I'm with you Neph, give me the ruger over the AR any day. Of course some people still buy Jaguars for their stellar maintenance reputation.
The AR comes in several flavors. I'm not going to knock them too bad except for price. Ruger's version of the AR isn't cheap either. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=93984153 It's a mini in Wolf's clothing. LOL Some of the minis with the older folding stocks are going for premium prices, as are the Law Enforcement models. You can buy a little full auto mini (with the proper license) for about $5000. Much of the allure comes from the mystique of owning a weapon with all the "ban" hype. ARs come in everything from a beat around to the highly accurized, and combat prepped units. You hear a lot from the "specialty" builders of the AR. I'm interested in seeing how the new Remington works out as far as bang for the buck. In Ruger's favor, I have to say they make an affordable rifle in the mini line. Whereas, I've not seen a decent priced AR in a long time. I love guns... big ones, little ones, expensive ones, cheap ones... as long as they're good ones. I agree with you Neph. Some great guns can be had at decent prices. As a youth I owned a 22 with a Belknap stamping on it. (I think that's something like "ACME". LOL) The first gun I could call my own. It was a little semi auto rifle. It was accurate as all get out and just as reliable. It was a good looking gun as well (at least in my memories). As for the Ruger mini, it's great for what it is intended. The mini is just that, a smaller gun. It's rugged and with a good shot can hit the target consistently at 100 and on out to 150 yards. Most shooting is done within that range anyway. (I'm talking to the choir. LOL Varmint hunting doesn't count.) I think everyone agrees the mini isn't a long range firearm. Ruggedness and portability are its claim to fame. It wasn't made for those long shots from ridgeline to ridgeline or a mile across the prairie (Neph's dogtown shooting). We have to look at the mini's round and be realistic. You're not loading those varmint rounds for nothing. LOL My Ruger MKII shoots as well as my S&W 41 (after a little tuning). The Ruger is a stainless work horse and the S&W is the beauty queen. The S&W stays in the safe most of the time. I have an HK USP 40 for carry and a Berretta "Billy" that's never been fired (another safe queen). Some guns are a work of art and worth the price of admission to ownership. Some of the custom AR's fall into that category, but I wouldn't pay $1500-$2000 for a standard model when Remington now has a new one for about $1000. http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/centerfire_rifles/Model_R-15_VTR.asp Still a little high for varmint shooting. I'll let my HK USP, 1100, and 870 keep the "varmints" away from the door and a good ole 22 Speedmaster can handle most groundhogs. (All reasonably priced workhorses.)
Its been a while and I hope everyone is in good health and happy times. I just updated my profile page with a couple pics of my Feb. javelina hunt for those who are interested. It was a total blast and couldn't have gone better. My trusty Mini got dragged through all kinds of brush filled with dust and covered in pig blood but she still cranked 'em out when I needed. I got my sow at about 50 yards and the little 55 gr FMJ put her down quick - a quick yawn when it hit then lights out. I quickly became intimately familiar with the lovley patina associated with javelina. The boars have a musk gland that oozes stinky stuff out of a nipple-looking thing on their back which they rub over all the others. It stinks something aweful and the hour-long pack back to the Jeep with the sow slung over my shoulder gave me plenty of time to savor every nuance In other news I picked up a brand new H&R Ultra Varmint in .243 Winchester for just a hair over three bills and its a superb little shooter for the money. The bluing is nicely done and the fit is tight. It comes with a very solid Choate stock and 24" fluted bull barrel thats free-floated. I was hoping for good accuracy and good lord did I get it! I had a little bit of Hodgdon Benchmark and a few 58 grain Hornady V-Maxes I wanted to get rid of so I threw together a few handloads to take to the range. Apparently it likes that combo because among many respectable groups it threw four out of five shots into .447" at 100 yards. The only fly in the ointment is the trigger is atrocious - very very heavy. The saving grace is that I can (and am planning to) send the frame/butt/forearm back to H&R and for $126 they'll hand fit a 24" fluted bull barrel in .223 and, if requested, they'll slick up the trigger at no charge. Maybe with a better trigger and some load development I can shrink groups a bit more. It'll be nice to have a switch barrel rifle so I can use more economical .223 when the wind and distances cooperate then switch to the .243 for the longer/windier shots. The .243 will be just the ticket for coyotes too Until next time.............
Hey guys, I went ahead and bought a SKS for 200. Any of you know a good stock that will give it a more modern look?
Zippy, what's "OC"? abuzar, here a cool one And another, And another that comes as a kit with some new parts and a 20 round detachable mag
OC cartridges,BB gun I should say LULZ but really after 1000FPS its a fcking gun IMO I hate 22's I can get one of those but they are far to loud and I think I am allergic to gun powder 0-o I still plan to get a gamo BB/pellet rifle but I'd like a OC alternative,he break barrel design means I need to aim beter and I just ain't that good.
Hey Neph: Glad to hear the hunt went well. Nice gun. I like the single shots with the interchangeable barrels. I've been looking at the TC Encore. Your H&R, the CVA, and the TC have about the same setup. If I ever get my gunsmith business going I intend to get a nice gun or 2 (more). LOL I've been buying used shotguns to practice my metal and wood repair. I've got about 5 guns ready for bluing and reassembly. Now I have to either go ahead and buy the hot bluing setup or sublet that part of the job. That's just keeping the chemicals the right temp and handling with care. Cold bluing just won't give the right look for a gun that's supposed to have a high gloss finish. I've been working on Remington Wingmasters and I'm about to start on a Winchester 1400. There's an old Winchester lever action rifle waiting in the wings. I'm starting to become a decent craftsman. If I can start selling a few guns and the business starts paying for itself, I'm going to order a TC from the custom shop. I doubt I'll put the $1000 wood on it. I still want something to take out and shoot. I like some of the colored laminate they use as well as the regular good grade walnut.
Ah, I see. I'm not aware of any 1k fps BB guns Hiya Pacman I like the single shots too, especially the Encores but alas they're well out of my budget Good going on the gunsmithing venture! I tried some cold bluing years ago and it turned out for crap. I'm completely unfamiliar with hot bluing. Is that what the manufacturers use?
Zippy RWS. The .177 (BB size) fires about 1110 FPS and the 22 about 950. http://www.airgundepot.com/rws-air-rifles.html I've got a single break pistol that's outrageously accurate. They're high quality, but you'll pay for it.
Uumm..... the break barrel ones get up to 1200.... I am looking for a OC one with simi auto capabilities that can go 800 or higher. PacMan777 mew?? *lick*
I added a link and some added info in the last post. Nothing on an auto though. I've seen some good compressed air units that use a lever action.
Oh, ok. I follow now. Maybe this one? It's only $900 http://www.airgunwarehouseinc.com/py-1492-2673.html This one hits 760 fps for $239 with scope, http://www.airgunwarehouseinc.com/py-974-1829.html
That's outrageous. I thought my little pistol was too much. But it was a gift. It costs about $200 nowadays. It fires a pellet at about 700 FPS with a single break to load. http://www.airgundepot.com/rws-5gmag-air-pistol.html
yer link just shows now it was showing just RWS. I can get a Gama for 200 tis 1000 or 1200,it dose BBs and pellets is break barrel tho. I see mostly cocking/break barrel in the link tho,nice stuff BTW ^^
I have a lil dasiy OC pistol its not bad but only 450 FPS I think,its pretty accurate over 70 feet,a nice lil target gun.