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Neph's POLITE Gun Debate

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Nephilim, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @the OGS....I though gun sales were high in Canada...perhaps they were speaking of Hunting Rifles? I was curious about that when I heard a canadian official refering to a problems with handguns coming from the US ...handguns are illegal in Canada but hunting rifles are o.k. is that the case? I guess that sense; one doesn't hunt with an AK-47 or use one for home defense.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Ironically, I own an AK-47 that I use for home defense. I have never fired the weapon, nor do I intend to... but it is considerably more of a deterrent then the snub .38 S&W in my wife's beaureu (which is the only pistol in the house). I would be glad to share a pic when I get home this evening.

    I also own several vintage rifles, and a couple hunting rifles... but they are not for HD obviously.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Please do post a pic; there are a lot of guys here into firearms though I may not be one of them. Oh, we don't flame and argue; we've had some interesting discussions in this thread. Given the speech by Philly's mayor the other night, I thought I'd revive it.
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Will do. I was surprized what a cheap looking POS it is. The stock looks like it was cut with a pocket knife, with no protective coating. I was told by a guy I work with who is heavily into firearms of this type, that it is an amazing example... he said they are rarely in as good condition right out of the box. The action is very loose, and the weapon very small (I will take a picture of it with some other guns for comparison... my old Remington Nylon .22 is bigger), even though it is a true 7.62 Nato weapon (some smaller 5.6 variants are made as well). It is Rumanian built, not Russian though whichsignificantly reduces it's value. The Russian is worth about twice as much.
  5. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    @ sandt38
    LoL :^) Perhaps that makes you sleep better! But I would sleep worse...
    Yes in Canada handguns are illegal. Long-guns are registered (like cars).
    But the whole Canadian/American border thing is very unfortunate, we used to go down to Buffalo all the time, but not anymore.
    All these border-searches for guns are turning up pocket-knives and lots of weed etc. (but not too many guns). Anyway the border is a nightmare - stay away!
    Canada and USA should put the big Security Fence around both nations, ~7 million square miles, from Atlantic to Pacific and Arctic Ocean to Caribbean Sea.
    The USA has invited, but Canada will not participate...
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Yeah, post 'em. I'm sure the guys will get into it.
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Time to move to Phoenix Gerry :)

    I honestly don't think drugs should be illegal - until Congress found a way around it with the tax stamp on marijuana our right to put whatever we want in our bodies was protected by the Constitution.

    The thing we as a nation have done throughout our history is to deny human nature and avoid the hard problems by running to simplistic "solutions" that don't solve the real problem and in most cases make the situation worse by contintinuing to avoid developing a workable solution in hopes that our "feel good" fix will solve it. Worse yet, we do it even when we know it won't work.

    Look at the staggering parallels between the 1919 Volstead Act and our present war on drugs. By 1933 we all saw how miserably the Volstead Act had failed and witnessed/suffered first hand the massive criminal opportunities it created yet we still cling to the hope that this war on drugs can be won. Are we too stupid or naive to see we'll never win that war?

    Coincidentally most of the first gun restrictions this nation saw were a direct result of gangster related activities brought about by Prohibition. There are now literally thousands of gun laws on the books - possibly the most regulated item in the US.

    Historically, banning objects just doesn't work. They banned alcohol and people still drank, they ban drugs and people still take drugs and if they ban handguns people will still kill people with handguns. Alcohol can be distilled in a backyard or smuggled in, meth can be made in a bathroom and coke can be smuggled in, guns can be made in any garage with a lathe and mill and they too can be smuggled in- the banning of all three punished those who abide the law and did nothing to slow down those who don't.

    We also have a very odd logic to how we deal with things. Think about it,

    Alcohol is for purely entertainment purposes. It has no medicinal value and is a factor in countless crimes. Thousands of people are mudered each year by drunk drivers.

    Marijuana and opiates have a plethora of vital and very useful medicinal values and until Congress over stepped its bounds our access to them was protected by our Constitutional rights.

    Firearms are used by citizens every day for personal protection and our right to them is guaranteed by the Constitution, put there by some of the most brilliant men to live.

    It's odd the one with no redeeming value is also the easiest to get and lest regulated.

    Drugs and people's desire to use them will never go away so I think they should be legalized, taxed and regulated like alcohol. The money made from that should be put into rehab for those who want to clean up. If we privatize the manufacture and selling of narcotics you leave a large criminal element looking for some other type of work and the government gets the joy of taxing us on something new. The drugs will be pure/consistent/safer and users don't take their life in their hands buying from shady dealers in scary neighborhoods.

    I love the naysayers crying out that if we legalize drugs there'll be an epidemic of drug use - take a look around folks, we have an epidemic.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Well put Neph. I have shotguns, rifles and handguns. All given to me by my Dad. The only one I ever use is a 22 rifle I got as a teenager. A bolt action with a clip. I could hit anything with that beauty. I mainly used it for varmits. I still have and use it. Never could get into hunting, but love my fishing.
  9. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Yes well said Neph :^)
    Of course, there are drugs and drugs - organic substances like weed won't kill you.
    If a little weed was available, maybe so many folks wouldn't be injecting shit into their arms, y'know?
    Hell, alcohol and heroin and nicotine are 3 of the most addictive drugs, LoL...
    I bought a tub of Catnip for my Tabby. I see that it's two ounces.
    Now, they can grow this Catnip in the USA, harvest it, package and label it, and ship it up to the store in Canada and sell it to me for $2.49 - so why is weed $10 bucks a gram!? Whatta world...
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    OK here we go. I am posting thumbs and will follow the thumbs with links if you want to see them. I took some shots of the AK47 with my Ithaca Model 37 Deerslayer (16 Ga, the Deerslayer is a very short rifled slug barrel), and my Remington Nylon .22 (.22 Caliber, very rare clip type Nylon, most were barrel tube magazine or stock feed magazine). I also included some shots of the nasty stock and my Deerslayer stock, as well as a closeup of the build information on the reciever housing of the AK47... Hope you enjoy!!!







    If you knew how particular and knowledheable I was about gun safety and proper use, you might sleep better ;). I take my weaponry very seriously, and I am safety consious to the extreme. I was raised in a hunting family and safety was drilled into me as a child.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Wow, I've never seen a Nylon that used a clip. Those Romanian AK's are very nice as are the Yugoslavian ones.

    Those Ithacas are wonderful shotguns. My Dad has an Ithaca Featherweight 12ga. and it's a joy to hunt with - I've taken dove, quail and pheasant with it :)
  12. Spyder22

    Spyder22 Regular member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    @ all the anti gun ppl that live in the USA

    If it wernt for the gun you would not have the freedom to bitch about how much you dont like guns.


    (please don't mistake this for a personal attack, because it's not, im just makin a point)
  13. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Agreed, Spyder22. Furthermore, everybody - even diehard gun control advocates - know full well that guns save more lives than they take. If they really made the world more dangerous, they'd also advocate disarming their police and military forces. But they want to enjoy the protective benefit of guns every bit as much as you and I do.
  14. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    LoL Dunker, you lost me on that one :^)
    @ sandt38 - no, I mean they would break in to steal those guns, in Canada! They would come in force (and Kevlar) @ 4:30AM... or they would watch your place tirelessly until there was nobody home.
    You could never publicise that you have them, as you have done...
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LOL! Yeah Dunker, I've got to agree with the_OGS on that one; you rather lost me too.

    I've enjoyed this thread since Neph started it because it's been so intelligently discussed with no one flaming and its awesome when people can agree to disagree without throwing tantrums like two year olds ... perhaps that's because its Neph's thread and he has the big red ban button LOL! Perhaps its also because I studied a lot of philosophy and theology back in my seminary years so I have a thing for intelligent discussion. What I particularly enjoy about this discussion (and other like them) is that there are both valid and sound points to be made on both sides of the issue.

    I totally agree with Neph about the drugs. Before I got rid of my car (I now rent one when I need one), I had my car door's windows smashed regularly so some junkie could go through the coin racks. Got to the point where I just left it unlocked with the windows open. No alarm is going to stop someone from a quick smash and grab as evidenced by all the tiny glass shards you see on every Philly sidewalk.

    When I revived this thread, I was in something of a snit. Because of a certain spinal condition, I take oxycontin and percocet three and four times a day and have been for many years; I am, in effect, a chronic pain patient. They have regulations which do nothing for drug traffic yet make it really difficult on the disabled to get their meds. THe doctor cannot fax to the pharmacy, I have to physically go to the office to pic up a script. Then I have only 24 hours to fill it or its void. Should the pharmacy be out, they cannot call the one on the other corner to see if they have it because they're narcotics and its against the law so here you are, in all sorts of pain, and you have to make rounds until you find a pharmacy that carries it ... kind of rough for a disabled person (though I've finally found one of these family owned pharmacies with whom I've made an arrangement because the big chains don't want to carry it and be bothered with outrageous regulations ... pharmacies have come to find new fed regulations too intrusive also!). I can walk across the street and buy weapons without the least bit of hastle and they whine about the handgun murder rate, but people in my position can't get a friggin' pill without having to go through all sorts of crap. I can purchase the means to mame and kill absolutely effortlessly, but I can't get medication I need without all sorts of grief. I'm surprised more disabled people don't go effortlessly buy an assault weapon and go postal on legislators! (don't report me, that's not a threat!).

    Anyway, while I have no objections to rifles, I really think we need to do something about the way handguns are so easily bought and sold. So too, I think the notion of AK-47s and grenade launchers as a viable home defense options is pure nonsense. The fact is, we really have no gun regulations at all and my co-workers grandson just got it in the back and died for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I too have come very close twice; I've hidden behind a trash can in a particularly nasty drive by shooting, my buddy's granson got killed in a similar circumstance and I missed being shot in a bank robbery by five mins once. Something needs to be done; I don't know how valid it is to demand one's rights when those same rights deprive others of their very lives.
  16. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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  17. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    The point is that gun control advocates know full well that guns save lives. You're familiar with the old canard that "guns kill" and that "guns make the streets more dangerous", right? But gun control advocates apparently don't believe their own rhetoric because you don't see too many of them advocating the disarmament of the police and military. (Esp. in the U.S.) That's because they know guns make the world safer, even though most won't admit it.
  18. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Ah Gerry, I just love hearing of the hurdles some people go thru to get required medication, when a couple of states away my co-worker has oxycontin thrown at him by the VA hospital in Salisbury to make him go away 'cuz he is suffering from kidney stones. Literally he has almost 500 pills in his possession, at the same time, at a cafeteria with recovering addicts and practicing addicts. He was shocked to find out what the going rate for the pills were at the time, all I could think of was him getting mugged for the bottles, or being arrested and tossed into prison for trafficking. 500+ pills. My head still spins. Just given to him to manage his pain until they could get him in to see a specialist for kidney stones. Absurd isn't it.
  19. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    Drawing a parallel between guns and drugs is a little tiresome. Drugs (recreational drugs) are just that and there is no reason why they should be legal. If anything, the penalties should be drastically increased. The reason Philly has such as high murder rate is because of the drugs (and, yes, family breakdown, media violence, boredom, etc. all factor in too, but it's mainly the drugs.) Yeah, and the mayor doesn't want to do anything except chase the Boy Scouts out of town.

    (BTW, Mayor Street has got quite a security detail for a diehard gun control supporter - now do you understand my point about gun control advocates being hypocrites for wanting to be protected with guns?)

    As for your meds, well, about 100,000 people die each year due to medical mistakes (1) versus 10,000 due to gun accidents *and homicides*. So, even if it were true that medicine was more regulated than guns (and it really isn't), these numbers help to explain why that's necessary.

    FYI, I'm just playing devil's advocate on the prescription drug thing; I will be the first to say that prescription drug regs, like gun regs, are much too strict and do nothing.

    1. Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences, Nov. 1999
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  20. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    The situation you just illustrated is a perfect example of my point that our priorities and how we deal with problems is so screwed up and that these strict regulations punish the law abiding folks the most. To make a person in chronic pain go through such hurdles to get a necessary medication is just flat out wrong. Those ridiculous laws are there to supposedly prevent those meds getting in the hands of those that shouldn't have them but in reality those meds are probably more easily available illegally than legally. My heart goes out to you for the troubles you must endure.

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