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Neph's POLITE Gun Debate

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Nephilim, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    @ George and GARmoonY... you guys take the cake. :)

    @BIFFO... I guess your calmness to some degree is to be appreciated but your tone or accusations towards gun owners is appalling at times.. :)

    I think your worst mistake in all of this is assuming anyone is rational in an irrational situation. When a criminal breaks into a house their intent is to do something criminal, maybe NOT murder someone but to either take something they don't own or harm someone for whatever reason!!! At this point is when they (the criminal) looses all respect or ability for compassion in my eyes... they are doing something WRONG and it's NO time for talking!!! I'm protecting my property and family and everything else takes a back seat to protecting them!!

    I can't remember if you have a family or not but GARmoonY brings up a good point in the argument. Watch or shoot is a great question???? Of course this is assuming the criminal (rapist) has a gun, if NOT them beat them to death for what they're trying to do!! It's (rape) one of the most heinous crimes I know of!!!

    Well since you're NOT posting here again... I just wasted my breath but there it is for now.. I'm sure I'm wrong in your opinion; because I want to protect my family by force or with a weapon but that's how I feel about it!!!

    Good luck to you too!!!!!!
  2. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Thanks for the support. The reason he doesn't want to respond is because he doesn't like the correct answer. Shoot! And he can't defend the watch answer! These gun haters just don't want us to have the guns because they know we will use them. The criminals will all have them always. Almost akin to the Liberals trying to redistribute our wealth, but don't touch theirs. Hell a lot of them aren't even paying income taxes and they are running (gaming) the system! But I digress! LMAO

    Come on biffo, we know you're reading these still. post your answer w/o SPIN. And also good luck to you if you don't. Don't ever move away from Shangri-La though!
  3. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    Who has has actually shot or killed anybody? I doubt that any of you have (except for the Vets'). All of you are talking like you are seasoned killers that could physically kill somebody with a bat (wtf... who couldn't?). It's easy to say that you could easily kill a person in cold blood no questions asked... but only a psychopath could kill somebody with no remorse. Yes, if somebody was raping your wife most people wouldn't think twice about shooting... but shooting somebody over a road rage incident??? You call that fair???

    Oh and before you accuse me of being "tree-hugging, pacifist-hippy-homosexual-liberal-13 year-old 'Billy Badass military' poser", get a life.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010
  4. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Chris I don't think any of these guys here are road rage killers, nor do most think your a tree hugger or whatever your calling yourself, these guys here just want to be left alone and live in peace, it's when that right is taken away is when we live and let live loving people can go into a rage, we don't go howling at the moon and scream yee haah! looking to shot something, all these guys here if you read carefully even though some of them can be a little harsh all they want is to live safely, and defend that right to the max even yes if it means putting somebody to sleep so be it.
  5. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I"m not sure any of us called you those "names" but it's funny none the less!! :p

    Anyway... I don't understand your statement... I'm sure that most of us were referring to a break-in of our domicile or family injury and nothing else.. of course if confronted on the street you have to defend yourself.. ROADRAGE?? where did that come from?? lol. ;)

    I know people personally that have killed in war and it's NOT a pretty picture.. some did ok with it and others have gone off the deep end. Unfortunately when your government asked you to "protect" her interests it means at times you may have to take someone's life!! I hope I never have to choose on that level. I'm sure I'd do the right thing for my family but at what cost?? Hopefully NOT someone's life but like most of us have said it's about what they intend to do.. harm or otherwise... If trying to steal my stuff again, if I'm home I'll do what I can to get rid of them but this world isn't nice and never has been!!! It's gotten worse if anything and reasoning with someone that breaks into your house just doesn't seem like the thing to do. Warn them to get the F... out and then do what you need to!! Don't you agree?? ;)
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I guess I'm one of the harsh ones, because I disagree with the warning aspect. It takes away my advantage of surprise. The warning is the risk the intruder takes when he enters someones residence without invitation--you could die!

    So chris1980 how would you describe yourself? If the 1980 part is right you are now, or soon to be, part of the establishment-over 30! You're much too young to have been a hippie anyway! As for getting a life most who post here have one and you seem to be the one who's a little insecure. But you haven't lived long enough yet. Your liberalism will mellow with age! Mine did; and now I'm a Libertarian-Independent!
  7. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    Somebody stated it above. I can't seem to find it now... maybe it was deleted?

    You'd be surprised at some of the things I've been called, people have even referred to me as being a pacifist (that was probably my fault though). I can also assure you that I am anything but insecure... I doubt I would have survived being in the SAS without my cockiness. Although it would pretty hard to be as awesome as me without be a little up myself ;).

    The "get a life" part was more of a precaution than a comment directed at anybody here. I used to be a senior member here and got into some heated debates with some of the idiots in charge (not all are idiots). It almost always ended in them ending with personal insults and unfounded comments (as so eloquently demonstrated by the OP, so much for "polite"). You guys seems to have refrained from doing so, I guess not everybody here are jerks.

    Yes, I agree, but that's not really the point I am trying to argue (my previous post wasn't very concise, my bad). Firearm restriction laws don't completely remove the right of owning a firearm, they just prevent the majority of idiots/poser's/criminals/wankers from owning a firearm. I own several firearms myself and every ex-military, law enforcement and rifle club participants that I know all agree with the restrictions. It's the idiots that are ruining it for the legit owners, they give firearms a bad name.
  8. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    That right there is the best way to say it!!! IDIOTS of all sorts are ruining more than firearm ownership and firearms too. ;) This isn't the thread and actually there isn't a thread here for it and gladly so actually to go over all the IDIOTS and what they're doing!!! Anyway it seems that you "feel" mostly the same that we do except for ONE thing... I/we don't think/believe that "restricting" firearm ownership to specifically "qualified" individuals is the thing for the USA... I personally think the "governing" political "majority" as it is now in this country would see fit that only certain "people" or "individuals" would be able to "own" firearms... and most of them are the criminals in our society already!! JM2¢!!!
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    gm, we have the same problem in canada. the mayor of toronto wants to ban all guns(except police) & gun clubs which means anybody want to do shooting practice including police & olympic shooters have to travel a distance out of that city to do that.
  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    The jerk OP is back :)

    Chris when I started this thread I used 'polite' as a reminder to all to keep it chill but if you read back through this entire thread it hasn't been all flowers and kisses. Do some need to be reminded now and then? Sure. Am I one of them? You bet.

    My problem with you is that just about everything that comes off your keyboard is a bunch of malarkey. The more I call bullcrap the longer your military resume gets. Every vet I've known generally loves to talk about damn near anything BUT all their military accomplishments. I know a fella that served three tours in Viet Nam as a tunnel rat. I only heard him talk about what he did ONCE and it involved him decking his CO after said CO made him go BACK down into a tunnel to count the bodies in the room he'd just grenaded. He told this to stunned friends and family in his living room, not a tech forum full of strangers. My neighbor growing up was a WW2 veteran that saw combat all over the European theater. He never said a word about it. Another neighbor served in the Australian Army in WW2 and I only knew because his wife mentioned it. A coworker of mine had just returned from combat in Afghanistan and 99% of our conversations were about girls and guns, not what rank he achieved or that he felt he was somehow superior to those who hadn't killed anyone. Over the years here at AfterDawn there have been dozens of overseas enlisted come here for help. I can't recall any of them bragging or gloating. I do recall them being a pleasure to deal with. So.......talk yourself up all you want. Its only gonna get funnier and funnier when you do.

    Now to the ridiculous notion that banning guns will actually keep them out of the hands of ANYBODY. Its the epitome of simplistic, backwards feel-good thinking. There are over 200 million privately owned firearms in the US - they ain't going away folks. You can wish and hope all you want in La La Land but they ain't going anywhere. Let me break this down,

    We Americans are stubborn as mules and if we like it then by golly we're gonna keep it. We like our Constitution, we like our guns and we like the fact that we have freedoms unique to us and us alone.
  11. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    well said Neph.

    And we will be the ones saving their sorry arses when things get real bad! The home grown militia. The Founding Fathers had it right!
  12. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    When have I ever stated my rank here??? NEVER. When have I ever described the shit I did in combat??? NEVER, I haven't told anyone except for a few guys in the regiment, my wife doesn't even know. When have I ever stated my military accomplishments EXCEPT for my unit??? NEVER. I know what I have done, everytime I walk I am reminded of it. I don't need a stranger to tell me that I everthing I have done is bullshit when I know full well that it isn't.

    So you're comparing Vietnam to Afghanistan... what happened in and Vietnam? Conscription, maybe. The people you described were probably conscripts there against their will (not meant as an insult). I was there at my own will, I have come to terms with what I have done, and I am not proud of it. I would still be there if I could.

    Are you kidding me about the guns? Look at Australia's % of deaths by firearms then look at America's. Enough said.

    Why are you talking like every American agrees with you, they don't. I am a US citizen just like you. And I think you will find that if restriction of firearms occur then there won't be 200 million firearms in America for very long.

    Also, I do not like to talk about what I did in the army. Nor do I go around bragging about how many ragheads I've topped.

    "freedom unique to us and us alone"... anybody can own a gun... remind you of anywhere in the Middle East?

    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2010
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I believe there are quite a few Americans that agree with Nephy on this. ;) This is the issue that bothers most of the gun owners out there... Government intervention and control of the wrong people who own guns... the ones that are "registered" or "known" firearms in the USA are owned by the majority which follow the rules or laws... NOW the ones that you "feel" should have them "removed" from there hot little hands are the ones that own them more than likely ILLEGALLY!!! So basically the government doesn't know they have them so why go to their front doorstep and confiscate their firearms?? BUT the government won't have any issues going to those doorsteps of legitimate firearms owners and taking their firearms!!!! This type of activity is what most of the people are worried about, Nazi Germany, Italy, Russia, China, India, and other countries that have gone thru these same governmental CONTROLS!!

    Again... jm2¢
  14. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I can see it now. The government uses the census, and adds a question on gun ownership. Most answer. Congress sets up the "Cash for Clunker Guns" -$4000 per gun handed over to SEIU, who has been given the contract to administer. Guns are stashed, not destroyed, and country loses civil war months later. Progressives take over. Most of anti-gun lobby never had a clue. They're comimg to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho to the funny farm, they're coming to take US away. Solcialism blossoms until quickly there is no more money to take from the Haves. MexAmericans having been devastated from Obamarama DingDong Health Care are ripe. Canada then invades from the north and drives all non speaking French peoples south of Rio Grande and mines the border and builds fences. Youts are greatly troubled as all electronic games and phones are confiscated. Canada helps populace of Mexico provide enough weed to keep the youts satisfied. Siestas last all day and no one wants to take the Job that no one would do in Canada. Canada can now feed its own people and Problems solved. LOL
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  15. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    A warm hello, right back at you, Neph. It's good to see that you still drop in, now and then. I don't drop in much, anymore.
  16. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Glad you're doing well Bruce. Give my best to you and yours.

    Question for all: Who has any experience with Blade Tech holsters? I'm looking at their IWB for my 1911 and hate to shell out the cash if it isn't worth it. I've read good things about Blade Tech but I'd love to hear the opinions of my fellow shooters here. If Blade Tech is a no go are there any other recommendations for an IWB for the 1911?

    As a total aside and you all will probably get a laugh out of this, I've been looking at all the computer specs around here lately and it appears I'm running some complete dinosaurs! My "fastest" is the one my wife uses and its Shuttle decked with an Athlon X2 6000+. My HTPC is running an Athlon 4200+ and the one I'm using right now is a PC I networked into my shop using a rip snorting Celeron 2.26!

    Take care all!
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    neph, you are a dinosaur!!!
  18. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Pathetic isn't it?
  19. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I have an in-depth, and probably rather boring for 99% of AD anymore, update on myself here.

    (Two posts in a row with no edit - I need to ban myself or should you do the honors ddp?)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2010
  20. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    You may not be banned sir!! We'd miss your hairy little arse!!! hehehehe. :p

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