying to be sarcastic!
  13. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I know a little but losing it daily :X

    I don't have enough moeny to be "riped off" :p
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  14. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Never could get the parents to spring for the real Mccoy-A Benjamin Pump. How sweet were those? Had the heft of a real rifle and could do some damage. I sufferred thru many bad daisy BB guns, they could hardly break the skin. How embarrassing! I still have 2 eyes. LMAO.
  16. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    That's an impressive and quite impeccable collection of autos! Those S&W Model 41's are simply gorgeous little shooters and I've always wanted either one of those or a Beretta Model 87 like this,


    I'd love nothing more than to talk more guns but I've taken care of 75 offensive post reports and all I want to do is get the hell away from this computer!

    Everyone take care and be safe :)
  18. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    The Cheetah 87 is a nice target/range trainer handgun. I'd say an excellent choice for that type of firearm. I'd have to get the wooden grips that go with it. That's for looks. Something about guns, I like ones that look good as well as handle well. The 87 fits the bill. If I didn't already have two 22 target pistols, I'd like to have one. Well... to tell the truth, I'd still like to have one. LOL I think the Smith 627 is next on my to buy list though. I've not owned one of the new 8-shooter custom wheelguns yet.

    I can understand why you want to get away from the PC a while. ttyl ;)
  19. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    I understand that guns and all are legal and are so from the constitution etc. Now I'm not some anti-gun freak. But, what good are guns doing for you all? Like, essentially, what do you do with them? What is the point? I know there is hunting and all, I have nothing against those people, nor anyone else, but for those of you who hunt, and feel the need to bring along a small arsenal, whats the point? And for those of you that don't hunt and have guns, again, whats the point?

    In a country so... fixated on guns etc. banning them will do nothing except make the honest hunters have to hunt with bows etc. So there is no point in banning them. I just think it would be a good idea to curtail them severely in the way of taxes etc. When paying your gas and electricity bills, you should have to pay a gun bill as well. So any 'criminal' is going to have a hell of a time paying, and the honest hunters should have no problems.
  20. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    1 part hobby(display,collecting),1 part marksmanship(like swordsmenship and martial arts) 1 part protection(deffence) and 1 part hunting(yes people still hunt).

    All these add to the reasonable right to own guns,while its true gun crime would fall if they were baned look at japan(high suicide rate) and Enland(high knife crime rate) and finly even the US (balck market is stagnating with guns it would tipple if guns where baned,reface drugs and the prohibition of alcohol this would mean everyone who wanted one would have one and the goverment could not track or keep records as efficantly as they can with legal guns).

    In the ends guns are merely a scapegoat to pick on and not the real issue the real issue is humans are weak(IE kill each other) and the approval system needs to be better and faster.

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