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nero unknown burnphase

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by kasgemma, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. kasgemma

    kasgemma Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Hi, I'm fairly new to Nero and have just come upon this problem when using with dvd shrink. Once dvd shrink has done its stuff and ready for nero I get the following message.

    Windows XP 5.1
    WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=?.?.?.?, size=30208 bytes, created 11/06/1997 6:01:02 PM
    ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=163910 bytes, created 2/04/2003 8:13:44 AM
    Nero API version:
    Using interface version:
    Installed in: C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\
    Application: ahead\Nero - Burning Rom

    === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    DiskPeripheral : SAMSUNG SP0411N atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-152G atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: Off

    AutoRun : 1
    Excluded drive IDs:
    CmdQueuing : 1
    CmdNotification: 2
    WriteBufferSize: 36700160 (0) Byte
    ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    EraseSpeed : 0
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 223MB (228848kB)
    Free physical memory: 113MB (116156kB)
    Memory in use : 49 %
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Disabled (0)


    Existing drivers:

    Registry Keys:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

    Then when I go to burn with nero it seems to burn the disc but while going through the burn process it says unknown burnphase.

    Any help will be great appreciated.

  2. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    hi kasgemma,

    welcome to AD here are a few things I noticed:

    seems you are a little behind in your nero application as nero is up to version Try downloading the latest version but first uninstall the nero currently on your pc by using nero clean tools and then reboot before installing the latest version.

    your DMA is off. http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/DMA.html <---use that link to turn DMA back on or http://www.burstcopy.com/dma/xp/ for a visual of how to do it.

    223 mb is not really enough ram for burning as your pc will be slow. try upgrading your ram up to about 512mb.

    This doesn't look like the entire nero log. Post the entire log and remember to eidt out your nero serial that starts with 1A2xx (x= letters or numbers). What speed were you trying to burn at? Type of media used? With the full log a better assessment can be made and we can help you sort the issue out.

  3. kasgemma

    kasgemma Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Hi, I've got the full log below (I think). I did upload to the newest version but I got into allsorts of trouble with my email photo attachments couldn't be opened by the receivers so I ended up having to do a restore to go back to what I had until I know why it was happening (something to do with the nero photosnap perhaps). I burn on 4x or sometimes 2x. I use various media: ritek and princo the main. Princo I use for backing up the young ones gear as I normally have to back up more than once due to rough handling. Both types I haven't had any problems with apart from the very occasional dud disk.

    Windows XP 5.1
    WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=?.?.?.?, size=30208 bytes, created 11/06/1997 6:01:02 PM
    ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=163910 bytes, created 2/04/2003 8:13:44 AM
    Nero version:
    Recorder: <HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B>Version: A100 - HA 1 TA 0 -
    Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 1
    Drive buffer : 2048kB
    Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
    Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
    Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
    CD-ROM: <HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B>Version: A100 - HA 1 TA 0 -
    Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 1

    === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    DiskPeripheral : SAMSUNG SP0411N atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-152G atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: Off

    AutoRun : 1
    Excluded drive IDs:
    CmdQueuing : 1
    CmdNotification: 2
    WriteBufferSize: 36700160 (0) Byte
    ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    EraseSpeed : 0
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 223MB (228848kB)
    Free physical memory: 48MB (49940kB)
    Memory in use : 78 %
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Disabled (0)

    5:08:48 PM #1 Phase 112 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:49 PM #2 Phase 114 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:49 PM #3 Text 0 File Isodoc.cpp, Line 5451
    Iso document burn settings
    Determine maximum speed : FALSE
    Simulate : FALSE
    Write : TRUE
    Finalize CD : TRUE
    Multisession : FALSE
    Burning mode : DAO
    Mode : 1
    ISO Level : 1 (Max. of 11 = 8 + 3 char)
    Character set : ISO 9660
    Joliet : TRUE
    Allow pathdepth more than 8 directories : TRUE
    Allow more than 255 characters in path : TRUE
    Write ISO9660 ;1 file extensions : TRUE

    5:08:49 PM #4 Phase 111 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:49 PM #5 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 118
    Reader running

    5:08:49 PM #6 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 127
    Writer HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B running

    5:08:49 PM #7 ISO9660GEN -11 File geniso.cpp, Line 3814
    First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)

    5:08:50 PM #8 ISO9660GEN -11 File geniso.cpp, Line 3814
    First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)

    5:08:50 PM #9 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3081
    Turn on Disc-at-once, using DVD media

    5:08:50 PM #10 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 224
    Last possible write address on media: 2298495 (510:46.45)
    Last address to be written: 2286127 (508:01.52)

    5:08:50 PM #11 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 229
    Write in overburning mode: FALSE

    5:08:50 PM #12 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1688
    Recorder: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B, Media type: DVD-R
    Disc Manufacturer: PRINCO -
    Disc Application Code: 64, Disc Physical Code: 193

    5:08:50 PM #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 757
    Setup items (after recorder preparation)
    0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 (CTransferItem)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original CD pos #0 + 2286128 (2286128) = #2286128/508:1.53
    relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 2286128 blocks [HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B]

    5:08:50 PM #14 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3318
    Recorder and media-info


    Burning to HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B on a DVD-R media

    5:08:50 PM #15 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 910
    Prepare recorder HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B for write in cue-sheet-DAO
    DAO infos:
    TOCTYPE: 0x0 Session Closed, CD fixated
    Tracks 1 to 1:
    TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 0 307200 387330048

    5:08:51 PM #16 Phase 24 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:51 PM #17 Phase 25 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:51 PM #18 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    5:08:51 PM #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2104
    Verifying CD position of item 0 (relocatable, CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

    5:08:51 PM #20 Text 0 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1678
    Set remaining time: 14:10,279 (850279ms) -> OK

    5:08:51 PM #21 Text 0 File DVDR.cpp, Line 1407
    Recording mode: Sequential Recording Mode

    5:08:51 PM #22 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 18119
    Set BUFE: supported -> ON

    5:08:51 PM #23 Text 0 File DVDR.cpp, Line 1522
    Start write address at LBA 0
    DVD high compatibility mode: Yes

    5:08:51 PM #24 Text 0 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 7827
    ---- DVD Structure: Physical Format Information (00h) ----
    Layer: 0, Address: 0 (0 h), AGID: 0; Length: 2050
    Book Type: DVD-R (2), Part Version: 5
    Disc Size: 120 mm, Maximum Rate: <not specified> (F h)
    Number of Layers: 1, Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP), Layer Type: recordable
    Linear Density: 0,267 um/bit, Track Density: 0,74 um/track
    Starting Physical Sector Number of Data Area: 30000 h (DVD-ROM, DVD-R/-RW, DVD+R/+RW)
    End Physical Sector Number of Data Area: 26127F h
    End Sector Number in Layer 0: 0 h
    Data in Burst Cutting Area (BCA) does not exist
    Media Specific:
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    02 FE 10 00 02 FF A0 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

    5:09:03 PM #25 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 318
    17:09:03.244 - HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B : Queue again later (Intervall : 11msec)

    5:24:25 PM #26 Text 0 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 112
    <HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B> start writing Lead-Out at LBA 2286128 (22E230h), lenght 0 blocks

    5:24:25 PM #27 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 227
    all writers idle, stopping conversion

    5:24:43 PM #28 Text 0 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1678
    Set remaining time: 0:00,000 (0ms) -> OK

    5:24:43 PM #29 Text 0 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1678
    Set remaining time: 0:00,000 (0ms) -> OK

    5:24:43 PM #30 Phase 37 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1818
    Unknown BurnPhase

    Existing drivers:
    File 'Drivers\atapi.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=95360 bytes, created 4/08/2004 3:29:42 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

    Registry Keys:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)
  4. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    you are burning too close to the edge of the disk.

    my oh my very high usage of ram, suggest you turn off unnecessary processes such as the internet, antivirus and firewall while you are burning. Good that you stick to burning at 2x thru 4x.

    arrgh!! bad media but i can understand for the kids. For 'adult' backups try using verbatims, sony (from local retailer)and taiyo yuden. Fuji are good too as long as they are made in japan.

    See the second link in my signature for media codes on blank dvd media. Although I too have used princo I burned alot of coasters using them.

    [/quote] did upload to the newest version [/quote] did you uninstall the old version before installing the new version? use nero clean tools to uninstall old version reboot then install the latest version.

  5. kasgemma

    kasgemma Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Thanks for your help I will let you know how I go once I've done it.


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