fastfrank,thanx for the quick replys.Ive dl'd that tool everything checks out fine,could not find any compatibility issues with the denon and there was no info available for the hitatchi model. The only other thing I can think of is I do alot of web surfing while copying,dont know if that would be harmful?Also should I disable my screen saver while copying?I have a slide show running on my screen saver.
You possibly have spyware interfering with your burn. Try removing spyware with this free tool
flip thanx for the reply,my specs are as follows-P4 2.8 gig/80 gig hard drive/512 memory/Xp home o/s 321sucker,I already run adaware and spybot.Thanx for reply
rono4102, your specs look good. Backing up dvd's make your pc work... I would try turning off screensaver and stay off the net. better yet only run your copy software. See if that helps.
rono4102 Unless you have a dual pentium xeon system with about 2 gigs of memory I wouldn't recommend surfing and compressing, or burning, unless you're looking to increase your coaster count.
ok thanks everyone for the fast replys,looks like that could have been the problem,so no more surfing while compressing or burning,and disable the screen saver slide show.I sure hope this helps.Thanks again!
I still have a problem with my burner. It still writes the leadin and hangs. I have to reboot twice to get the drive to work, or even open, again. I'm fairly certain that it is a softwear problem. I reinstalled my O/S, Win2k SP4, and reinstalled my apps, DVDdcrypter, dvdshrink, and Nero 5.5. After all that I was able to burn for a day. Then the proble started up again. I checked my ASPI and even reinstalled three versions of ASPI, still no luck. I installed DVD producer Gold and was able to burn disks with it, but only with it. Has anyone got any idea why this is happening? It must be the softwear somewhere.
earth2rob Post your operating system and also could you do this. Start Nero and choose info tool, then configuration and type or save and then copy the information and post it here. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
itm you most likely have a motherboard that is a "VIA" based chipset...if you do you need to uninstall the via ide controller and use the built in microsoft controllers...i had the exact same problem with nero or any program trying to burn dvd's...the drive would burn cd's fine but would error before starting burning....i uninstalled the via ide drivers and viola....good luck
I've now replaced the drive (with another 2500a) and I get no problems. Looks like it was a hardware problem after all. Thanks for all the feedback.
I had that same problem with my nec2500a. I used shrink too, ripped it to the drive no problem. I used a tdk dvd-r and it hung up after lead-in! I think it said reseting burner? Minust later no reset, locked up the whole pc like you said! I have yet to have a problem with +r's. I am baffled by this because it is suppose to be a +r/-R burner? Any suggestions would be great! I am going to try and rip it to the hard drive, then use nero to burn, tonight. I am using nero6 and shrink, I thought that maybe shrink was a bad copy , then I read this thread!
Well at lease someone esle is having the sme problem. I formatted my hard drive and re-installed my OS (win2k) and it worked for a day. then same old same old. I don't know what it is... but I do think it is software, not hardware. At least I think.